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  • Evaluation Of Antiulcer And Antiarthritis Activity Of Methanolic Extract Of Tectona Grandis Bark

  • 1Department of pharmacology, Surabhi Dayakar Rao College of Pharmacy, Rimmanaguda, Gajwel, Siddipet, Telangana, India-502312.
    2Principal and Professor, Department of pharmaceutical chemistry Surabhi Dayakar Rao College of Pharmacy, Rimmanaguda, Gajwel, Siddipet, Telangana, India-502312
    3Associate professor, Department of Pharmacology, Surabhi Dayakar Rao College of pharmacy, Rimmanaguda, Gajwel, Siddipet, Telanagana, India, Pin code: 502311


The use of herbal supplements has become increasingly popular in recent years. It has been documented that as many as 31% of patients use herbal supplements concurrently with the prescribed conventional drugs and 70% of them do not report the use of these products to their healthcare providers. Simultaneous administration of herbs and drugs may mimic, The plant Tectona Grandis (Bark) was collected from Specimens were collected from different intertidal locations in the Tamilnadu coastal area, India. plant was identified and authenticated in the Department of studies in Botany JNTUH University, The complete course of experiment was carried out using healthy male Wistar rats weighing between 150-200 gm. They were housed in standard laboratory condition at room temperature along with 12 h light/dark cycle. Animals were observed individually during first 30 min, periodically during 48 hours with special attention given during first 4 hours (short-term toxicity) and daily thereafter for total of 14 days (short-term toxicity). LD 50 was found greater than 2 000 mg/kg, in Limit test, drug substance could be classified in the hazard classification as Class 5, Nontoxic in the Globally Harmonized System. A dose range of 100, 200 and 300 mg/kg was selected for EETG. Ethanolic extract of Tectona Grandis at 150 and 300 mg/kg were given the animals in the group. Ranitidine (50mg/kg) was used as the standard drug. After 1 hour of drug treatment all the animals were placed vertically in individual restraint cages in water at 220 for one hour. The rats were divided into six groups of 8rats each. The methanolic leaf extract was dissolved in normal saline using 10% tween 20 so as to achieve an oral dose of 2 g and 4 g kg body weight for groups 1 and 2, respectively.The extract was administered one day before arthritis induction and daily thereafter for the whole period of experiment (30 days). The third group was a positive control group treated with Indomethacin at a daily dose of 50 mg kg. On the basis of the results obtained in this study we conclude the potent anti-arthritic effect of Tectona Grandis (Bark) ethanolic extract may be through maintenance of synovial membrane and vascular permeability, thereby inhibiting cytokines and leukotriene CFA induced knee joint inflammation. In turn protecting synovial membrane and destruction of cartilage. The extract and indomethacin may propose the inhibitory effect on phospholipase A2 and prostaglandin. The results obtained in the present study indicate that Tectona Grandis (Bark) is having a potent anti-arthritic property.


Indomethacin Tectona Grandis (Bark), Anti-arthritic, Anti-ulcer, CFA, Ranitidine, LD 50


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Santhosh Suddagoni
Corresponding author

Associate professor, Department of Pharmacology, Surabhi Dayakar Rao College of pharmacy, Rimmanaguda, Gajwel, Siddipet, Telanagana, India, Pin code: 502311

Sana Aswinini

Department of pharmacology, Surabhi Dayakar Rao College of Pharmacy, Rimmanaguda, Gajwel, Siddipet, Telangana, India-502312.

M. Venkata Ramana

Principal and Professor, Department of pharmaceutical chemistry Surabhi Dayakar Rao College of Pharmacy, Rimmanaguda, Gajwel, Siddipet, Telangana, India-502312

Sana Aswinini, M. Venkata Ramana, Santhosh Suddagoni, Evaluation Of Antiulcer And Antiarthritis Activity Of Methanolic Extract Of Tectona Grandis (Bark), Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 9, 116-128.

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