
A Guide to Appealing a Journal Decision


So it happened, the journal where you submitted your most recent research manuscript rejects it. If your manuscript was rejected, your initial thought might be, ?Should I contest/appeal the editor's decision, or should I just find another journal??

In this post, we'll discuss if it's a good idea to challenge an editorial judgement and how to do it properly. We'll also discuss what you should say in your letter of appeal to the journal editor and any additional choices you might have.

How to React to a Bad Editorial Choice

  • Take a moment to relax and think about your choices after receiving a rejection. You don't have to or ought not to make a snap judgement. 
  • Consider all of your options and the pros and cons of being rejected. Depending on the journal, you might even be given the option to submit the paper again with any necessary edits or suggestions made by the editorial board or editor.
  • Remember that appeals are rarely successful and usually only succeed if you present fresh information or proof that allayed any issues that the journal had. 
  • Your plea must be a clear, succinct rational argument that prioritises facts above feelings. 
  • Take editorial board complaints and inquiries seriously if they are based on valid issues with your study. Even if your appeal to the first magazine is denied, your additional work is frequently worthwhile in the long run because other journals may raise the same issues.
  • A fresh submission almost always receives higher attention than an appeal, even if one is made. For at least a few weeks, and frequently longer, don't anticipate receiving any feedback or responses. 
  • Remember that your appeal is an attempt to influence someone's decision. We are all aware of how challenging that may be, so if your appeal is strong but you are still rejected, consider tightening your article in accordance with the journal's suggestions.
  • Always keep in mind not to take rejection personally. Don't personalise your appeal either. Editorial choices are typically based on certain criteria, so just because a manuscript is turned down doesn't guarantee that the editor or journal won't accept submissions in the future.

Will it hurt my reputation to disagree with or appeal an editor's decision?

How you handle the appeals process will determine how you respond. It is doubtful that appealing an editor's decision will damage your reputation if you are respectfully responding to their concerns and resubmitting your work. A resubmitted article frequently appears in the same journal as the original in many circumstances. So, it almost always pays off to defend your study and manuscript while addressing any issues that were brought up.

But you risk harming your reputation if your appeals lack professionalism, read like personal assaults against the reviewers and editors, or if you frequently apply for appeals without responding to the journal's concerns.

When to Submit Your Article to a Different Publication

It's time to consider other choices if, despite your best efforts, your novel is still turned down. In the extremely unusual event that a publication grants more than one appeal, you ought to think about submitting your work to a different journal.

Consult with peers in your profession about additional publications that they may be aware of but that have a solid reputation in the industry. Examine their submission guidelines and make any necessary changes to your current manuscript. This occasionally involves changing the formatting of your manuscript. You might also want to hire a professional proofreader and editor to look over your original text for issues like logic and flow.

Seek Help

Contact Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences International An open access, peer-reviewed publication with the mission of disseminating excellent original research findings that advance scientific understanding in the field of pharmaceutical sciences. We might be able to help you get your Pharmaceutical Research published and set you on the path to better future research prospects.


When an article is rejected by a journal, it is crucial to decide whether to challenge or appeal the editor's judgment. It's crucial to remember that rejection shouldn't be personal because new entries frequently get more attention than appeals.

Consider sending your manuscript to a different magazine if it is still rejected. Get in touch with the open-access, peer-reviewed International journal in Pharmaceutical Sciences  to publish your work and start down the road to improved future research opportunities.