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Glaucoma is condition of increase intraocular pressure in the eye that may progress to a loss of vision. The optic is the main whim-whams that to the eye that's responsible for transmitting electrical signals to the brain. This damage generally occurs gradational visual changes and the loss of vision. Glaucoma can do in any age but is more common in aged grown-ups. In this review, we examined the pathophysiology and colorful threat factors of glaucoma.


Intraocular pressure, blindness, glaucoma, optic nerve.


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Namrata S. Revar
Corresponding author

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Mahavir Institute of Pharmacy, Varvandi road, Mhasrul, Nashik.

Sanjeevani D. Rupwate

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Mahavir Institute of Pharmacy, Varvandi road, Mhasrul, Nashik.

Samruddhi B. Sawant

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Mahavir Institute of Pharmacy, Varvandi road, Mhasrul, Nashik.

Sanjana S. Shinde

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Mahavir Institute of Pharmacy, Varvandi road, Mhasrul, Nashik.

Sanskruti Malode

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Mahavir Institute of Pharmacy, Varvandi road, Mhasrul, Nashik.

Namrata S. Revar*, Sanjeevani D. Rupwate, Samruddhi B. Sawant, Sanjana S. Shinde, An Overview On Glaucoma: Silent Thief Of Sight, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 9, 361-369.

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