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Sertraline HCl (SRT) in tablet and bulk dose form was estimated using an easy-to-use, reasonably priced, and precise UV technique. We dissolved SRT using water as a diluent. To increase the solubility of the medication combination, it was sonicated for three minutes. The absorptions at 228.0 nm were chosen for additional examination of SRT in tablet and bulk dose forms. The suggested approach was verified in compliance with ICH regulations. At 228.0 nm, the technique demonstrated great sensitivity, with a linearity range of 5 to 30 ?g/mL (r2=0.999). The lowest concentration was found to be 4.08, indicating the limit of quantization (LOQ) and the limit of detection (LOD) to be 1.22. According to the findings, utilising UV spectroscopy to estimate SRT in bulk and tablet dosage form proved to be an easy, precise, accurate, and quick process.


Sertraline, tablet, UV spectroscopy, validation, Analytical methods.


Cis-(1S, 4S)-4-(3, 4-dichlorophenyl)-N-methyl-1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydronaphthalen-1-amine hydrochloride is the chemical name for sertraline hydrochloride (SRT)[1]. belongs to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)  family of antidepressants [2]. Major depressive disorder in adult outpatients as well as panic, social anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorders  in adults and children are the main conditions it treats. Sertraline's effectiveness in treating depression is comparable to that of earlier tricyclic antidepressants, but its adverse effects are far milder. The gastrointestinal tract absorbs sertraline gradually, with peak plasma concentrations happening between 4.5 and 8.5 hours after consumption. The liver goes through a lengthy first-pass metabolism of it.[3]

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Figure 1: Chemical structure of Sertraline.

The primary route involves demethylation to the inactive form N-desmethylsertraline; further metabolism and glucuronide conjugation take place. Sertraline mostly inhibits gram-positive bacteria in its antibacterial activity studies. In vivo, sertraline exhibited antifungal efficacy against species of Candida. Moreover, dynamin 1 dependent endocytosis is inhibited by sertraline.

According to a review of the literature, SRT was calculated using analytical techniques such spectrophotometric techniques , spectrofluorimetric techniques [4] , colorimetric techniques , FTIR and Raman spectra techniques [9–10], and RP–HPLC techniques . Therefore, the purpose of this work was to create and verify a straightforward UV technique for measuring SRT in both pure form and pharmaceutical formulation (tablets). In compliance with ICH criteria, the suggested approach was validated [5]. The 100 mg sertraline Hcl tablets were analysed using the approved technique.

            Screenshot 2024-04-24 214921.png


Table 1: Drug profiles Sertraline[6]

Sertraline tablet:

Sertraline is an antidepressant medication that falls under the category of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Here are some key points about sertraline:


  1. Depression: Sertraline is commonly used to treat depression.
  2. Anxiety: It can also be effective in managing anxiety.
  3. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Sertraline helps alleviate symptoms associated with OCD.
  4. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): It is used to address PTSD symptoms.
  5. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD): Sertraline can provide relief from PMDD symptoms.
  6. Panic Disorder: It is prescribed for panic disorder as well.[7]

Method development and validation of Sertraline by UV spectroscopy

The analytical method known as UV-Vis spectroscopy counts the various UV or visible light wavelengths that a sample absorbs or transmits in comparison to a reference or blank sample. These characteristics have an impact on the sample's composition and reveal information about the components and their concentrations. Since the usage of light is necessary for this spectroscopy method, let's first examine the characteristics of light. The amount of light is according to its wavelength. As a result, light has more energy at short wavelengths and less at long wavelengths. The energy needed to take an electron out of a material and transfer it to a higher energy state . For electrons to transition to higher energy states, different bonding conditions within a material require different specific energies. As a result, the wavelengths at which different materials absorb light vary. The visible light spectrum, which appears blue-green at 380 nm and red at 780 nm, is visible to humans. Light may therefore be characterised by its wavelength, and in UV spectroscopy, determining the wavelength that corresponds to the maximum absorption can aid in the analysis or identification of various chemicals (see applications in the UV spectroscopy section) [8].

General procedure for calibration:

The optimal technique for analysing Sertraline residues should be specific, sensitive, and accurate. It should also yield consistent results on the analyte's identity. It should also be as dependable and affordable as feasible. Developing a method that combines all these features is challenging in practice. As a result, the initial application of the test technique is frequently followed by a confirmatory analysis of materials that test positive for the test method in the analytical strategy used to monitor Sertraline residues in animal tissues. [9].


Preparation of standard stock solution:

Precisely weigh out 10 milligrammes of Sertraline, the active ingredient in medicine, and transfer it to a 100 millilitre dry volumetric flask. Then, add 5 millilitres and 10 millilitres of water, sonicate to dissolve with distilled water, cool, and repeat. Combine 10 ml with 1 ml of this solution and stir.

Preparation of sample solution:

Ten tablet weights To a 100 ml volumetric flask, add 700 ml of solvent, sonicate, let cool, then dilute to 100 ml and mix. A 10 ml volumetric flask should be filled with 1 ml of this solution, mixed, and made up to volume. If necessary, filter. Take note of the wavelength, which is 274 nm. Determine the percentage of sertraline in tablets based on market formulations for Zotral-50. [10].

Solutions of pharmaceutical preparations:

Tablet samples:

Combine the tablet's contents. In a volumetric flask, 50 mg of Zotral, or 50 mg of chloramphenicol, was dissolved in 100 ml of water. To obtain 500 ?g/mL-1 reduced Sertraline solution, transfer this solution to a 100 ml beaker, lower the volume as previously mentioned, and mix with 100 ml of distilled water. [11].

            Screenshot 2024-04-24 214954.png


Table 2: Analytical parameters for UV spectroscopy of Sertraline


Only analytical quality control can guarantee a drug's efficacy and safety. Thus, it is necessary to assess drug purity, distribution, storage, and use. The goal of validation is to ensure that the specification can demonstrate a qualitative relationship between the chemical being studied and the substance that needs to be assessed first for pharmacological, toxicological, and medicinal purposes. Effective quality control is always dependent on applying appropriate analytical techniques. Pharmaceutical   submission proposals, government-controlled laboratories, or method validation companies. The process of recording or demonstrating that an analytical method produces analytical data that is appropriate for its intended use is one of the common validation features to take into account. Making sure that manufacturers implement this technique is crucial[12].

Specificity and Selectivity:

Analysing analytes for the existence of elements that are anticipated to be present in the sample matrix is the process of characterization. The method of qualitatively identifying analytes in the presence of items predicted to be present in the sample matrix is known as sampling. Calculations are performed to determine the amount of medicine, absorption is evaluated, and pre-weighed pharmaceuticals are added to the formulation. [13]


The standard mixed solution made according to procedure 2.4 was injected into the capillary and examined to assess the linearity of the approach. The least square linear regression approach was used to evaluate the linearity between each analyte's concentration and peak level. If P < 0>


According to the most recent ICH Q2R1 recommendations , limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) are not required for quantitative procedures. However, the approach must maintain the working concentration of each analyte below the limit of quantitation (LOQ). Thus, by examining solutions with various doses of sertraline, the limit of quantification (LOQ) for each analyte was ascertained. The concentration with a signal-to-noise ratio of 10:1 and a triple analysis RSD of less than 10% is known as the limit of quantitation (LOQ). [15]


Applying unlabeled Sertraline (standard dose method) to a sample of the drug's formulation was how the recovery test was carried out. A biological sample (blood) with a precise quantity of sertraline equivalent to two milligrammes of the patient's preparation is used for the recovery test. Using the recommended standard addition procedure, 2 mg is applied. Transfer the contents to a 100 ml volumetric flask and let the standard to dissolve in the solution after adding it. At last, I registered to give a speech. Using filter paper, the "Whatman No. 41" solution was filtered. After measuring and analysing the mixed sample solution, absorbance was determined. Every recovery and current stage involves five decisions [16] .


Interval accuracy, repeatability, and system consistency were used to evaluate the accuracy of the CZE approach [36, 37]. Six times a day, mixed standard solutions containing each analyte at 100% concentration were measured to assess the appropriateness of the system [19]. Using six measurements taken on the same day and on two different days at around 100% working concentration containing an analyte, repeatability and accuracy intervals were calculated. [17,18].


Sertraline blank standard solution was made in order to compare the absorbance to the solution. Five measurements of adhesion to solutions at the same concentration were made, and the standard deviation was computed and reported. [19,20] .


An analytical method is considered robust if it can show reliability when used regularly and can withstand slight, deliberate changes in method parameters. These pertinent controls should be mentioned in the method notes if the measurements are susceptible to variations in the analytical conditions. Several options are available to you; these are enumerated below. A percentage is used to express the analyte concentration. [21] .

Interferences studies:

Several substances are used in the formulation, which is inert, to test sertraline under ideal circumstances. Despite having more layers than anticipated, none of them obstruct the suggested mechanism in the formulation. [22,23] .



Figure 2: Calibration curve  of Sertraline

Pharmaceutical application:

The British Pharmacopoeia for the medication and pure sertraline were successfully compared with the suggested approach [24] . The suggested method's outcomes for the tested formulations are consistent with the body of available literature. Using the F test and t-test, a formal technique [25] with a 95% confidence level produced the results shown in Table 2. The computed values of F and t for procedures A and B do not go over their corresponding critical levels.. This demonstrates that, in terms of accuracy and precision, there is no discernible difference between the official approach and the suggested method for determining the presence of Sertraline in medications. [27,28,29].


UV Spectroscopy is a simpler, faster, less expensive, and more selective method than other previously published ones. It is precise and has the benefit of not requiring costly reagents or solvents, sample removal, chemical sample preparation, temperature control, pH control, or extraction processes. Sertraline can be analysed using the suggested approach for both routine analysis and pharmaceutical formulations. The British Pharmacopoeia and the suggested procedure for pure and pharmaceutical Sertraline were effectively compared. The results of the suggested procedure agree with published materials for all preparations evaluated. A straightforward, quick, precise, and economical approach for estimating sertraline in medicinal ointment dosages was created and proven. In solution, a stock solution is ready. Sertraline's absorbance was measured at a wavelength of 274 nm. Toxicity was observed in the concentration range of 5-30 ppm for Sertraline. The UV-spectrophotometry method was validated according to ICH guidelines.


  1. Sharma S, Goyal S, Chauhan K. A review on analytical method development and validation. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics. 2018 Nov 7;10(6):8-15
  2. Bhagat R, Saudagar RB. A Review on Analytical method Development and Validation. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. 2019 Jun 20;9(3-s):1064-7.
  3. Chandran S, Singh RP. Comparison of various international guidelines for analytical method validation. Die Pharmazie-An International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2007 Jan 1;62(1):4-14.
  4. Lavanya G, Sunil MM, Eswarudu MM, Eswaraiah MC, Harisudha K, Spandana BN. Analytical method validation: an updated review. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. 2013 Apr 1;4(4):1280.
  5. Breaux J, Jones K, Boulas P. Analytical methods development and validation. Pharm. Technol. 2003;1:6-13
  6. Riley CM, Rosanske TW. Development and validation of analytical methods. Ghjmnm,\\ Elsevier; 1996 May 29.
  7. Shard AG, Schofield RC, Minelli C. Ultraviolet–visible spectrophotometry. InCharacterization of Nanoparticles 2020 Jan 1 (pp. 185-196). Elsevier.
  8. Hardesty JH, Attili B. Spectrophotometry and the Beer-Lambert Law: An important analytical technique in chemistry. Collin College, Department of Chemistry. 2010:1-6.
  9. Das A. Portable UV–Visible Spectroscopy–Instrumentation, Technology, and Applications. Portable Spectroscopy and Spectrometry. 2021 Apr 27:179-207.
  10. Perkampus HH. UV-VIS Spectroscopy and its Applications. Springer Science & Business Media; 2013 Mar 8.
  11. Huddart R, Hicks JK, Ramsey LB, Strawn JR, Smith DM, Babilonia MB, Altman RB, Klein TE. PharmGKB summary: sertraline pathway, pharmacokinetics. Pharmacogenetics and genomics. 2020 Feb 1;30(2):26-33.
  12. Ratnaraju K, Jyothirmayi P, Saibabu S. Solubility enhancement of sertraline hydrochloride-formulation & comparative evaluation of liquid solid compacts with solid dispersions
  13. Vukics K, Fodor T, Fischer J, Fellegvári I, Lévai S. Improved industrial synthesis of antidepressant sertraline. Organic process research & development. 2002 Jan18;6(1):82-5
  14. Anastas PT. Green chemistry and the role of analytical methodology development. Critical reviews in analytical chemistry. 1999 Sep 1;29(3):167-75.
  15. Ratnia R, Yadav V, Kumar A. Method development and its validation for estimation of sertraline hydrochloride by using UV spectroscopy. Int J Pharm Res Health Sci. 2015;3:616-20.
  16. PT N, Venugopal K, Murali Krishna NV, Ragalatha P, Mani P, Mounika T, Lakshmi Prasanna P. Analytical method development and validation of sertraline in pure form by using uv spectrophotometry.
  17. Sara AS. Development of a Novel Method for Determination of Sertraline in Pharmaceutical Products and its Quality Control Application. Saudi J Med Pharm Sci. 2021;7(8):418-25.
  18. DEM?RALAY EÇ, Fatma ÜR, ÜSTÜN Z, DALDAL YD. RPLC Method Development And Validation For The Simultaneous Determination Of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors In Tablet Formulations. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Ankara University. 2023;47(2):7
  19. 19] The Indian Pharmacopoeia, Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family welfare; 7th ed., The Indian pharmacopeia commission, Ghaziabad, 2018; II: 1304- 1305,3319-3320
  20. Walash MI, Belal FF, El-Enany NM, Elmansi H. Development and validation of stability indicating method for determination of sertraline following ICH guidlines and its determination in pharmaceuticals and biological fluids. Chemistry Central Journal. 2011 Dec;5:1-1.
  21. Hajare AA, Ghatge GA, Patil KS. Development and validation of UV spectroscopy and RP-HPLC method for quantification of sertraline in pharmaceutical formulation. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2023;16(8):3743-8.
  22. PT N, Venugopal K, Murali Krishna NV, Ragalatha P, Mani P, Mounika T, Lakshmi Prasanna P. Analytical method development and validation of sertraline in pure form by using uv spectrophotometry.
  23. PT N, Venugopal K, Murali Krishna NV, Ragalatha P, Mani P, Mounika T, Lakshmi Prasanna P. Analytical method development and validation of sertraline in pure form by using uv spectrophotometry.
  24. Chaudhari V, Patil S, Patil MS, Pawar S. Development and Validation of RPUHPLC Method for Determination of Sertraline in Bulk Drug and Dosage Form. Inchem. Proc 2022 Nov 14 (Vol. 4). S Note: MDPI stays neu-tral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institu-tional affiliations
  25. Patel P, Mashru R. Novel UV spectrophotometric &chemometrics assisted spectrophotometric methods for simultaneous estimation of Brexpiprazole and Sertraline: A statistical analysis. The pharmainnov J. 2020;9(8):29-42.
  26. Hasanjani HR, Sohrabi MR. Artificial neural networks (ANN) for the simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of fluoxetine and sertraline in pharmaceutical formulations and biological fluid. Iranian journal of pharmaceutical research: IJPR. 2017;16(2):478.
  27. Ravindra N. Spectrophotometric methods for quantitative estimation of sertraline hydrochloride from tablet formulation. International journal of pharmacy and analytical research. 2014 Oct;3(4).
  28. Ratnia R, Yadav V, Kumar A. Method development and its validation for estimation of sertraline hydrochloride by using UV spectroscopy. Int J Pharm Res Health Sci. 2015;3:616-20. 29] Bairagi SH, Ghosh RS. Development and validation of rp-hplc method for the determination of sertraline in bulk drug and dosage form. World J. Pharm. Res. 2020 Mar 8;9:1236-46.


  1. Sharma S, Goyal S, Chauhan K. A review on analytical method development and validation. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics. 2018 Nov 7;10(6):8-15
  2. Bhagat R, Saudagar RB. A Review on Analytical method Development and Validation. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. 2019 Jun 20;9(3-s):1064-7.
  3. Chandran S, Singh RP. Comparison of various international guidelines for analytical method validation. Die Pharmazie-An International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2007 Jan 1;62(1):4-14.
  4. Lavanya G, Sunil MM, Eswarudu MM, Eswaraiah MC, Harisudha K, Spandana BN. Analytical method validation: an updated review. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. 2013 Apr 1;4(4):1280.
  5. Breaux J, Jones K, Boulas P. Analytical methods development and validation. Pharm. Technol. 2003;1:6-13
  6. Riley CM, Rosanske TW. Development and validation of analytical methods. Ghjmnm,\\ Elsevier; 1996 May 29.
  7. Shard AG, Schofield RC, Minelli C. Ultraviolet–visible spectrophotometry. InCharacterization of Nanoparticles 2020 Jan 1 (pp. 185-196). Elsevier.
  8. Hardesty JH, Attili B. Spectrophotometry and the Beer-Lambert Law: An important analytical technique in chemistry. Collin College, Department of Chemistry. 2010:1-6.
  9. Das A. Portable UV–Visible Spectroscopy–Instrumentation, Technology, and Applications. Portable Spectroscopy and Spectrometry. 2021 Apr 27:179-207.
  10. Perkampus HH. UV-VIS Spectroscopy and its Applications. Springer Science & Business Media; 2013 Mar 8.
  11. Huddart R, Hicks JK, Ramsey LB, Strawn JR, Smith DM, Babilonia MB, Altman RB, Klein TE. PharmGKB summary: sertraline pathway, pharmacokinetics. Pharmacogenetics and genomics. 2020 Feb 1;30(2):26-33.
  12. Ratnaraju K, Jyothirmayi P, Saibabu S. Solubility enhancement of sertraline hydrochloride-formulation & comparative evaluation of liquid solid compacts with solid dispersions
  13. Vukics K, Fodor T, Fischer J, Fellegvári I, Lévai S. Improved industrial synthesis of antidepressant sertraline. Organic process research & development. 2002 Jan18;6(1):82-5
  14. Anastas PT. Green chemistry and the role of analytical methodology development. Critical reviews in analytical chemistry. 1999 Sep 1;29(3):167-75.
  15. Ratnia R, Yadav V, Kumar A. Method development and its validation for estimation of sertraline hydrochloride by using UV spectroscopy. Int J Pharm Res Health Sci. 2015;3:616-20.
  16. PT N, Venugopal K, Murali Krishna NV, Ragalatha P, Mani P, Mounika T, Lakshmi Prasanna P. Analytical method development and validation of sertraline in pure form by using uv spectrophotometry.
  17. Sara AS. Development of a Novel Method for Determination of Sertraline in Pharmaceutical Products and its Quality Control Application. Saudi J Med Pharm Sci. 2021;7(8):418-25.
  18. DEM?RALAY EÇ, Fatma ÜR, ÜSTÜN Z, DALDAL YD. RPLC Method Development And Validation For The Simultaneous Determination Of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors In Tablet Formulations. Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy of Ankara University. 2023;47(2):7
  19. 19] The Indian Pharmacopoeia, Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family welfare; 7th ed., The Indian pharmacopeia commission, Ghaziabad, 2018; II: 1304- 1305,3319-3320
  20. Walash MI, Belal FF, El-Enany NM, Elmansi H. Development and validation of stability indicating method for determination of sertraline following ICH guidlines and its determination in pharmaceuticals and biological fluids. Chemistry Central Journal. 2011 Dec;5:1-1.
  21. Hajare AA, Ghatge GA, Patil KS. Development and validation of UV spectroscopy and RP-HPLC method for quantification of sertraline in pharmaceutical formulation. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2023;16(8):3743-8.
  22. PT N, Venugopal K, Murali Krishna NV, Ragalatha P, Mani P, Mounika T, Lakshmi Prasanna P. Analytical method development and validation of sertraline in pure form by using uv spectrophotometry.
  23. PT N, Venugopal K, Murali Krishna NV, Ragalatha P, Mani P, Mounika T, Lakshmi Prasanna P. Analytical method development and validation of sertraline in pure form by using uv spectrophotometry.
  24. Chaudhari V, Patil S, Patil MS, Pawar S. Development and Validation of RPUHPLC Method for Determination of Sertraline in Bulk Drug and Dosage Form. Inchem. Proc 2022 Nov 14 (Vol. 4). S Note: MDPI stays neu-tral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institu-tional affiliations
  25. Patel P, Mashru R. Novel UV spectrophotometric &chemometrics assisted spectrophotometric methods for simultaneous estimation of Brexpiprazole and Sertraline: A statistical analysis. The pharmainnov J. 2020;9(8):29-42.
  26. Hasanjani HR, Sohrabi MR. Artificial neural networks (ANN) for the simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of fluoxetine and sertraline in pharmaceutical formulations and biological fluid. Iranian journal of pharmaceutical research: IJPR. 2017;16(2):478.
  27. Ravindra N. Spectrophotometric methods for quantitative estimation of sertraline hydrochloride from tablet formulation. International journal of pharmacy and analytical research. 2014 Oct;3(4).
  28. Ratnia R, Yadav V, Kumar A. Method development and its validation for estimation of sertraline hydrochloride by using UV spectroscopy. Int J Pharm Res Health Sci. 2015;3:616-20. 29] Bairagi SH, Ghosh RS. Development and validation of rp-hplc method for the determination of sertraline in bulk drug and dosage form. World J. Pharm. Res. 2020 Mar 8;9:1236-46.

Ashishkumar Panpatil
Corresponding author

K. B. H. S. S. Trust’s Institute of Pharmacy & Research Centre, Bhayegaon, Malegaon, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.

Vedant Salunke

K. B. H. S. S. Trust’s Institute of Pharmacy & Research Centre, Bhayegaon, Malegaon, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.

Snehal Jadhav

K. B. H. S. S. Trust’s Institute of Pharmacy & Research Centre, Bhayegaon, Malegaon, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.

Faisal Shaikh

K. B. H. S. S. Trust’s Institute of Pharmacy & Research Centre, Bhayegaon, Malegaon, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.

Pravin Jadhav

K. B. H. S. S. Trust’s Institute of Pharmacy & Research Centre, Bhayegaon, Malegaon, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.

Vinod Bairagi

K. B. H. S. S. Trust’s Institute of Pharmacy & Research Centre, Bhayegaon, Malegaon, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.

Kaushik Kamble

K. B. H. S. S. Trust’s Institute of Pharmacy & Research Centre, Bhayegaon, Malegaon, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.

Ashishkumar Panpatil, Vedant Salunke, Snehal Jadhav, Faisal Shaikh, Pravin Jadhav, Vinod Bairagi, Kaushik Kamble, A Review On The Analytical Method Development And Validation Of Sertralinetablet By UV Spectroscopy, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 4, 995-1002.

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