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A new simple, rapid, specific, accurate, precise and novel Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (RP-HPLC) method has been developed for the estimation of Sitagliptin Phosphate in the pharmaceutical dosage form. The chromatographic separation for Sitagliptin was achieved with mobile phase containing methanol, Thermoscientific C18 column, (250x4.6 particle size of 5µ) at room temperature and UV detection at 267 nm. The compounds were eluted in the isocratic mode at a flow rate of 1ml/min. The retention time of Sitagliptin was 2.37min. The above method was validated in terms of linearity, accuracy, precision, LOD, LOQ , interday, intraday , selectivity , range , stability and robustness in accordance with ICH guidelines.


Sitagliptin phosphate, Spectrophotometry, HPLC,UV etc.



Diabetes mellitus is a common disease characterized by hyperglycemia, excessive thirst, frequent urination, excessive hunger, general body malaise, and weakness due to perturbed metabolism of fat, carbohydrates, and protein. Cancer and heart disease are killer illnesses that currently afflict the population more rapidly because of their higher prevalence and link to a greater likelihood of morbidity and mortality. The major classes of oral anti-diabetic drugs include sulfonylureas, glinides, biguanides, thiazolidinediones, ?-glucosidase inhibitors, and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) blockers.[1] The DPP-4 enzyme degrades the incretins glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), a gastrointestinal hormone secreted in response to eating. To prevent GLP-1 breakdown, sitagliptin phosphate increases insulin discharge by suppressing glucagon release from the ? cells in the pancreas, thereby regulating blood sugar levels.[2]

Drug Profile:

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Another name for high performance liquid chromatography is high pressure liquid chromatography. It is a well-liked analytical method for figuring out, identifying, and quantifying each component of a combination. HPLC is a sophisticated method of liquid chromatography in columns. The early 20th century saw the discovery of liquid chromatography as an analytical approach that was first used to the separation of colored substances. This is the origin of the terms "chromatography," which means "color," and "graphy," which means "writing." A crude method of chromatographic separation was employed by Russian botanist Mikhail S. T-Swett to separate plant pigment mixtures into their individual components. The foundation of every chromatographic separation is the pigments' interaction with a stationary phase, which is how he separated the pigments. In his separation, the solvent served as the mobile phase, and he employed powdered chalk and aluminum as the stationary phase.  Because HPLC operates at considerably higher pressures (50 bar to 350 bar), it may be distinguished from classical ("low weight") liquid chromatography. On the other hand, the portable stage in conventional liquid chromatography usually relies on gravity to move it through the segment. Column section measurements range between 2.1 and 4.6 mm in diameter and between 30 and 250 mm in length due to the minimal sample quantity that is isolated in scientific HPLC. Furthermore, smaller sorbent particles (2 ?m to 50 ?m in normal molecule size) are used in the production of HPLC segments. Because of its ability to identify components while separating mixtures, HPLC has a high determining or resolving power, making it a popular chromatographic technique.

HPLC provides advantages such as simultaneous analysis and high resolution.

  • High Sensitivity


  • Repeatability is good.
  • A small sample size.
  • Analysis conditions are moderate.
  • Easy to fractionate and purify the sample.


    Fig. 2: High-performance liquid chromatography[4]


HPLC types are typically determined by the phase system employed in the procedure. The following kinds of HPLC are commonly employed in the analysis

  1. Normal Phase HPLC is a process that separates analytes depending on their polarity. NP-HPLC has a polar stationary phase and a non-polar mobile phase. As a result, the stationary phase is normally silica, while the mobile phases are often hexane, methylene chloride, chloroform, diethyl ether, and combinations of these. As a result, polar samples remain on the polar surface of the column packing for longer than less polar materials.
  2. Reverse-phase chromatography:

An aqueous, moderately polar mobile phase and a non-polar stationary phase make up reverse phase HPLC, also known as RPC or RP-HPLC. Hydrophobic interactions, which arise from repulsive forces between a polar eluent, the comparatively non-polar analyte, and the non-polar stationary phase, are the basis for RPC's operation. When the analyte molecule associates with the ligand in the aqueous eluent, its binding to the stationary phase is proportional to the contact surface area around the non-polar region of the molecule.

  1. Ion exchange chromatography:

In this method, solute ions are attracted to charged sites that are attached to the stationary phase, which results in retention. The same-charged ions are not included. Water purification, ligand-exchange chromatography, protein ion-exchange chromatography, high-pH anion-exchange chromatography of carbohydrates and oligosaccharides, and other applications are common uses for this type of chromatography.

  1. Size exclusion chromatography (SEC):

also referred to as gel filtration or gel permeation chromatography, is a technique used to primarily separate particles according to size. Determining the quaternary and tertiary structures of proteins and amino acids is another beneficial application of it. This method is frequently employed to determine the molecular weight of polysaccharides.

  1. Bio-affinity chromatography:

A method of separation based on the particular, reversible interactions that ligands and proteins have. In a bio-affinity matrix, ligands are covalently bonded to solid support, retaining proteins that interact with the column-bound ligands.  Proteins attached to a bio-affinity column can be extracted in two ways:

  • Bio-specific elution involves using a free ligand in the elution solution to compete with column-bound ligands.
  • A particular elution is characterized by changes in pH, salt, and other factors that impair the protein's interaction with column-bound substrates.

Because of the selectivity of the contact, affinity chromatography may achieve very high purification rates in a single step (10 - 1000-fold).

Instrumentation of HPLC[5]

  1. Solvent reservoir and pump
  2. under high pressure (1000–5000 psi
  3. An injector

Reduced pressure:

cease the flow

Value at high pressure

d. Desk

  • Normal Phase: hydrocarbon-free, organic mobile phase
  • Non-aqueous silica gel
  • Adsorption
  • Aqueous mobile phase in reverse phase (C8, C18)


  • Water-based ion-exchange mobile phase
  • Aqueous mobile phase-molecular sieve
  • Dimensions

e. The detector

? Particular


  • Fluorescence
  • Electrochemical
  • Indefinite
  • Index of Refraction






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The documented spectrophotometric and chromatographic techniques that were created and verified for sitagliptin estimation are shown in this review. This review led to the conclusion that, in order to increase resolution, various spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques are available for both single and combination forms of sitagliptin. Additionally, it was discovered that most chromatographic methods used a mobile phase that included phosphate buffer, methanol, and acetonitrile. It was shown that the most typical pairing of sitagliptin and metformin (JANUMET) was prevalent. To obtain a satisfactory retention time for the chromatographic technique, a flow rate of 0.8–1.5 ml/min is observed. Methanol is a popular solvent used in the majority of spectroscopic procedures. As a result, all of the techniques were discovered to be straightforward, precise, affordable, accurate, and repeatable. However, it became evident from this assessment that the Design of Expert (DOE) process might be used to improve the existing methodologies and produce more exact and accurate results.


  1. Muhammad A, Muhammad NS, Muhammad MH, Jameel R, Samina E, Hamza A & Faizul HN. Development and Validation of an HPLC Method for the Quantification of Sitagliptin in Plasma and Tablet Dosage Form “Latin American Journal of Pharmacy, 34 (3) 2015.
  2. Nusrat K. Shaikh, Rakeshkumar Jat, Jitendra o Bhangle,” Development and validation of stability indicating RP-HPLC and UV method for simultaneous quantitation of sitagliptin and sitagliptin phosphate in combination” American Journal of Pharmacy Research 2020, 10(6). 2249-338.
  3. S. Adsul, J.S. Bidkar, Sunil Harer, G.Y. Dama, “RP-HPLC Method Development and validation for simultaneous estimation for metformin and sitagliptin in Bulk and tablet formulation” International Journal of Chem Tech Research 2018, (11) 11, 2455-9555.
  4. Priya Sadapha, Kavita Dhamak,” High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) Method Development and validation” International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research,2022(2)74, 23-29.
  5. Rushikesh Bacchav, Piyush Bacchav, Mayur Bhamre, Ruchita Bacchav, Ganesh Sonawane, Kajal Pansare, Dhananjay Patil, “Review of High-Performance Liquid chromatography and its Applications”, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences,2023, (12) 3, 30-44.
  6. J. Anudeepa, R. Manavalan, R. Venkata, “Development of UV Spectrophotometric method for Sitagliptin in bulk and Pharmaceutical formulation”, International Journal of Science, Engineering, and Technology, 2015, 3(5):  1352-1354.
  7. C. BalaSekaran & A. Prameela Rani, “Development and validation of a spectrophotometric method for the determination of DPP-4 inhibitor, sitagliptin, in its pharmaceutical preparations”, Ecletica Quimica, vol.35 no.3 São Paulo Sept. 2010.
  8. Jain Pritam, Chaudhari Amar, Desai Bhargav, Patel Shani, Patel Santsara, ShimpiHiren,“Development and validation of first-order derivative UV-Spectrophotometric method for determination of Sitagliptin in bulk and Formulation”, International Journal of Drug Development and Research, Int. J. Drug Dev. & Res., Oct Dec 2011, 3(4): 194-199.
  9. N. S. Disha, Dr. B.M Gurupadhayya, “Spectrophotometric determination of Sitagliptin Phosphate in bulk and pharmaceutical formulations”, IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 7, July 2015,702-709.
  10. Arun M. Kashi , Anup A.Dhange, Vandana T. Gawande, Pankaj B. Miniyar, Prasanna A. Datar, Shashikant C. Dhawale,“RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation for Sitagliptin in Human Plasma”, Am. J. PharmTech  Res. 2012; 2(5),805-811.
  11. Ramakrishna Nirogi, Vishwottam Kandikere, Koteshwara Mudigonda, Prashanth Komarneni, Raghupathialeti and Rajeshkumar Boggavarapu“Sensitive liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the quantification of sitagliptin, a DPP-4 inhibitor, in human plasma using liquid–liquid extraction” Biomed. Chromatography., (2008) 22: 214 – 222.
  12. Wei Zeng, Yang Xu, Marvin Constanzer, Eric J. Woolf, “Determination of sitagliptinin human plasma using protein precipitation and tandem mass spectrometry”, Journal of Chromatography B. , Volume 878, Issue 21, 1  July 2010, Pages 181–182.
  13. N.Monila, Ravi PratapPulla, Harshini Shabad, V.Swathi, J.Rajasekhar, A.Ramesh, B.Koti Reddy &  B.Umashankar,“New Extractive Method Development of Sitagliptin Phosphate in API and Its Unit Dosage  Forms by Spectrophotometry”, IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences,Volume 1, Issue 6 (July August 2012), PP 37-40.
  14. Hiren Havelikar, NaitikSoni, Purvi Shah, Kirti Patel, Kalpana Patel, Tejal Gandhi, “Spectrofluorimetric Method for Determination of Sitagliptin Phosphate in Formulation and Spiked Human Urine”, International Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Received 31 August 2012; accepted 17 October 2012.
  15. Safa'a M. Riad, Mamdouh R. Rezk, Ghada Y. Mahmoud and Abdel-Aziz El Bayoumi Abdel Aleem, “A Selective Sensor for Determination of Sitagliptin phosphate in Pharmaceutical Formulation”, Analytical &Bioanalytical Electrochemistry, Anal Bioana. Electrochem., Vol. 5, No. 4, 2013, 416 – 425.
  16. Ayman H. Kamel, Hoda R. Galal, “MIP-Based Biomimetic Sensors for Static and Hydrodynamic PotentiometricTransduction of Sitagliptin in Biological Fluids”, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, Int. J.  Electrochem. Sci., 9 (2014) 4361 – 4373.
  17. AliniDallCortivo Lange, Ana Paula Batistel, Letícia Lenz Sfair, JaisonCarlosso, Nadia Maria Volpato, and  Elfrides Eva SchermanSchapoval ,“Sitagliptin Phosphate: Development of a Dissolution Method for Coated  Tablets Based on In Vivo Data for Improving Medium Sensitivity”, Dissolution Technologies,MAY 2014- 17,17-22.
  18. Amruta B. Loni, Minal R. Ghante, S. D. Sawant, “Simultaneous UV Spectrophotometric method for estimation  of Sitagliptin phosphate and Metformin HCl in bulk and tablet dosage form”, Der Pharma Chemica,2012,4(3):  854-859.
  19. Karimulla S K, Vasanth P M, Ramesh T, Ramesh M, “Method development and validation of Sitagliptin and  Metformin using Reverse phase HPLC method in bulk and tablet dosage form”, Der Pharmacia  Lettre,2013,5(5): 168-174.
  20. P. B. N. Prasad, K. Satyanarayana, G. Krishnamohan,“Development and Validation of a Method for  Simultaneous Determination of Metformin Hydrochloride and Sitagliptin Phosphate in a Formulation by RP HPLC”, Scientific Research Publishing, American Journal of Analytical Chemistry,AJAC,Vol.5,No.11, August  2014. PP. 737-742.
  21. Sachin L Patil, Jayant R Bhinge and Chetan M Bhagat, “Development and Validation of Stability Indicating RP HPLC Method for Simultaneous determination of Sitagliptin and Metformin in tablet dosage  form”,International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences (IJRPBS), Apr-Jun 2013;  Vol.4(2): 590–596.
  22. YaravedaLathareddy& Naidu Srinivasa Rao, “Stability-indicating RP-HPLC method and its validation for  analysis of metformin &sitagliptin in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form”World Journal Of Pharmacy And  Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 2, Issue 5, 3691-3709. 
  23. Chellu S.N, Malleswararao, Mulaskutla V. Suryanarayan, KhaggaMukkauti, “Determination of Sitagliptin  phosphate and Metformin hydrochloride in tablets by a validated UPLC method”, ScientiaPharmaceutica,  2012; 80: 139-152.
  24. Moataz S. Hendy,“Improved Chromatographic Separation of Sitagliptin Phosphate and Metformin  Hydrochloride”, Int J Biomed Sci.,2015 Dec; 11(4): 190–194.
  25. Darshana K. Modi, Punit B. Parejiya, and Bhavesh H. Patel,“A Simple and Sensitive HPTLC Method for  Simultaneous Determination of Metformin Hydrochloride and Sitagliptin Phosphate in Tablet Dosage  Form”,Hindawi Publishing Corporation,Journal of Chemistry Volume 2013, Article ID 139561, 1-4.
  26. Snehal V Warghade, Neha N Devlekar, Ravindra Y Patil, and Vijaya U Barge, “Validated HPTLC Method for  Simultaneous Estimation of Sitagliptin and Metformin Hydrochloride in Bulk Drug and Formulation”,  Research and Reviews: Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, RRJPA,Volume 3, Issue 3,July-September,  2014,45-50.
  27. Srinivasa Reddy, Imran Ahmed, Iqbal Ahmad, ArindamMukhopadhyay and Saral Thangam, “Development  and Validation of a Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Metformin and Sitagliptin in Human Plasma by LC  –MS-MS and Its Application in a Bioequivalence Study”,Journal of Chromatographic Science 2015;1–8.
  28. Mohamed Salim, Nahed El-Enany, FathallahBelal, Mohamed Walash, and Gabor Patonay,“Simultaneous  Determination of Sitagliptin and Metformin in Pharmaceutical Preparations by Capillary Zone  Electrophoresis and its Application to Human Plasma Analysis”,Analytical Chemistry Insights, 2012; 7: 31– 46.
  29. Ramzia I. El-Bagary, Ehab F. Elkady, and Bassam M. Ayoub, “Spectroflourometric and Spectrophotometric  Methods for the Determination of Sitagliptin in Binary Mixture with Metformin and Ternary Mixture with  Metformin and Sitagliptin Alkaline Degradation Product”,Int J Biomed Sci. 2011 Mar; 7(1): 62–69.
  30. Mahesh Attimarad, SreeHarshaNagaraja, Bandar E Aldhubaib, Anroop Nair and Venugopala K  N,“Simultaneous Determination of Metformin and Three Gliptins in Pharmaceutical Formulations Using RP  HPLC: Application to Stability Studies on Linagliptin Tablet Formulation”,Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical  Education and Research, Vol 48; Issue 4 Oct–Dec, 2014: 45-53.
  31. S.ShantiKumar, Y.Krishnaveni, G.Ramesh, “Simultaneous estimation of Sitagliptin and Pioglitazone by UV  Spectrophotometric method and study of interference of various excipieints on this combination of  drugs”International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, Vol.4(2);2012,113-116.
  32. ChandanamSreedhar, Manogna K, Sreenivasa Rao T,Akkamma HG, SukanyaKanagala and Shakir VK, “New  Analytical Method Development and Validation of some Oral Hypoglycemic drugs”, RJPBCS, 2012, Vol.3  (4):20-30.
  33. C. RubinaReichal, M. Gopal Rao,“Development and validation of spectrophotometric method for simultaneous  estimation of gliclazide and sitagliptin phosphate monohydrate in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form”,  International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences,Vol 7, Issue 6, 2015, 372-376.
  34. C. RubinaReichal and M. Gopal Rao,“Development and validation of rp-hplc method for simultaneous  estimation of gliclazide and sitagliptin phosphate monohydrate in bulk and tablet dosage form”,  International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2015 Oct; 6(4): (P) 361 – 369.
  35. SujanaPV,Padamanabha Reddy, N. Devanna, SS Phanindra, “Validated RP-HPLC method for the estimation of  Simvastatin and Sitagliptin”, Sch.Acad.J.Pharm.,2014:3(3):265-270.
  36. Vinit Chavhan, MinalGhante& Sanjay Sawant,“Development and validation of rp-hplc method for  simultaneous estimation of sitagliptin phosphate and simvastatin in bulk and tablet dosage form”, J App  Pharm Vol. 6; Issue 3: 327-338; July, 2014.
  37. Patel Tushar R.1, Patel Tejas B.1, SuhagiaBhanubhaiN.,“Stability indicating RP-HPLC method for  simultaneous estimation of simvastatin and sitagliptin in tablet dosage form”, Indo American Journal of  Pharmaceutical Research, IAJPR. 2014; 4(4): 1993-1999.
  38. R. Ramalingam, V. UdayaBhaskar, Y.PadmanabhaReddy,K.Vinod kumar, “Stability Indicating RP-HPLC  Method for Simultaneous determination of Sitagliptin and Simvastatin in tablets form”,Indian Journal of  Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJPS), Sept-Oct 2014; 407–414.
  39. MalathiS andSivakumarT,“Method development and validation for simultaneous estimation of sitagliptin  and simvastatin in pharmaceutical formulation by HPTLC”, World Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical  Sciences, Volume 4, Issue 05, 1337-1345.
  40. Ramzia J, El-Bagary, Ehab F Elkady, Bassam M Ayoub, “Spectrophotometric methods for the determination of  Sitagliptin and Vildagliptin in bulk and dosage forms”,International Journal of Biomedical Sciences (IJBS),  Mrach 2011; Vol.7(1): 55-61.
  41. Nashwahgadallah M., “Validated HPLC Method for Simultaneous determination of Sitagliptin, Metformin and  Atorvastatin in Pure form and in Pharmaceutical Formulation”, International Journal of Pharmacy and  Pharmaceutical Sciences,Vol 6(5), 2014, 665-670. 
  42. Ehab F Elkady, Asmaa A El-Zaher, Hanan M Elwy and Mahmoud A Saleh, “Validated Liquid Chromatographic  Method for Simultaneous Determination of Metformin, Pioglitazone, Sitagliptin, Repaglinide, Glibenclamide  and Gliclazide - Application for Counterfeit Drug Analysis”, Journal of Analytical &Bioanalytical Techniques, 2015.


  1. Muhammad A, Muhammad NS, Muhammad MH, Jameel R, Samina E, Hamza A & Faizul HN. Development and Validation of an HPLC Method for the Quantification of Sitagliptin in Plasma and Tablet Dosage Form “Latin American Journal of Pharmacy, 34 (3) 2015.
  2. Nusrat K. Shaikh, Rakeshkumar Jat, Jitendra o Bhangle,” Development and validation of stability indicating RP-HPLC and UV method for simultaneous quantitation of sitagliptin and sitagliptin phosphate in combination” American Journal of Pharmacy Research 2020, 10(6). 2249-338.
  3. S. Adsul, J.S. Bidkar, Sunil Harer, G.Y. Dama, “RP-HPLC Method Development and validation for simultaneous estimation for metformin and sitagliptin in Bulk and tablet formulation” International Journal of Chem Tech Research 2018, (11) 11, 2455-9555.
  4. Priya Sadapha, Kavita Dhamak,” High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) Method Development and validation” International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research,2022(2)74, 23-29.
  5. Rushikesh Bacchav, Piyush Bacchav, Mayur Bhamre, Ruchita Bacchav, Ganesh Sonawane, Kajal Pansare, Dhananjay Patil, “Review of High-Performance Liquid chromatography and its Applications”, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences,2023, (12) 3, 30-44.
  6. J. Anudeepa, R. Manavalan, R. Venkata, “Development of UV Spectrophotometric method for Sitagliptin in bulk and Pharmaceutical formulation”, International Journal of Science, Engineering, and Technology, 2015, 3(5):  1352-1354.
  7. C. BalaSekaran & A. Prameela Rani, “Development and validation of a spectrophotometric method for the determination of DPP-4 inhibitor, sitagliptin, in its pharmaceutical preparations”, Ecletica Quimica, vol.35 no.3 São Paulo Sept. 2010.
  8. Jain Pritam, Chaudhari Amar, Desai Bhargav, Patel Shani, Patel Santsara, ShimpiHiren,“Development and validation of first-order derivative UV-Spectrophotometric method for determination of Sitagliptin in bulk and Formulation”, International Journal of Drug Development and Research, Int. J. Drug Dev. & Res., Oct Dec 2011, 3(4): 194-199.
  9. N. S. Disha, Dr. B.M Gurupadhayya, “Spectrophotometric determination of Sitagliptin Phosphate in bulk and pharmaceutical formulations”, IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 7, July 2015,702-709.
  10. Arun M. Kashi , Anup A.Dhange, Vandana T. Gawande, Pankaj B. Miniyar, Prasanna A. Datar, Shashikant C. Dhawale,“RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation for Sitagliptin in Human Plasma”, Am. J. PharmTech  Res. 2012; 2(5),805-811.
  11. Ramakrishna Nirogi, Vishwottam Kandikere, Koteshwara Mudigonda, Prashanth Komarneni, Raghupathialeti and Rajeshkumar Boggavarapu“Sensitive liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the quantification of sitagliptin, a DPP-4 inhibitor, in human plasma using liquid–liquid extraction” Biomed. Chromatography., (2008) 22: 214 – 222.
  12. Wei Zeng, Yang Xu, Marvin Constanzer, Eric J. Woolf, “Determination of sitagliptinin human plasma using protein precipitation and tandem mass spectrometry”, Journal of Chromatography B. , Volume 878, Issue 21, 1  July 2010, Pages 181–182.
  13. N.Monila, Ravi PratapPulla, Harshini Shabad, V.Swathi, J.Rajasekhar, A.Ramesh, B.Koti Reddy &  B.Umashankar,“New Extractive Method Development of Sitagliptin Phosphate in API and Its Unit Dosage  Forms by Spectrophotometry”, IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences,Volume 1, Issue 6 (July August 2012), PP 37-40.
  14. Hiren Havelikar, NaitikSoni, Purvi Shah, Kirti Patel, Kalpana Patel, Tejal Gandhi, “Spectrofluorimetric Method for Determination of Sitagliptin Phosphate in Formulation and Spiked Human Urine”, International Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Received 31 August 2012; accepted 17 October 2012.
  15. Safa'a M. Riad, Mamdouh R. Rezk, Ghada Y. Mahmoud and Abdel-Aziz El Bayoumi Abdel Aleem, “A Selective Sensor for Determination of Sitagliptin phosphate in Pharmaceutical Formulation”, Analytical &Bioanalytical Electrochemistry, Anal Bioana. Electrochem., Vol. 5, No. 4, 2013, 416 – 425.
  16. Ayman H. Kamel, Hoda R. Galal, “MIP-Based Biomimetic Sensors for Static and Hydrodynamic PotentiometricTransduction of Sitagliptin in Biological Fluids”, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, Int. J.  Electrochem. Sci., 9 (2014) 4361 – 4373.
  17. AliniDallCortivo Lange, Ana Paula Batistel, Letícia Lenz Sfair, JaisonCarlosso, Nadia Maria Volpato, and  Elfrides Eva SchermanSchapoval ,“Sitagliptin Phosphate: Development of a Dissolution Method for Coated  Tablets Based on In Vivo Data for Improving Medium Sensitivity”, Dissolution Technologies,MAY 2014- 17,17-22.
  18. Amruta B. Loni, Minal R. Ghante, S. D. Sawant, “Simultaneous UV Spectrophotometric method for estimation  of Sitagliptin phosphate and Metformin HCl in bulk and tablet dosage form”, Der Pharma Chemica,2012,4(3):  854-859.
  19. Karimulla S K, Vasanth P M, Ramesh T, Ramesh M, “Method development and validation of Sitagliptin and  Metformin using Reverse phase HPLC method in bulk and tablet dosage form”, Der Pharmacia  Lettre,2013,5(5): 168-174.
  20. P. B. N. Prasad, K. Satyanarayana, G. Krishnamohan,“Development and Validation of a Method for  Simultaneous Determination of Metformin Hydrochloride and Sitagliptin Phosphate in a Formulation by RP HPLC”, Scientific Research Publishing, American Journal of Analytical Chemistry,AJAC,Vol.5,No.11, August  2014. PP. 737-742.
  21. Sachin L Patil, Jayant R Bhinge and Chetan M Bhagat, “Development and Validation of Stability Indicating RP HPLC Method for Simultaneous determination of Sitagliptin and Metformin in tablet dosage  form”,International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences (IJRPBS), Apr-Jun 2013;  Vol.4(2): 590–596.
  22. YaravedaLathareddy& Naidu Srinivasa Rao, “Stability-indicating RP-HPLC method and its validation for  analysis of metformin &sitagliptin in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form”World Journal Of Pharmacy And  Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 2, Issue 5, 3691-3709. 
  23. Chellu S.N, Malleswararao, Mulaskutla V. Suryanarayan, KhaggaMukkauti, “Determination of Sitagliptin  phosphate and Metformin hydrochloride in tablets by a validated UPLC method”, ScientiaPharmaceutica,  2012; 80: 139-152.
  24. Moataz S. Hendy,“Improved Chromatographic Separation of Sitagliptin Phosphate and Metformin  Hydrochloride”, Int J Biomed Sci.,2015 Dec; 11(4): 190–194.
  25. Darshana K. Modi, Punit B. Parejiya, and Bhavesh H. Patel,“A Simple and Sensitive HPTLC Method for  Simultaneous Determination of Metformin Hydrochloride and Sitagliptin Phosphate in Tablet Dosage  Form”,Hindawi Publishing Corporation,Journal of Chemistry Volume 2013, Article ID 139561, 1-4.
  26. Snehal V Warghade, Neha N Devlekar, Ravindra Y Patil, and Vijaya U Barge, “Validated HPTLC Method for  Simultaneous Estimation of Sitagliptin and Metformin Hydrochloride in Bulk Drug and Formulation”,  Research and Reviews: Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, RRJPA,Volume 3, Issue 3,July-September,  2014,45-50.
  27. Srinivasa Reddy, Imran Ahmed, Iqbal Ahmad, ArindamMukhopadhyay and Saral Thangam, “Development  and Validation of a Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Metformin and Sitagliptin in Human Plasma by LC  –MS-MS and Its Application in a Bioequivalence Study”,Journal of Chromatographic Science 2015;1–8.
  28. Mohamed Salim, Nahed El-Enany, FathallahBelal, Mohamed Walash, and Gabor Patonay,“Simultaneous  Determination of Sitagliptin and Metformin in Pharmaceutical Preparations by Capillary Zone  Electrophoresis and its Application to Human Plasma Analysis”,Analytical Chemistry Insights, 2012; 7: 31– 46.
  29. Ramzia I. El-Bagary, Ehab F. Elkady, and Bassam M. Ayoub, “Spectroflourometric and Spectrophotometric  Methods for the Determination of Sitagliptin in Binary Mixture with Metformin and Ternary Mixture with  Metformin and Sitagliptin Alkaline Degradation Product”,Int J Biomed Sci. 2011 Mar; 7(1): 62–69.
  30. Mahesh Attimarad, SreeHarshaNagaraja, Bandar E Aldhubaib, Anroop Nair and Venugopala K  N,“Simultaneous Determination of Metformin and Three Gliptins in Pharmaceutical Formulations Using RP  HPLC: Application to Stability Studies on Linagliptin Tablet Formulation”,Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical  Education and Research, Vol 48; Issue 4 Oct–Dec, 2014: 45-53.
  31. S.ShantiKumar, Y.Krishnaveni, G.Ramesh, “Simultaneous estimation of Sitagliptin and Pioglitazone by UV  Spectrophotometric method and study of interference of various excipieints on this combination of  drugs”International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, Vol.4(2);2012,113-116.
  32. ChandanamSreedhar, Manogna K, Sreenivasa Rao T,Akkamma HG, SukanyaKanagala and Shakir VK, “New  Analytical Method Development and Validation of some Oral Hypoglycemic drugs”, RJPBCS, 2012, Vol.3  (4):20-30.
  33. C. RubinaReichal, M. Gopal Rao,“Development and validation of spectrophotometric method for simultaneous  estimation of gliclazide and sitagliptin phosphate monohydrate in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form”,  International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences,Vol 7, Issue 6, 2015, 372-376.
  34. C. RubinaReichal and M. Gopal Rao,“Development and validation of rp-hplc method for simultaneous  estimation of gliclazide and sitagliptin phosphate monohydrate in bulk and tablet dosage form”,  International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2015 Oct; 6(4): (P) 361 – 369.
  35. SujanaPV,Padamanabha Reddy, N. Devanna, SS Phanindra, “Validated RP-HPLC method for the estimation of  Simvastatin and Sitagliptin”, Sch.Acad.J.Pharm.,2014:3(3):265-270.
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Kajal Vable
Corresponding author

Sigma University, Bakrol, Vadodara- 390019.

Harshit Prajapati

Sigma University, Bakrol, Vadodara- 390019.

Chainesh Shah

Sigma University, Bakrol, Vadodara- 390019.

Umesh Upadhyay

Sigma University, Bakrol, Vadodara- 390019.

Harshit Prajapati, Kajal Vable, Chainesh Shah, Umesh Upadhyay , A Review On HPLC Analytical Method And Validation For Determination Of Sitagliptin Phosphate In Bulk And Different Dosage Form, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 8, 3990-4007.

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