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The Indian Gooseberry is one of the commonly used plants in the Indian system of medicine. Amla is a wonder superfood, belonging to the genus Phyllanthus L. Which is mainly distributed in tropical areas. It represents a phytochemical reservoir of biologically important molecules. The plant contains tannins, alkaloids, amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins and organic acids. Various parts of the plant have been used to treat a wide array of diseases. The present article highlights the importance of Phyllanthus emblica in the prevention and treatment of ulcer. Gastrointestinal ulcer results due to an increase in the offensive factors as compared to defensive ulcer protective elements. The fruit extracts possesses potent anti-oxidant potential which is the key to its therapeutic effect. Additionally it is also capable of inducing neo-angiogenesis thereby helping in repair of gastric lesions. The anti-inflammatory potential of the above further accelerates ulcer healing. Owing to its anti-secretory and cyto-protective capacities, phyllanthus emblica either alone or in combination represents a valuable natural strategy to treat several chronic diseases especially ulcer.


Amla, angiogenesis, anti- oxidant, Indian gooseberry, inflammation, ulcer.


Amla commonly known as Indian gooseberry, is a wonder herb and one of the precious gift of nature to human health. It belongs to family Euphorbiaceae.[1] According to believe in Ancient Indian mythology, it is the first tree to be created in the universe.[2] The species is Native to India and also grows in tropical and subtropical regions including Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Srilanka, South East Asia, China and Malaysia. It grows about 8-18m height With thin light grey bark, leaves are simple, light green, sub-sessile, closely set along the Branchless looks like pinnate leaves; flowers are greenish yellow; fruits are globose, fleshy, Pale yellow with six obscure vertical furrows enclosing six trigonous seeds in two seeded three crustaceous cocci.[3] In India, Amla trees are found throughout the forests of tropical area ascending up to 4500 ft on hills.[4,5] Amla is rich in fiber, carbohydrate, iron and is reported as the richest source of Vitamin C.[6] The fruits of EO are widely used in the Ayurveda and are believed to increase defense against diseases. It has its beneficial role in cancer, diabetis, liver treatment, heart trouble, ulcer, anaemia and various other diseases. Similarly, it has application as antioxidant, Immunomodulatory, antipyretic, analgesic, cytoprotective, antitussive and gastroprotective. Additionally, it is useful in memory enhancing, ophthalmic disorders and lowering cholesterol level. It is also helpful in neutralizing snake venom and as an antimicrobial. It contains several chemical constituents like tannins, alkaloids and phenols. Among all hydrolysable tannins, Emblicanin A and B; gallic acid, ellagic acid are reported to possess biological activity. The fruit is used either alone or in combination with other plants to treat many ailments such as common cold and fever; as a diuretic, laxative, liver tonic, refrigerant, stomachic, restorative, alterative, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, hair tonic; to prevent peptic ulcer and dyspepsia, and as a digestive disorder.[7] It is enormously used as a tonic to restore the lost body’s energy and vigor. Entire parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes, particularly the fruit, which has been used in ayurveda as a powerful rasayana and in customary medicine for the treatment of diarrhea, jaundice, and inflammation.[8]

Botanical classification –

Kingdom: Plantae

Order: Malpighiales

Family: Euphorbiaceae, Phyllanthaceae

Genus: Phyllanthus

Species: P. Emblica

Binomial name: Phyllanthus emblica

Botanical name: Emblica officinalis Gaertn

Vernacular Names

Sanskrit: Dhatriphala, Amla, Amalaki, Amalakan, Sriphalam, Vayastha

Hindi: Amla

English: Emblica myroblan

Italian: Mirabolano emblico

German: Amla

French: Phyllanthe emblica

Nepalese: Amba

Chinese: An Mole

Malaysian: Popok Melaka

Portuguese: Mirabolano emblico

Botanical description of amla –

            fig 1.png


Medium sized deciduous tree, 8-18 meters height with thin light grey bark Exfoliating in small thin irregular flakes.[9]


Simple, sub sessile, closely set along the branchlets, light green having the Appearance of pinnate leaves.[9]


15-20 mm long and 18-25 mm wide, nearly spherical or globular wider than Long and with a small and slight conic depression on both apexes. Mesocarp is Yellow and endocarp is yellowish brown in ripened condition.?Fresh fruits are light green and ripe fruits turn light brown in colour. The Average weight of the fruit is 60 -70 g.[2]


Four-Six, smooth, dark brown.[2]


Thick to 12 mm, shining grayish brown or grayish.[2]

Chemical constituents


The fruits of Emblica officinalis are rich in tannins. The fruits have 28% of the total tannins distributed in the whole plant. The fruit contains two hydrolysable Tannins Emblicanin A and B. [11] Which have antioxidant properties, one on hydrolysis gives Gallic acid, ellagic acid and glucose wherein the other gives ellagic acid and glucose. The Fruit also contains Phyllemblin.[12] The fruits, leaves and bark are rich in tannins. The root contains ellagic acid and lupeol and Bark contains leucodelphinidin. The seeds yield a fixed oil (16%) which is brownish-yellow In colour. It has the following fatty acids: linolenic (8.8%), linoleic (44.0%), oleic (28.4%), Stearic (2.15%), palmitic (3.0%) and myristic (1.0%).[13] The fruit also contains higher concentration of most minerals and amino acids than apples. Fruit ash contains chromium, Zinc and copper. It is considered as adaptogenic that improve Immunity [13].


It contains gallic acid, chebulic acid, ellagic acid, chebulinic acid, chebulagic acid, Amlic acid, alkaloids phyllantine and phyllantidine.[2] 


A fixed oil, phosphatides and a small quantity of essential oil. Its contains linolenic Acid (8.78%), linoleic (44%). Oleic (28.40%), steric (2.15%), palmitic (2.99%) and miristic acid (0.95%).[2]


Contain leukodelphinidin, tannin and proanthocy-anidin.[2]


Contain ellagic acid and lupeol.[2]

Pharmacological activities of amla -

Anti-ulcer effects

Ulcer is indicated by the manifestation of a sore in the inner lining of the alimentary canal predominantly in the stomach, oesophagus or small intestine.  Under normal circumstances, the  mucosal  barrier  of  the  gastrointestinal  tract  along  with glycoproteins,  cell  proliferation,  prostaglandins,  bicarbonate ions  &  antioxidant  enzymes  offer  protection  against  ulcer causing agents such as gastric acids, Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), drugs and biological agents. These hostile factors are carefully prevented from exerting their action by adequate levels of protective barriers and determinants under conditions of homeostasis.  The development of ulcer occurs due  an imbalance  between  the hostile  and  protective factors  under conditions  of  pathological  or  environmental  stres  [14]. Interestingly, Phyllanthus emblica has been attributed to ulcer prevention and treatment [15].  The Amla  plant especially  the fruit  has  been  used  to  treat  an  array  of  ailments  such  as common cold, fever, gastrointestinal disorders, liver diseases, inflammation and most importantly ulcer. Amla extracts have indeed  been  documented  to  increase  protective  factors including  mucus  secretion  while  decreasing  gastric Hydrochloric acid and pepsin release [16]. Oxidative insult is one  of the major  ulcer promoting factors. The Amla fruit possesses potent anti-oxidant action. The most important source of the key natural antioxidant, Vitamin C, is the fruit of Phyllanthus emblica. Adequate intake of Vitamin C  has  been  shown  to  improve  prognosis  in  a  number  of chronic diseases including cancer. Moreover, previous reports have documented the ability of Vitamin C to prevent asthma attacks, broncho-spasms, wheezing,  respiratory  infections, nasal congestion and most importantly ulcer by inhibiting the release of histamine.  Ulcerative damage  mediates release  of proteins  and  carbohydrates  including  collagen  from  the luminal barrier. However, intake of  Amla extracts  has been shown to promote cytoprotection thereby reducing the release of the above [17]. Free radicals including ROS and lipid oxides and peroxides have been shown  to contribute to  the etiology of ulcer  [18].  It has  been observed that hydrolysable tannins, Emblicanin  A  and  B  possess  anti-oxidant  efficacy.  These tannins have displayed anti-ulcer actions both in vitro and in vivo. The mechanism behind this antioxidant activity is due to the recycling of sugar reductone moiety and conversion of the polyphenol into medium and high  molecular weight tannins. Furthermore, Amla extracts have  also been  observed to alter the levels of lipid peroxidation and anti-oxidant enzymes  [19]. The  phenolic  fraction  of the  fruit  has  been documented  to achieve anti-oxidant dependent would healing activity both in vitro  and  in  vivo  [20,21,22] ..  Moreover,  butanolic  fraction  of Amla has been shown  to reduce Malondialdehyde (MDA), a product  of  lipid  peroxidation  and  superoxide  radical  [23]. Additionally, histopathological studies  have shown  that oral intake  of  Indian  Gooseberry  reduces  gastric  lesions  and mucosal injury in vivo. Previous reports have also shown the fruit  extract  to  decrease  Myeloperoxidase  (MPO)  activity which is generally considered as a potent ulcerogenic marker [24].  Pepticare,  a  herbal  formulation  containing  extracts  of Phyllanthus emblica has proven its anti-oxidant mediated anti-ulcer  effects  in  mammalian models  [25].  Pepticare  has  been shown  to  induce  an  upregulation  of  Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), Catalase and reduced Glutathione accompanied by an increase in  gastric pH  [16,  26]. The anti-oxidant  actions of the above  have  also  been  shown  to  decrease  ulcer  promoting factors  and  increase  the  protective  factors  Another formulation  Kalpaamruthaa,  consisting  of  Semecarpus anacardium  nut  milk  extract,  dried  powder  of  Phyllanthus emblica fruit and honey has also demonstrated ulcer protective effects  [27].  Moreover,  quercetin  and  flavonoids  present  in Amla juice have also shown to heal ulcer lesions in rat models [28]. The immunomodulatory potential of the fruit also helps to achieve ulcer protection  [29].  Inflammatory pathways  plays a major role in development of several diseases including ulcer  Phyllanthus emblica has proven its efficacy in increasing the concentration of anti-inflammatory cytokines compared to pro-inflammatory  cytokines  thereby aiding  in ulcer  therapy. Additionally, Extracts of  the Indian  gooseberry possess  anti- Helicobacter pylori potential [30].


Amla is a useful medicinal plant used to treat a wide range of diseases.  The  importance  of  the  plant  in  prevention  and treatment of ulcer is noteworthy. The extracts of Phyllanthus emblica have proven its efficacy as an anti-ulcer agent both in vitro and in  vivo. Ulcer  manifests itself due to an  imbalance between  the  hostile  and  protective  ulcer  causing  agents towards  the  former.  The  hydrolysable  tannins,  phenolic compounds  and  flavonoids present  in  the  above  have been correlated  with  decreasing  inflammatory  cytokines,  free radicals  and  H.  Pylori  activity;  all  of  which  are  important contributors of gastrointestinal ulcers. Furthermore, the Indian Gooseberry  has  been  shown  to  upregulate  antioxidant enzymes.  The  fruit  extracts  have  also  demonstrated  their efficacy  in increasing  prostaglandin  dependent  angiogenesis mediated repair of ulcer lesions. Being a natural agent, Amla represents an  attractive tool to  treat several chronic  diseases especially  ulcer. The  fruit extracts  may  be used  to  upgrade commercially available anti-ulcer  drugs to  provide improved protection and relief.  6. Tables and Figures


  1. Singh E, Sharma S, Pareek A, Dwivedi J, Yadav S, Sharma S. Phytochemistry, traditionalUses and cancer chemoprotective activity of Amla (Phyllanthus emblica): The sustainer.Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 2011; 02(01): 176-183.
  2. Khan KH. Roles of Emblica officinalis in medicine – A Review. Botany ResearchInternational, 2009; 2 (4): 218-228.
  3. Srivasuki KP, Nutritional and health care benefits of Amla, Journal of Pharmacognosy,2012; 3(2): 141-51.
  4. Rai N, Tiwari L, Sharma RK and Verma AK. Pharmaco-botanical Profile on Emblica Officinalis Gaertn. – A Pharmacopoeial Herbal Drug. STM Journals, 2012; 1(1): 29-41.
  5. Thilaga S, Largia MJV, Parameswari A, Nair RR and Ganesh D. High frequency somatic Embryogenesis from leaf tissue of Emblica officinalis Gaertn. – A high valued tree for Non-timber forest products. Aus. J. Crop Sci., 2013; 7(10): 1480-1487.
  6. Singh E, Sharma S, Pareek A, Dwivedi J, Yadav S and Sharma S. Phytochemistry, Traditional uses and cancer chemopreventive activity of Amla (Phyllanthus emblica): the Sustainer. J. App. Pharma. Sci., 2011; 2(1): 176-183.
  7. Dnyaneshwar, W., C. Preeti, J. Kalpana and P. Bhushan, Development and application of RAPD-SCAR marker for identification of Phyllanthus emblica LINN. Biol Pharm Bull., 2006; 29(11): 2313-6.
  8. Krishnaveni M, Mirunalini S. Therapeutic potential of Phyllanthus emblica (amla): The Ayurvedic wonder. J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol, 2010; 21: 93-105.
  9. Meena AK, Singh A and Rao MM. Evaluation of physicochemical and preliminary Phytochemical studies on the fruit of Emblica officinalis Gaertn. Asian J. Pharma. And  Clin. Res., 2010; 3(3): 242-243.
  10. Bhattacharya SK, Bhattacharya A, Sairam K, Ghosal S, Effect of bioactive tannoid Principles of Emblica officinalis on ischemiareperfusion induced oxidative stress in rat Heart,Phytomedicine, 2002; 9(2): 171-4.
  11. Yi-Fei W, Ya-Fenga W, Xiao-Yana W,Zhea R,Chui-Wena Q, Yi- Chenga L, Kitazatoc K, Qing-Duan Q, Yan W, Li-Yun Z, Jin-Hua Z, Chong-Rene Y, Qinge L, Ying-June Z,Phyllaemblicin B inhibits Coxsackie virus B3 induced apoptosis and myocarditis, Antiviral Research, 2009; 84: 150-58.
  12. Thakur RS, Puri HS, Husain A, Major Medicinal Plants of India, Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow, 1989; 24-27
  13. Luo  W,  Zhao  M,  Yang  B,  Ren  J,  Shen  G,  Rao  G. Antioxidant and  antiproliferative capacities of phenolics purified  from  Phyllanthus  emblica  L.  Fruit.  Food Chemistry. 2011; 126(1):277-282.
  14. Goel  RK,  Bhattacharya  SK.  Gastroduodenal  mucosal defense and mucosal      protective agents. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 1991; 29:701-714.
  15. Jain R, Pandey R, Mahant RN, Rathore DS. A Review on medicinal importance of Emblica officinalis. International Journal  of Pharmaceutical  Science and  Research.  2015; 6(1):72-84.
  16. Sairam  K,  Rao  ChV,  Babu  MD,  Kumar  KV,  Agrawal VK,  Goel  RK.  Antiulcerogenic  effect  of  methanolic extract  of  Emblica  officinalis:  an  experimental  study. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2002; 82(1):1-9.
  17. Sumitra M,  Manikandan P, Gayathri  VS, Mahendran P, Suguna  L.  Emblica  officinalis  exerts  wound  healing action through up-regulation of collagen and extracellular signalregulated  kinases  (ERK1/2).  Wound  Repair  and Regeneration. 2009; 17(1):99-107
  18. Das D,  Banerjee RF. Effect of stress  on the antioxidant enzymes  and gastric  ulceration.  Molecular  and Cellular Biochemistry. 1993; 125(2):115-125.
  19. Ghosal S, Tripathi VK, Chouhan S. Active constituents of Emblica  officinalis:  Part  I*/  The  chemistry  and  anti-oxidant  effect  of  two  new  hydrolysable  tannins, Emblicanin A  & B.  Indian Journal of  Chemistry. 1996; 35b:941-948
  20. Bandyopadhyay SK, Pakrashi SC, Pakrashi A. The role of antioxidant  activity  of  Phyllanthus  emblica  fruits  on prevention  from  indomethacin  induced  gastric  ulcer. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2000; 70(2):171-176. 
  21. Rajeshkumar  NV,  Therese  M,  Kuttan  R.  Emblica officinalis  fruits  afford  protection  against  experimental gastric  ulcers  in  rats.  Pharmaceutical  Biology.  2001; 39(5):375-380.
  22. Souza  MHLP,  Lemos  PH,  Oliveira  RB,  Cunha  FQ. Gastric  damage and  granulocyte  infiltration induced  by indomethacin in  tumour factor 1 (TNF-R1) or  inducible nitric oxide  synthase (iNOS)  deficient mice. Gut. 2004; 53(6):791-796.
  23. Bafna  PA,  Balaraman  R.  Anti-ulcer  and  anti-oxidant activity  of  pepticare,  a  herbomineral  formulation. Phytomedicine. 2005; 12(4):264-270.
  24. Pakrash A,  Pandit S,  Bandyopadhyay SK, Pakrashi  SC. Antioxidant  effect  of  Phyllanthus  emblica  fruits  on healing  of  indomethacin  induced  gastric  ulcer  in  rats. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2003; 18(1):15-21.
  25. Mythilypriya R, Shanthi P, Sachdanandam P. Analgesic, Antipyretic and Ulcerogenic Properties of an  Indigenous Formulation  –  Kalpaamruthaa.  Phytother.  Research, 2007; 21(6):574-578.
  26. Roa CV, Govindarajan SKOR, Rawat AKS, Mehrotra S, Pushpangadan P. Quercetin a bioflavoid, protects against oxidative  stress-related gastric  mucosal  damage in  rats. Natural Product Sciences. 2003; 9:68-72.
  27. Chatterjee  A,  Chattopadhyay  S,  Bandyopadhyay  SK. Biphasic  Effect  of  Phyllanthus  emblica  L.  Extract  on NSAID-Induced Ulcer: An Anti-oxidative  Trail Weaved with  Immunomodulatory  Effect.  Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2011; 2011:1-13.
  28. Casini-Raggi V, Kam L, Chong YJT, Fiocchi C, Pizarro TT, Cominelli  F. Mucosal imbalance of  IL-1 and  IL- 1 receptor  antagonist  in  inflammatory  bowel  disease:  a novel  mechanism  of  chronic  intestinal  inflammation. Journal of Immunology. 1995; 154(5):2434-2440
  29. Akyon Y. Effect of antioxidants on the immune response of  Helicobacter  pylori.  Clinical  Microbiology  and Infection. 2002; 8(7):438-441.
  30. Mehrotra  S,  Jamwal  R,  Shyam  R,  Nandi  S.  Anti-Helicobacter pylori and antioxidant properties of Emblica officinalis pulp extract: a potential source for therapeutic use  against  gastric ulcer.  Journal  of  Medicinal  Plant Research. 2011; 5(12):2577-2583.


  1. Singh E, Sharma S, Pareek A, Dwivedi J, Yadav S, Sharma S. Phytochemistry, traditionalUses and cancer chemoprotective activity of Amla (Phyllanthus emblica): The sustainer.Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 2011; 02(01): 176-183.
  2. Khan KH. Roles of Emblica officinalis in medicine – A Review. Botany ResearchInternational, 2009; 2 (4): 218-228.
  3. Srivasuki KP, Nutritional and health care benefits of Amla, Journal of Pharmacognosy,2012; 3(2): 141-51.
  4. Rai N, Tiwari L, Sharma RK and Verma AK. Pharmaco-botanical Profile on Emblica Officinalis Gaertn. – A Pharmacopoeial Herbal Drug. STM Journals, 2012; 1(1): 29-41.
  5. Thilaga S, Largia MJV, Parameswari A, Nair RR and Ganesh D. High frequency somatic Embryogenesis from leaf tissue of Emblica officinalis Gaertn. – A high valued tree for Non-timber forest products. Aus. J. Crop Sci., 2013; 7(10): 1480-1487.
  6. Singh E, Sharma S, Pareek A, Dwivedi J, Yadav S and Sharma S. Phytochemistry, Traditional uses and cancer chemopreventive activity of Amla (Phyllanthus emblica): the Sustainer. J. App. Pharma. Sci., 2011; 2(1): 176-183.
  7. Dnyaneshwar, W., C. Preeti, J. Kalpana and P. Bhushan, Development and application of RAPD-SCAR marker for identification of Phyllanthus emblica LINN. Biol Pharm Bull., 2006; 29(11): 2313-6.
  8. Krishnaveni M, Mirunalini S. Therapeutic potential of Phyllanthus emblica (amla): The Ayurvedic wonder. J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol, 2010; 21: 93-105.
  9. Meena AK, Singh A and Rao MM. Evaluation of physicochemical and preliminary Phytochemical studies on the fruit of Emblica officinalis Gaertn. Asian J. Pharma. And  Clin. Res., 2010; 3(3): 242-243.
  10. Bhattacharya SK, Bhattacharya A, Sairam K, Ghosal S, Effect of bioactive tannoid Principles of Emblica officinalis on ischemiareperfusion induced oxidative stress in rat Heart,Phytomedicine, 2002; 9(2): 171-4.
  11. Yi-Fei W, Ya-Fenga W, Xiao-Yana W,Zhea R,Chui-Wena Q, Yi- Chenga L, Kitazatoc K, Qing-Duan Q, Yan W, Li-Yun Z, Jin-Hua Z, Chong-Rene Y, Qinge L, Ying-June Z,Phyllaemblicin B inhibits Coxsackie virus B3 induced apoptosis and myocarditis, Antiviral Research, 2009; 84: 150-58.
  12. Thakur RS, Puri HS, Husain A, Major Medicinal Plants of India, Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow, 1989; 24-27
  13. Luo  W,  Zhao  M,  Yang  B,  Ren  J,  Shen  G,  Rao  G. Antioxidant and  antiproliferative capacities of phenolics purified  from  Phyllanthus  emblica  L.  Fruit.  Food Chemistry. 2011; 126(1):277-282.
  14. Goel  RK,  Bhattacharya  SK.  Gastroduodenal  mucosal defense and mucosal      protective agents. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 1991; 29:701-714.
  15. Jain R, Pandey R, Mahant RN, Rathore DS. A Review on medicinal importance of Emblica officinalis. International Journal  of Pharmaceutical  Science and  Research.  2015; 6(1):72-84.
  16. Sairam  K,  Rao  ChV,  Babu  MD,  Kumar  KV,  Agrawal VK,  Goel  RK.  Antiulcerogenic  effect  of  methanolic extract  of  Emblica  officinalis:  an  experimental  study. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2002; 82(1):1-9.
  17. Sumitra M,  Manikandan P, Gayathri  VS, Mahendran P, Suguna  L.  Emblica  officinalis  exerts  wound  healing action through up-regulation of collagen and extracellular signalregulated  kinases  (ERK1/2).  Wound  Repair  and Regeneration. 2009; 17(1):99-107
  18. Das D,  Banerjee RF. Effect of stress  on the antioxidant enzymes  and gastric  ulceration.  Molecular  and Cellular Biochemistry. 1993; 125(2):115-125.
  19. Ghosal S, Tripathi VK, Chouhan S. Active constituents of Emblica  officinalis:  Part  I*/  The  chemistry  and  anti-oxidant  effect  of  two  new  hydrolysable  tannins, Emblicanin A  & B.  Indian Journal of  Chemistry. 1996; 35b:941-948
  20. Bandyopadhyay SK, Pakrashi SC, Pakrashi A. The role of antioxidant  activity  of  Phyllanthus  emblica  fruits  on prevention  from  indomethacin  induced  gastric  ulcer. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2000; 70(2):171-176. 
  21. Rajeshkumar  NV,  Therese  M,  Kuttan  R.  Emblica officinalis  fruits  afford  protection  against  experimental gastric  ulcers  in  rats.  Pharmaceutical  Biology.  2001; 39(5):375-380.
  22. Souza  MHLP,  Lemos  PH,  Oliveira  RB,  Cunha  FQ. Gastric  damage and  granulocyte  infiltration induced  by indomethacin in  tumour factor 1 (TNF-R1) or  inducible nitric oxide  synthase (iNOS)  deficient mice. Gut. 2004; 53(6):791-796.
  23. Bafna  PA,  Balaraman  R.  Anti-ulcer  and  anti-oxidant activity  of  pepticare,  a  herbomineral  formulation. Phytomedicine. 2005; 12(4):264-270.
  24. Pakrash A,  Pandit S,  Bandyopadhyay SK, Pakrashi  SC. Antioxidant  effect  of  Phyllanthus  emblica  fruits  on healing  of  indomethacin  induced  gastric  ulcer  in  rats. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2003; 18(1):15-21.
  25. Mythilypriya R, Shanthi P, Sachdanandam P. Analgesic, Antipyretic and Ulcerogenic Properties of an  Indigenous Formulation  –  Kalpaamruthaa.  Phytother.  Research, 2007; 21(6):574-578.
  26. Roa CV, Govindarajan SKOR, Rawat AKS, Mehrotra S, Pushpangadan P. Quercetin a bioflavoid, protects against oxidative  stress-related gastric  mucosal  damage in  rats. Natural Product Sciences. 2003; 9:68-72.
  27. Chatterjee  A,  Chattopadhyay  S,  Bandyopadhyay  SK. Biphasic  Effect  of  Phyllanthus  emblica  L.  Extract  on NSAID-Induced Ulcer: An Anti-oxidative  Trail Weaved with  Immunomodulatory  Effect.  Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2011; 2011:1-13.
  28. Casini-Raggi V, Kam L, Chong YJT, Fiocchi C, Pizarro TT, Cominelli  F. Mucosal imbalance of  IL-1 and  IL- 1 receptor  antagonist  in  inflammatory  bowel  disease:  a novel  mechanism  of  chronic  intestinal  inflammation. Journal of Immunology. 1995; 154(5):2434-2440
  29. Akyon Y. Effect of antioxidants on the immune response of  Helicobacter  pylori.  Clinical  Microbiology  and Infection. 2002; 8(7):438-441.
  30. Mehrotra  S,  Jamwal  R,  Shyam  R,  Nandi  S.  Anti-Helicobacter pylori and antioxidant properties of Emblica officinalis pulp extract: a potential source for therapeutic use  against  gastric ulcer.  Journal  of  Medicinal  Plant Research. 2011; 5(12):2577-2583.

Shinde Shvetal
Corresponding author

Ashvin college of pharmacy manchi hill.

Wani Apeksha

Ashvin college of pharmacy manchi hill.

Khemnar Vaishnavi

Ashvin college of pharmacy manchi hill.

Shinde Shvetal*, Wani Apeksha, Khemnar Vaishnavi, Review On Amla Herbs, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 10, 1824-1829.

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