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The most common cause of dementia in the elderly is Alzheimer's disease. The development of treatments for Alzheimer's disease has been helped by research, at least in part. These achievements and setbacks have sparked discussion over possible gaps in our knowledge of the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease as well as possible hazards in the identification of therapeutic targets, development of drug candidates, diagnostics, and clinical trial design. Although there is a lot of clinical and experimental research being conducted, we must accept the likelihood that there won't be a single cure for Alzheimer's disease and that the strategy for developing new drugs to treat this condition needs to be reevaluated. Preclinical research is continuously shedding light on various aspects of the intricate jigsaw that is Alzheimer's disease, and a review of this data may point to patterns of pharmacological interactions rather than specific possible therapeutic targets. We may be getting closer to creating the best possible pharmaceutical strategy for treating Alzheimer's disease thanks to the several encouraging randomized controlled studies that are currently underway and the growing cooperation between pharmaceutical corporations, basic scientists, and clinical researchers. First Off Alzheimer's disease primarily affects the elderly, and as the world's population ages, the illness is becoming more widespread and burdensome on society, the economy, and human resources. There is an urgent need for effective treatments. Although it is still up for debate, current Alzheimer's disease medications improve symptoms by targeting cholinergic and glutamatergic neurotransmission. 1 (table).2- 15 Many substances are in various stages of development, to find medicines that affect disease. We present an up-to-date and thorough overview of the state of medication development for Alzheimer's disease in this review, highlighting therapeutic methods that are still in the preclinical stages and concentrating mostly on substances that are being tested on humans. The main mechanisms of action of drugs are discussed, including those that impact neurotransmission, those that stop misfolded proteins (tau and amyloid ? *A?+) from building up, and those that repair mitochondrial function or the growth factor balance, among other therapeutic modalities. For pragmatic reasons, this subject has historically been divided into specialized discussions of various treatment approaches. We summarize all of the clinical data that are currently available in this paper, discussing them from both a clinical and design standpoint. We also go over general issues related to this subject, such as the underlying dominant hypothesis (one protein, one drug, one disease), its implications, and the necessity of changing it. This theory states that the goal of medication research is to identify a specific substance that affects a single, targeted illness to achieve the intended therapeutic outcomes. A strategy like this, meanwhile, might not be appropriate given how complicated Alzheimer's disease is. cholinergic medications Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors can help restore the reduced cholinergic transmission caused by the early loss of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons, which is a hallmark of the neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease.[1]


risk factors, neurodegeneration, Alzheimer's disease, management, diagnosis, and therapy


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Poonam Manikrao Dapke
Corresponding author

Department Of Pharmacy, LBYP Collage Of Pharmacy Pathri, India

Ms.Sonali kalam

Department Of Pharmacy, LBYP Collage Of Pharmacy Pathri, India

Dr. Gajanan Sanap

Department Of Pharmacy, LBYP Collage Of Pharmacy Pathri, India

Poonam Dapke* Ms. Sonali Kalam, Dr. Gajanan Sanap, Alzheimer's Disease: A Review, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 282-292.

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