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  • An Update On Proton Pump Inhibitors As A Treatment Of Peptic Ulcers And Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Gerd
  • Kiet School Of Pharmacy, Kiet Groups Of Institutions, Delhi-NCR,201206


Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are a class of drugs commonly used to treat a range of conditions that involve excess stomach acid production. In recent years, there have been several updates regarding the use of PPIs in these conditions. In this review article, we provide an overview of the mechanism of action of PPIs, their clinical efficacy and safety, and their use in the treatment of GERD. We discuss evidence supporting the use of PPIs in the management of GERD, as well as their potential side effects and risks. We also explore alternative treatment options for GERD and highlight the importance of lifestyle modifications in managing this condition. Overall, this review article aims to provide a comprehensive update on the use of PPIs in the treatment of GERD, offering insights and guidance for healthcare providers in the management of this common condition. We talk about the possible risk of long-term PPI usage, including an elevated risk of infections and bone fractures, and the ongoing debate about the appropriate duration of PPI therapy for GERD. Overall, PPIs are an important treatment option for patients with GERD, offering significant symptom relief and promoting the healing of oesophageal erosions. However, their long-term use should be carefully considered, and alternative treatment options should be explored when appropriate. Close monitoring and regular follow-up are important for patients taking PPIs to ensure optimal outcomes and minimize potential risks.


Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, peptic ulcers, Proton pump inhibitors, Treatment


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Vikash Kumar
Corresponding author

Kiet School Of Pharmacy, Kiet Groups Of Institutions, Delhi-NCR,201206

Sanjeev Kumar Chauhan

Kiet School Of Pharmacy, Kiet Groups Of Institutions, Delhi-NCR,201206

Vikash Kumar*, Sanjeev Kumar Chauhan, An Update On Proton-Pump Inhibitors As A Treatment Of Peptic Ulcers And Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (Gerd), Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 1-17.

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