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Another methodology was set up for synchronous estimation of a Terlipressin by RP-HPLC system. The chromatographic conditions were viably created for the unit of Terlipressin by using Inertsil – ODS C18 (250 x 4.6 mm 5µ), stream is 1.0 ml/min, convenient stage extent was Methanol:Acetonitrile (30:70), recognizable proof wave length was 225 nm.


Terlipressin, RP-HPLC, Acetonitrile, Methanol, Water, method validation.


Terlipressin is a synthetic analogue of vasopressin, which is an endogenous neurohormone that accts as a vasoconstrictor. It is a prodrug of lypressin, or lysine vasopressin. Compared to endogenous vasopressin, Terlipressin has a longer half-life and increased selectivity for the V1 receptor. Molecular formula is C52H74N16O15S2.


    Figure no. - 1

The Literature survey indicates that there are no methods for the Estimation of Terlipressin. Therefore, an attempt was made to develop and validate a simple and economical RP-HPLC method as per ICH guidelines for the estimation of Terlipressin pharmaceutical dosage forms.



  • HPLC waters model no. 2690/5 series compact system consisting of Inertsil-c18 ODS column
  • Electronic balance
  • Sonicator
  • Chemical:
  • Methanol HPLC grade
  • Acetonitrile HPLC grade
  • Buffer (KH2PO4) HPLC grade
  • Water HPLC grade

Experimental conditions:

Quantitative HPLC was performed on isocratic HPLC of Waters model  no. 2690/5 with software Empower-2 infinity isocratic  LC  manual  injector  with variable wavelength detector.  For method development several  trials  were  carried  out.  After  many trials,  the  chromatographic  conditions  were decided.  The  separation  was  conducted  by using column of Inertsil- ODS C18 (5µ, 4.6 mm×250) with  mobile  phase consisting  of methanol  and Acetonitrile in the ratio of (30:70). The mobile phase delivered  at the flow rate of  1.0ml/min. The  eluent  was monitored  at wavelength  225 nm  and found  a sharp  and  symmetrical  peak with retention  time of 3.68 min. The run time observed was 6 min.

Preparation of standard solution:

Take 100mg Terlipressin working standard in 100ml V.F add  methanol sonicate it 30min, (That is 1000ppm solution).

Preparation of sample solution:

Take 10ml of above solution in 100ml V.F add Methanol up to mark sonicate it 10min (That 100ppm solution)


The methanol was used as diluent.

Method validation:

Validation establish a documented evidence which provides which a high degree of assurance that a specific process will consistently produce a product meeting its predetermined specifications and quality attributes.

  1. System Suitability:

 A Standard solution was prepared by using Terlipressin   working standard as per test method and was injected Five times into the HPLC system. The system suitability parameters were evaluated from standard chromatograms by calculating the % RSD from five replicate injections for Terlipressin, retention times and peak areas.

2. Precision:

  1. System precision: Standard solution prepared as per test method and injected five times.
  2. Method precision: Prepared six sample preparations individually using single as per test method and injected each solution.


 A study of Accuracy was conducted. Drug Assay was performed in triplicate as per test method with equivalent amount of  Terlipressin  into each volumetric flask for each spike level to get the concentration of  Terlipressin  equivalent to 50%, 100%, and 150% of the labelled amount as per the test method. The average % recovery of Terlipressin   was calculated.   


A Series of solutions are prepared using Terlipressin  working standard at concentration levels from 20ppm to 70 ppm of target concentration.

5. Ruggedness:

System to system variability study was conducted on different HPLC systems, under similar conditions at different times. Six samples were prepared and each was analysed as per test method. Comparison of both the results obtained on two different HPLC systems, shows that the assay test method is rugged for System to system variability


A study was conducted to determine the effect of variation in flow rate. Standard solution prepared as per the test method was injected into the HPLC system using flow rates, 1.0ml/min and 1.2ml/min. The system suitability parameters were evaluated and found to be within the limits for 1.0ml/min and 1.2ml/min flow. Terlipressin  was resolved from all other peaks and the retention times were comparable with those obtained for mobile phase having flow rates 1.0ml/min.

7.LODAnd LOQ (Limit Of Detection And Limit Of Quantitation):

From the linearity plot the LOD and LOQ are calculated:




    Figure no. 2 - chromatogram for diluent


    Figure no. 3 -  Blank Chromatograph


    Figure no. 4 - Chromatogram Standard


Mobile Phase:

Methanol: Acetonitrile (30:70)V/V. Sonicate it 30min, Filter this mobile phase through 0.45micron filter paper.

Optimized Method Stock Solution Preparation : Take 100mg Terlipressin working standard in 100ml V.F add  methanol sonicate it 30min, (That is 1000ppm solution).

Further Dilution (or) Optimized Method Solutions Preparation:

Take 4ml of above solution in 100ml V.F add Methanol up to mark sonicate it 10min (That 40ppm solution).

Chromatographic conditions :

Table 1 : chromatographic condition

            Screenshot 2024-05-18 223116.png


Table 2 : Data of System Suitability

            Screenshot 2024-05-18 223137.png


Table 3 : Data System precision

            Screenshot 2024-05-18 223308.png


Table 4 : Data Method precision

            Screenshot 2024-05-18 223346.png


Table 5 : Data of Accuracy

            Screenshot 2024-05-18 223414.png


Table 6 : Data of Linearity
            Screenshot 2024-05-18 223442.png


Fig no. 5 - Linearity Plot (Concentration Vs Response)


Table 7 : Data on System Variability System(Ruggedness)

            Screenshot 2024-05-18 223514.png



Table 8 : Data for Effect of variation in flow rate(Robustness)

            Screenshot 2024-05-18 223553.png



Table 9 : Assay  of formulation

            Screenshot 2024-05-18 223620.png




Different parameters were studied to create the analytical approach. For starters, the maximum absorbance of Terlipressin was discovered to be 225nm. The injection volume was set at 20µl, which resulted in a nice peak area. The Inertsil C18 column was employed in this work, and ODS picked a nice peak shape. The temperature of the ambient environment was determined to be adequate for the type of the medication solution. Because of the good peak area, adequate retention duration, and good resolution, the flow rate was set at 1.0ml/min. Different mobile phase ratios were investigated, however the mobile phase with a Methanol: Acetonitrile (30:70) ratio was chosen because to its symmetrical peaks and high resolution. As a result, the planned research made use of this mobile phase. The accuracy of both the system and the procedure was determined to be precise and well within range. The correlation coefficient and curve fitting were discovered during the linearity investigation. For both medicines, the analytical approach was shown to be linear throughout a range of 20-70ppm of the target concentration. Both robustness and ruggedness tests were passed by the analytical. The relative standard deviation in both circumstances was excellent.


Authors are thankful to for providing working standard & express their sincere gratitude towards Dr M. A. Shetkar (Research guide) Maharashtra college of pharmacy Nilanga),  And Dr S. S.  Patil Principal, Maharashtra College of Pharmacy, Nilanga for providing necessary facilities to carry out research work.


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  2. Y. Kazakevich, R. Lobrutto, HPLC for Pharmaceutical Scientists, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2007.
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  5. B.V. Rao, G.N. Sowjanya1, A. Ajitha, V.U.M. Rao, Review on stability indicating HPLC method development, World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, (2015);4(8)405-423.
  6. M.S. Charde, A.S. Welankiwar, J. Kumar, Method development by liquid chromatography with validation, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, (2014);04(02): 57-61.
  7. S. Sood, R. Bala, N.S. Gill, Method development and validation using HPLC technique – A review, Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics, 2014; 2(22): 18-24.
  8. M.W. Dong, Modern Hplc for practicing scientists, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2006.
  9. P.K. Singh, M. Pande, L.K. Singh, R.B. Tripathi, steps to be considered during method development and validation for analysis of residual solvents by gas chromatography, Int. Res J Pharm. App Sci., (2013); 3(5):74-80.
  10. B. Prathap, G.H.S. Rao, G. Devdass, A. Dey, N. Harikrishna, Review on Stability Indicating HPLC Method Development, International Journal of Innovative Pharmaceutical Research, (2012); 3(3): 229-237.
  11. B. Sriguru, N.P. Nandha, A.S.Vairale, A.V. Sherikar, V. Nalamothu, Development and validation of stability indicating HPLC method for the estimation of 5-Fluorouracil and related substances in topical formulation, Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci. (2010) ; 1(2): 78-85.
  12. C.K. Kaushal, B. Srivastava, A process of method development: A chromatographic approach, J. Chem. Pharm. Res. (2010); 2(2): 519-545.
  13. N.Toomula, A. Kumar, S.D.Kumar, V.S. Bheemidi, Development and Validation of Analytical Methods for Pharmaceuticals, J Anal Bioanal Techniques. (2011); 2(5): 1-4.
  14. 14. K. Kardani, N. Gurav, B. Solanki, P. Patel, B. Patel, RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation of Gallic acid inPolyherbal Tablet Formulation, Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. (2013); 3(5):  37-42.
  15. B. Nigovic, A. Mornar, M. Sertic, Chromatography – The Most Versatile Method of                    Chemical Analysis, Intech (2012) 385-425.


  1. V. Gupta, A.D. K. Jain, N.S. Gill, K. Gupta, Development and validation of HPLC method - a review, Int. Res J Pharm. App Sci., (2012);2(4) 17-25
  2. Y. Kazakevich, R. Lobrutto, HPLC for Pharmaceutical Scientists, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2007.
  3. S. Ahuja, H. Rasmussen, Development for Pharmaceuticals, Separation Science and Technology, Elsevier, New York [2007] Vol.8
  4. M.S. Azim, M. Mitra, P.S. Bhasin, HPLC method development and validation: A review, Int. Res. J. Pharm. (2013);4(4):39-46.
  5. B.V. Rao, G.N. Sowjanya1, A. Ajitha, V.U.M. Rao, Review on stability indicating HPLC method development, World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, (2015);4(8)405-423.
  6. M.S. Charde, A.S. Welankiwar, J. Kumar, Method development by liquid chromatography with validation, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, (2014);04(02): 57-61.
  7. S. Sood, R. Bala, N.S. Gill, Method development and validation using HPLC technique – A review, Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics, 2014; 2(22): 18-24.
  8. M.W. Dong, Modern Hplc for practicing scientists, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2006.
  9. P.K. Singh, M. Pande, L.K. Singh, R.B. Tripathi, steps to be considered during method development and validation for analysis of residual solvents by gas chromatography, Int. Res J Pharm. App Sci., (2013); 3(5):74-80.
  10. B. Prathap, G.H.S. Rao, G. Devdass, A. Dey, N. Harikrishna, Review on Stability Indicating HPLC Method Development, International Journal of Innovative Pharmaceutical Research, (2012); 3(3): 229-237.
  11. B. Sriguru, N.P. Nandha, A.S.Vairale, A.V. Sherikar, V. Nalamothu, Development and validation of stability indicating HPLC method for the estimation of 5-Fluorouracil and related substances in topical formulation, Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci. (2010) ; 1(2): 78-85.
  12. C.K. Kaushal, B. Srivastava, A process of method development: A chromatographic approach, J. Chem. Pharm. Res. (2010); 2(2): 519-545.
  13. N.Toomula, A. Kumar, S.D.Kumar, V.S. Bheemidi, Development and Validation of Analytical Methods for Pharmaceuticals, J Anal Bioanal Techniques. (2011); 2(5): 1-4.
  14. 14. K. Kardani, N. Gurav, B. Solanki, P. Patel, B. Patel, RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation of Gallic acid inPolyherbal Tablet Formulation, Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. (2013); 3(5):  37-42.
  15. B. Nigovic, A. Mornar, M. Sertic, Chromatography – The Most Versatile Method of                    Chemical Analysis, Intech (2012) 385-425.

Bhagyashri Shivasharan Dhange
Corresponding author

Maharashtra college of pharmacy, Dept of Quality Assurance, Nilanga-413521 Dist. Latur Maharashtra, India.

Madhav A. Shetkar

Maharashtra college of pharmacy, Dept of Quality Assurance, Nilanga-413521 Dist. Latur Maharashtra, India.

Sidheshwar S. Patil

Maharashtra college of pharmacy, Dept of Quality Assurance, Nilanga-413521 Dist. Latur Maharashtra, India.

Bhagyashri S. Dhange, Madhav A. Shetkar, Sidheshwar S. Patil, Analytical Method Development And Validation For The Terlipressin In Pharmaceutical Doasage Form By RP-HPLC, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 5, 947-953.

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