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  • Phytochemical Screening And Immunomodulatory Activity Evaluation Of The Couroupita Guianensis Aubl. Flowers
  • Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College


The study shows the presence of phytochemicals and the immunomodulatory potential of Couroupita guianensis Aubl. flowers. Phytochemical analysis analyzed and showed many biological substances, including alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, tannins, and saponins, these phytochemicals are the key substances for immunomodulation. Elemental analysis was done for the assessment of the composition of elements present in it to support the study with evidence of the presence of Chromium, Copper, Iron, and Manganese which contributed to immunomodulatory activities. For nutrient composition assessment of Couroupita guianensis Aubl. Flowers, Proximate analysis was performed which also showed the presence of moisture content, ash, protein, fat, and nitrogen-free extract (NFE). Further, for the assessment of immunomodulatory activity in-vitro techniques such as the MTT assay was performed which correlated based on cell immunomodulation will have an impact on cell viability and cytotoxicity. The results were promising and the floral extract had strong immunomodulatory effects, such as increased cell proliferation. These studies suggest that Couroupita guianensis flowers exhibit immunomodulatory abilities, which could be linked to the numerous chemical components present in it. This study demonstrates the therapeutic potential of Couroupita guianensis flowers in strengthening the immune system and supports further research into the creation of novel immunomodulators.


MTT assay, Immunomodulation, immunomodulatory activities, Phytochemical analysis, In-vitro studies


Couroupita guianensis, known as Kailash Pati tree in Maharashtra and its common name is cannonball tree which is commonly found in India, belongs to the order Ericales and the family Lecythidaceae1. It has the curative potential and also used to treat various diseases like stomach aches, wounds, toothache, and common cold and is also it has got anti-inflammatory properties1. It also an effective antifungal, antimycotic, and analgesic1. It has anti-rheumatic, rubefacint properties, it also helps to cure intestinal gas formation, the fragrance also helps in the treatment of asthama. Antioxidants are also present, which aid to reduce lipid oxidation and scavenge free radicals., the aroma or smell of the flower is used to treat asthma2. According to previous studies, there is a presence of linoleic acid, linalool, sterols, carotenoids, indigo, indirubin, eugenol, and ?, ?- amyrins which makes it as bioactive component essential for multiple medicinal uses3. The studies done until now inspired us to do further investigation of immunomodulatory activities in Couroupita Guianensis Aubl. flowers.



    (Flow chart no.1)

Flowers of Couroupita guianensis were procured from Umargam, Gujrat state. Direct plucking of flowers was done to avoid soil contamination. These flowers were dipped out in absolute ethanol before air drying to avoid spoilage and kept in laminar air flow for drying purposes. The dried flowers were ground into powder which was used for further applications.


Elemental Analysis:

Elemental analysis is a technique used for determining the elemental composition of a Courupita Guianensis, it helps in the assessment of quantitative aspects. In this study, elemental analysis helps in for an assessment of elements like Chromium, Iron, Manganese, and Copper which enhance the therapeutic properties of the flower and reduces the toxicity.

Proximate Analysis:  

It is the technique basically used for the analysis of moisture content, carbohydrate content ash, fat content, ash content, and nitrogen-free extract (NFE)1.                                                           

Phytochemical analysis:

Phytochemicals are the components which occurs naturally in the plants. These phytochemicals boost up the several activities and also helps in showing up it gives the essential information of the therapeutic potential and its applications2.

In-vitro studies (MTT assay):

The MTT assay is a in-vitro technique which is performed for assessing immunomodulatory activity by measuring cytotoxicity, cell viability and proliferation3. It helps in understanding the working mechanism of immunomodulation properties upon the cells.


Elemental Analysis:

A sample weighing about 0.1 grams was used. Used acid mixture: 3 mL HCL, 1 mL HNO3, and 2 mL HF. The samples were heated in a microwave for 25 minutes at 190 degrees, with a 15-minute ramp. After cooling the sample to room temperature, distilled water was added to make up to 25 ml.       

            Screenshot 2024-09-04 235306.png


Couropita guianensis flowers contain trace elements that have potential immunomodulatory effects. With 13.152 ppm of chromium, 34.194 ppm of copper, 393.592 ppm of iron, and 5.022 ppm of manganese, they contain a wide range of micronutrients known to alter immunological function. Chromium, it also causes toxicological concerns4. But when it is present in small amounts it enhances immunological response5, but copper and iron are required for immune cell formation and function. Manganese contributes to antioxidant defense systems, which are essential for immunological control. The absence of cadmium (less than 0.01 ppm) reduces potential harmful consequences. The presence of these trace elements signifies that Couropita guianensis flowers may have immunomodulatory effects.

Proximate Analysis:                                                              

            Screenshot 2024-09-04 235249.png


Proximate analysis of Couropita guianensis reveals a considerable ash concentration (24.38% w/w), with water-insoluble ash (9.21% w/w) and acid-insoluble ash (0.94% w/w) indicating mineral composition. Its water-soluble extractive (11.28% w/w) and acid-soluble extractive (10.44% w/w) values point to soluble bioactive chemicals. These elements are most likely responsible for its possible immunomodulatory effect. Extract also have compounds such as alkaloids, phenolics, and flavonoids that upregulate the immunological responses by cytokine synthesis modulation and increased immune cell activity6. Furthermore, the loss on drying (8.98% w/w) indicates moisture content, which influences the stability of bioactive chemicals important for immunomodulation7. Couropita guianensis shows promise as a natural immunomodulatory agent.

Phytochemical analysis:

Table no.3 Phytochemical analysis of Couropita guianensis flowers

            Screenshot 2024-09-04 235526.png


The above table shows the phytochemical studies carried out on Courupita Guianensis flowers. Alkaloids found in methanol and ethanol extracts demonstrate that these solvents are able to solubilize immunomodulatory compounds. These data show promise for the potential utility of water, methanol, and ethanol extracts as immunomodulators - a finding consistent with the presence of saponins2. Methanol, ethanol, and ethyl acetate extracts were rich in flavonoids, and these flavonoids have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory activities, which underline their potential to modulate immune responses. The fact that steroids were absent from all extracts argues against these extracts possessing an immunosuppressive action of the kind seen in steroids. The latter suggests that the tannins present in these extracts may not have the same immunomodulatory impact. The effect of glycosides on immune functions can be exerted through various related pathways. Both methanol and petroleum ether extracts show the presence of glycosides which indicates that these extracts may display immune-modulatory properties8.

MTT assay


     (Graph no. 1 of MTT assay cell viability)

It is a molecular biological in-vitro technique that helps in the assessment of immunomodulatory studies as it shows the cellular metabolic activity as shows the direct impact of components or the samples on the proliferation of the cells which helps to correlate the immunomodulatory activity with cell proliferation assay9. The assay was performed by using the mononuclear cells as they are the important components of immune systems. The yellow tetrazolium dye dissolved in PBS is taken up by the cells during metabolism and forms purple formazan crystals3. The absorbance shows the cell proliferation rate for respected concentration. The absorbance rate is higher in the samples as compared to the control group as it shows that the concentrations from 5µg/ml to 100µg/ml show the immunostimulant for the cells present.


The prepared powder of Courupita Guianensis Aubl flowers was assessed for its immunomodulatory activities by characterizations. The elemental analysis showed the presence of trace elements in the flower which is core essential for the growth and development of an individual. The proximate analysis showed the presence of alkaloids, phenolics, and flavonoids that can stimulate immune responses by altering cytokine production and enhancing immune cell activity. An MTT assay using mononuclear cells showed higher cell proliferation in all the concentrations which depicts it as an immunostimulant.


The authors have no conflicts of interest regarding this investigation.


No ethical permissions were needed.


We acknowledge profound gratitude to the Principal and the Head of the Department, Chemistry of Ramnarain Ruia College for providing facilities and technical assistance for research work. We would also like to acknowledge the Department of Medical biotechnology of Dr. D. Y. Patil Education Society, Kolhapur for their kind support in-vitro studies. 


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  1. Bukunmi Aborisade A. Phytochemical and Proximate Analysis of Some Medicinal Leaves. Clin Med Res. 2017;6(6):209.
  2. Ferdous N, Rahman M, Alamgir A. Investigation on phytochemical, cytotoxic and antimicrobial properties of ethanolic extracts of Centella asiatica (L.) Urban. J Med Plants Stud. 2017;5(2):186–8.
  3. Naeini A, Khosravi A. Evaluation of the immunostimulatory activity of Z iziphora tenuior extracts. 2010;459–63.
  4. Mishra V, Tomar S, Yadav P, Vishwakarma S, Singh MP. Elemental Analysis, Phytochemical Screening and Evaluation of Antioxidant, Antibacterial and Anticancer Activity of Pleurotus ostreatus through In Vitro and In Silico Approaches. Metabolites. 2022;12(9).
  5. Shrivastava R, Upreti RK, Seth PK, Chaturvedi UC. Effects of chromium on the immune system. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 2002;34(1):1–7.
  6. Chopade BA, Ghosh S, Ahire M, Patil S, Jabgunde A, Bhat Dusane M, et al. Antidiabetic activity of gnidia glauca and dioscorea bulbifera: Potent amylase and glucosidase inhibitors. Evidence-based Complement Altern Med. 2012;2012.
  7. Tungmunnithum D, Thongboonyou A, Pholboon A, Yangsabai A. Flavonoids and Other Phenolic Compounds from Medicinal Plants for Pharmaceutical and Medical Aspects: An Overview. Medicines. 2018;5(3):93.
  8. Pokhrel S, Neupane P. Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant and antibacterial efficacy of methanol and hexane extract of Centella asiatica. Bibechana. 2021;18(2):18–25.
  9. Stockert JC, Horobin RW, Colombo LL, Blázquez-Castro A. Tetrazolium salts and formazan products in Cell Biology: Viability assessment, fluorescence imaging, and labeling perspectives. Vol. 120, Acta Histochemica. Elsevier GmbH; 2018. p. 159–67.

M.S. Hate
Corresponding author

Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College

Vaibhav Vijay Pongade

Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College

V. V. Pongade , M. S. Hate , Idiopathic Phytochemical Screening And Immunomodulatory Activity Evaluation Of The Couroupita Guianensis Aubl. Flowers, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 9, 271-276.

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