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The present work was focused on detailing advancement, assessment and MTT test of Home grown L-ascorbic acid Powder. The detailing was ready by blending Acerola Concentrate, Rosehip Separate, Moringa Concentrate, Amla Powder, Bilberry Concentrate, Glycine, L-lysine, L-proline, Elaichi Powder, Rock salt, Spirulina Powder and excipients, for example, Lemon flavor. At first, the pre detailing assessment of each different fixing was finished by assessing its Organoleptic characters, Mass thickness, Tap thickness, Hausner Proportion, Dampness Content, pH, and Strong state steadiness study. The detailing was ready after the pre-plan study was finished and then, at that point, assessed for powder characters and MTT measure. Powder assessment was performed utilizing different physiochemical and microbiological boundaries and the cytotoxicity of the plan was performed by a MTT examine on Human undeveloped kidney cells (HEK). From the abovementioned study, we can infer that the stable polyherbal definition of L-ascorbic acid was ready and assessed and didn't display cytotoxicity at the day to day portion limit.


Cell viability assay, Human embryonic kidney cells, Vitamin C, MTT assay.


The new single compound substance is liable for the medication's critical helpful movement in present day pharmacology and medication improvement. All things considered, Ayurveda details are established on various norms: utilizing a solitary spice and numerous spices, known as polyherbal definition. Polypharmacy or polyherbalism alludes to the effect of joining a few restorative plants to increment the viability of a preparation.1 By and large, the exemplary text of Ayurveda, "Sarangdhar Samhita," has accentuated the idea of polyherbalism.2 Albeit the bioactive parts of individual spices in numerous details have been notable, they for the most part exist in little extent. They are generally not adequate enough to achieve the ideal restorative viability. Logical investigations have found that when blended, these spices of changed viability might yield improved results concerning the single or amount of their single impact. This event brings about positive spice collaboration known as synergism which gives a few advantages of the polyherbal plan. It is obvious that with a solitary multi-constituent detailing, better restorative results can be attained. The expression "nutraceuticals" can be made sense of as the food things as a entire or a section which has some healthy benefit alongside therapeutic properties.3 These discoveries have set off a progression of concentrates in the nutraceuticals field.4 There is a discussion over a particular definition and set of guidelines to characterize nutraceutical compounds. Be that as it may, nutraceutical compounds are wellbeing upgrading items that work on the psychological and physical exercises of the body. They are marketed to limit the gamble variables of different illnesses. Nutraceutical items are essentially a crossover among medication and food. Then again, this wording is a more extensive term that incorporates minerals, nutrients, amino acids, botanicals, or spices. Consequently, both dietary enhancements and sustained food varieties can be named nutraceuticals. The phrasing of nutraceutical was characterized by the establishment for advancement in medication in (New York, USA) in 1989. Defelice's definition in 1995 was: "A food or portions of food that give clinical or medical advantages, including the counteraction or potentially therapy of disease.  Nutraceuticals term began from two wordings: "sustenance" and "drug". L-ascorbic acid (ascorbate) is a fundamental water-solvent micronutrient in people and is acquired through the eating regimen, principally from products of the soil L-ascorbic acid is essential for the advancement and upkeep of connective tissues. It assumes an essential part in bone development, wound mending, and the consideration of sound gums. It integrates and utilize tyrosine, folic corrosive and tryptophan and hydroxylation of glycine, proline, and lysine carnitine.8 It is a cofactor for collagen combination and an essential cell reinforcement and is quickly consumed post?wounding. L-ascorbic acid could advance injury mending by adjusting the incendiary, proliferative and redesigning stages. L-ascorbic acid safeguards the invulnerable framework, decreases the seriousness of unfavorably susceptible responses, and assists with fending off infections.  People can't integrate ascorbic corrosive due to the absence of gulonolactone oxidase chemical. Consequently, ascorbic corrosive must be enhanced chiefly through products of the soil. It is available in oranges, lemons, grapefruit, watermelon, papaya, strawberries, mango, pineapple, raspberries and cherries. It is likewise seen as in green verdant vegetables, tomatoes, broccoli, green and red peppers, cauliflower and cabbage.10Vitamin C is a cofactor in the hydroxylation of proline and lysine deposits in procollagen, which is essential for the strength and security of collagen strands. Likewise, ascorbic corrosive improves neutrophil capability furthermore, goes about as an antioxidant.5Systemic organization of L-ascorbic acid assumes a crucial part in gingival fibroblast expansion and functions.6According to ICMR rules, grown-ups' day to day stipend (RDA) for ascorbic corrosive reaches between 70-90 mg daily.7The polyherbal detailing involves Acerola (Malpighia emarginate DC.), known as Barbados cherry or West Indian cherry, which has a place with the Malpighiaceae family. The organic product is known to be one of the world's rich regular wellsprings of ascorbic corrosive. Aside from containing an over-the-top measure of ascorbic corrosive, the organic product additionally contains a few phytonutrients like carotenoids, phenolics, flavonoids, and anthocyanins furthermore, has various bio-functional properties.  The rosehip is a store of flavonoids, gelatin, nutrients A, B perplexing, C and E, additionally minerals like Ca, Fe, Se and Mn. Follow measures of Mg, K, S and Si have likewise been discovered.  Moringa leaves are a fundamental wellspring of a few supplements. 100 grams of dried leaves contain 27.1 g protein, 16.3 mg vitamin A, 17.3 mg L-ascorbic acid, 2.0 g calcium, 1.3 g potassium, and 28.2 mg iron, notwithstanding 19.2 g dietary fibre what's more, a few other nutrients.10 Alongside the dynamic L-ascorbic acid fixings glycine, L-proline and L-lysine were added, which process by the L-ascorbic acid effectively and get greatest benefits. Also, some taste enhancements specialists, for example, Elaichi and Rock salt were added to the plan. The supplementation of spirulina as a strong elective wellspring of iron and folic corrosive. Ascorbic corrosive works with iron retention by shaping a chelate with ferric iron at a corrosive pH that stays solvent at the soluble pH of the duodenum. In the current review, the organic impacts of L-ascorbic acid on cells were researched in vitro by utilizing the MTT measure. 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)- 2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide test was used to investigate the cell practicality in the MTT measure. The MTT colorimetric examine was directed in a 96-well plate design. The cells might require preincubation in the wells prior to adding the test drug. The preincubation times might fluctuate from 0-24 hrs. as indicated by the cell line properties.

Cells are typically presented to the medication for 24-96 hrs. contingent upon the medication movement. MTT arrangement is then, at that point, added to the treated cells, where the yellow MTT is diminished to purple formazan by different mitochondrial and cytosolic catalysts that are functional in practical cells. The MTT particle is not diminished by dead cells, red platelets (metabolically inert cells), spleen cells (resting cells) and Invigorated lymphocytes (actuated cells). After 3-4 hrs. of hatching with MTT, the formazan absorbance at 550 nm is straightforwardly corresponding to the quantity of cells in a scope of 200

50,000 cells for each well, and accordingly tiny measures of cells can be identified. The absorbance demonstrates the quantity of practical cells staying after treatment with the medication and is contrasted with the absorbance of control cells not presented to the drug. In the current review, the organic impacts of L-ascorbic acid on cells were researched in vitro by utilizing the MTT measure. 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)- 2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide test was used to investigate the cell practicality in the MTT measure. The MTT colorimetric examine was directed in a 96-well plate design. The cells might require preincubation in the wells prior to adding the test drug. The preincubation times might fluctuate from 0-24 hrs. as indicated by the cell line properties. Cells are typically presented to the medication for 24-96 hrs. contingent upon the medication movement. MTT arrangement is then, at that point, added to the treated cells, where the yellow MTT is diminished to purple formazan by different mitochondrial and cytosolic catalysts that are functional in practical cells. The MTT particle is not diminished by dead cells, red platelets (metabolically inert cells), spleen cells (resting cells) and Invigorated lymphocytes (actuated cells). After 3-4 hrs. of hatching with MTT, the formazan absorbance at 550 nm is straightforwardly corresponding to the quantity of cells in a scope of 200 50,000 cells for each well, and accordingly tiny measures of cells can be identified. The absorbance demonstrates the quantity of practical cells staying after treatment with the medication and is contrasted with the absorbance of control cells not presented to the drug.



Methanol, sulfuric corrosive, acidic corrosive, toluene, ethyl acetic acid derivation, formic corrosive (Merck made), alpha naphthol, ferric chloride, potassium permanganate, indigo carmine (Loba Chemie made) and polysorbate 80, and so forth which are of AR grade and acquired from Vijay synthetic substances, Pune. For microbiological assessment, synthetic substances like Soyabean casein digest medium, Gram Negative stock, Rappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella Enhancement Stock, Soyabean casein digest agar, Xylose lysine deoxycholate agar, Bismuth sulphate agar, Cetrimide agar, MacConkey stock and agar, sabouraud dextrose stock and agar (HIMEDIA made) which are of LR grade and obtained from Vijay synthetic compounds, Pune. MTT reagent (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)- 2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide), DMEM media (Gibco), and Fetal cow-like serum (Gibco) were acquired from genexindia Bioscience.


1. Gauging Equilibrium (Expert)

2. Hot Air Broiler (Bio-Procedures India)

3. pH Meter (Worldwide)

4. Stifle Heater (Bio-Procedures India)

5. Mechanical Shaker (Bio-Methods India)

6. Laminar wind stream (Bio-Methods India)

7. Bacteriological Hatchery (Bio-Methods India)

8. CO2 hatchery

9. Automated microplate reader


Pre-definition studies were finished by performing tone, scent, taste, mass thickness, tap thickness, Hausner proportion, carr record, point of rest and strong state solidness. Organoleptic Properties of the definition like tone, scent, taste and powder attributes like mass thickness, tap thickness, Hausner proportion, carr list and point of, not entirely set in stone. Physiochemical dependability was checked by performing misfortune on drying, pH, complete debris, corrosive insoluble debris esteem, water-dissolvable extractive worth, liquor dissolvable extractive worth and furthermore the presence of phytochemical constituents like tannin, phenols, flavonoids and sugars was checked. The microbial assessment was finished by playing out the complete vigorous bacterial count, all out high-impact parasitic count and explicit microorganism test for Escherichia Coli, Staphylococcus Aureus, Salmonella Species and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The healthy benefits were likewise assessed and the MTT measure was performed to evaluate the cytotoxicity of the plan.

A. Pre-definition Study

Pre-definition is a period of the innovative work process in which a new restorative atom's physical, substance, and mechanical properties are concentrated exclusively and in mix with excipients to create a steady, safe, and powerful bioavailable measurements structure.

Taste: Powders are taken, tasted on the tongue, and analysed for the kind of taste.

2. Powder characteristics:

Bulk Density:

5 gm of the powdered medication was made an appearance the advanced adjusted weighing machine. These powders were added to the dried 25 ml graduated chamber. The volume of the chamber was noted.

Bulk Density = M/ V Where, M = mass of powder V = Volume of powder

Determination of tap density:

5 gm of the powdered medication was made an appearance the advanced adjusted weighing machine. These powders were added to the dried 25 ml graduated chamber. Subsequent to estimating the underlying volume of a chamber, it was precisely tapped utilizing a tap thickness contraption of BIO Methods INDIA, BTI-08. The last volume was noted.

Tapped thickness = M/Vt

Where, M = Mass of powder

Vt = Least volume involved subsequent to tapping

Hausner Ratio:

Hausner proportion (HR) shows the powder's stream attributes and flowability. The proportionbetween the mass densities of compacted and inexactly poured powder is called Hausner.

Hausner Proportion = ? tapped/? mass

Where, ? = Thickness

Carr Index:

Carr record gives a thought by implication about the stream conduct of a powder.

 Carr file (Ci) is resolved involving Hr values as given in Eq.

Hr = 100 - (100/Hr)

Angle of repose:

In the proper channel technique, the granular materials are poured from a pipe at a certain level onto a chose base with known unpleasantness properties. The pipe is either fixed or raised gradually while the conelike state of the material stack is framing to limit the impact of the falling particles. The pouring of the material is halted when the stack comes to a foreordained level or width. Then, at that point, the point of rest is estimated by the opposite digression (arctan) rule, at which the typical range of the framed cone shaped shape and the most extreme level of the stacked material is estimated. Then, at that point, the point of not entirely settled as the arctan of the most extreme height.17 The accompanying recipe can ascertain the point of rest:

tan ? = h/r

In this way, ?= tan-1 h/r

Where, ? = Angle of repose h = height of pile of powder(cm) r = radius (cm)

Moisture Content:

In the dried petri dish 1.5 gm weighed powder was taken and put in a broiler at

105-1100c. Subsequent to drying and cooling in a desiccator, it was shown up a computerized adjusted weighing machine. In the wake of drying, the weight was accounted for and the drying misfortune was estimated.


In a computerized adjusted weighing machine, 1 gm of powder was gauged and blended in with 20 ml of refined water. pH of this arrangement was determined utilizing a computerized pH meter.

Strong State security study:

Strong state responses are a lot increasingly slow challenging to decipher than arrangement state responses, due to a diminished no. of atomic contacts among drug and excipient particles and to the event of numerous stage responses. A little combination of medication and excipient was ready. The blend was then positioned in the vial. A elastic conclusion was put on the vial and the plug was dunked in the liquefied Carnauba wax to seal. Then the vials are saved for 1-3 weeks for determined capacity conditions. The example was truly noticed for the accompanying.

1) Solidifying

2) Liquefaction

3) Staining

4) Smell

5) Gel development

B. Definition Assessment:

Organoleptic Properties:

Variety: Perception was finished on brilliant foundation with light utilizing drug powder. The unaided eye painstakingly noticed it.

Scent: Prior to smelling espresso, beans were utilized to eliminate every past smell. The two Powders took in the middle of between the thumb and first finger and smelled it.

Taste: The two Powders took and tasted on the tongue and inspected for the sort of taste.

Powder qualities:

Bulk Density:

5 gm of the powdered medication was shown up the computerized adjusted weighing machine. These powders were added to the dried 25 ml graduated chamber. The volume of the chamber was noted.

Mass Thickness = M/V

Where, M = mass of powder

V = Volume of powder

Assurance of tap thickness:

5 gm of the powdered medication was made an appearance the computerized adjusted weighing machine. These powders were added to the dried 25 ml graduated chamber. Subsequent to estimating the underlying volume of

a chamber, it was precisely tapped utilizing a tap thickness contraption of BIO Methods INDIA, BTI-08. The last volume was noted.

Tapped thickness = M/Vt

Where, M = Mass of powder

Vt = Least volume involved in the wake of tapping

Hausner Proportion:

Hausner proportion (HR) demonstrates the powder's stream attributes and flowability. The proportion between the mass densities of compacted and approximately poured powder is called Hausner.

Hausner Proportion = ? tapped/? mass

Where, ? = Thickness

Carr File:

Carr file gives a thought by implication about the stream conduct of a powder. Carr file (Ci)

is resolved involving Hr values as given in Eq.

Hr = 100 - (100/Hr)

Angle of repose:

In the decent channel strategy, the granular materials are poured from a pipe at a

certain level onto a chose base with known unpleasantness properties. The channel is either fixed or raised gradually while the cone shaped state of the material store is framing to limit the impact of the falling particles. The pouring of the material is halted when the load comes to a foreordained level or width. Then, the point of rest is estimated by the converse digression (arctan) rule, at which the typical span of the framed cone shaped shape and the most extreme level of the piled material is estimated. Then, at that point, the point of not entirely settled as the arctan of the most extreme height. The accompanying recipe can work out the point of rest:

tan ? = h/r

In this way,


? = Point of rest

h = level of the heap of powder (cm)

r = span (cm)

3. Physiochemical boundaries:

Assurance of misfortune on drying:

?= tan-1 h/r

In a dried petri dish, 1.5 gm weighed L-ascorbic acid powder was taken and set in a broiler

at 105-1100 c. In the wake of drying and cooling in a desiccator, it was shown up a computerized adjusted weighing machine. Subsequent to drying, the weight was accounted for, and the drying misfortune was estimated. Assurance of pH: In a computerized adjusted weighing machine, 1 gm of L-ascorbic acid powder was gauged and blended in with 20 ml of refined water. pH of this arrangement was determined utilizing a computerized pH meter.

Assurance of complete ash:

2 gm of L-ascorbic acid powder was shown up a computerized adjusted weighing machine and was taken as an example into the silica cauldron. It was progressively warmed with a burner utilizing a 2 cm high fire and supporting the dish around 7 cm over the fire until fumes nearly quit being created. The dish was brought down, and the intensity expanded until all the carbon had consumed with extreme heat. In the wake of cooling it in a desiccator, it is put in a decent weighing machine. Complete debris content was determined and communicated as % w/w of air-dried material.

Corrosive insoluble debris esteem:

In the wake of evaluating the complete debris, it was filled a 250 ml recepticle with no debris misfortune, and 100 ml of weakened hydrochloric corrosive was added to it. Utilizing a water shower, this arrangement was bubbled for 5 minutes, trailed by filtration of the arrangement and gathering the insoluble matter on an ashless channel paper (Whatman no.41). This filtrate was washed with heated water till getting the unbiased filtrate. Moved the insoluble matter-containing channel paper to the underlying cauldron and dried it on a hot plate at 6000c involving a mute heater for start (until it became white debris). Permitted this buildup to cool in appropriate desiccators for around 30 minutes and weigh right away. Rehashed the interaction until a steady weight was gotten. Determined this corrosive insoluble debris concerning the air-dried drug.

Assurance of water-dissolvable extractive worth:

An advanced adjusted weighing machine estimated 5 gm of air-dried L-ascorbic acid powder. These powders were blended in with 100 ml of refined water in a glass stoppered conelike cup. It was saved for 24 hours with regular shaking. Quickly channel it after 24 hrs. A pipette is utilized to move 25 ml of filtrate into a tarred level base dissipating dish, which is then put over bubbling water to dissipate it to dryness. Once more, vanished dish dried at 1050 c in the stove. The weight of this buildup was estimated subsequent to cooling, and the level of water-dissolvable extractive not entirely settled and communicated as % w/w regarding air dried example.

Assurance of liquor solvent extractive worth:

A computerized adjusted weighing machine estimated 5 gm of air-dried L-ascorbic acid powder. These powders were blended in with 100 ml of ethanol in a glass stoppered funnel shaped cup. It was set aside for 24 hours with continuous shaking. Quickly channel it after 24 hrs. A pipette is utilized to move 25 ml of filtrate into a tarred level base vanishing dish, which is then put over bubbling water to vanish it to dryness. Once more, dissipated dish dried at 1050 c in the broiler. The weight of this buildup was estimated subsequent to cooling, and the level of liquor dissolvable extractive was still up in the air and communicated as % w/w regarding air dried example.

Cell practicality test/MTT measure:

The cell practicality of the L-ascorbic not entirely set in stone by MTT measure. The IC50 (Inhibitory focus) an incentive for the MTT measure is 850 mcg/ml, implying that half of cells bite the dust at this focus. It shows the way that we can give the most extreme everyday portion of 850 mcg/ml.


The actual qualities of the powder were assessed. The shade of the powder was light brown with attributes of smell and unpleasant taste. The mean upsides of mass thickness, tapped thickness, Hausner's proportion, Carr List, compressibility record, and point of rest were 0.633 ± 0.02, 0.70± 0.02, 1.11 ± 0.01, 10.86 ± 0.02, 10.25 ± 0.22 and 39.39? ± 0. 20 separately. The mean weight reduction rate on drying of L-ascorbic acid powder is 8 %. The pH of L-ascorbic acid powder was viewed as 3.87. A high debris esteem demonstrates pollution, replacement, contaminated, or lack of regard in planning the medication or medication mixes for showcasing. The absolute debris worth of L-ascorbic acid powder was found to be 5.73% w/w. The corrosive insoluble debris worth of L-ascorbic acid powder was 0.43% ± 0.01. The water-solvent and liquor dissolvable extractive upsides of L-ascorbic acid powder were 67% and 25%, separately. Phytochemical constituents' tannins, flavonoids, phenols, and sugars were available on subjective assessment tests. The general tannin rate was viewed as 21.24%. The all out oxygen consuming bacterial and growths count beneath the allowed range, while explicit microorganisms were accounted for to be missing during the review. The level of the suggested day to day recompense (%RDA) for nourishing boundaries like energy (Kcal), all out protein (g), carb (g), added sugar (g), dietary fiber (g), absolute fat (g), cholesterol (mg), potassium (mg), sodium (mg) and zinc (mg) in L-ascorbic acid powder details isn't surpassed, as indicated by ICMR rules. Likewise, it satisfies the day-to-day L-ascorbic acid prerequisite of grown-ups. The in vitro cell cytotoxicity trial of L-ascorbic acid powder showed no critical cytotoxicity against the HEK293cell line.


In the current review, a steady L-ascorbic acid powder plan was ready and assessed physiochemically and microbiologically. Additionally, the MTT examine demonstrated that it doesn't show cytotoxicity at the everyday portion limit and satisfies grown-ups' day to day L-ascorbic acid prerequisite.


  1. Parasuraman S, Thing G.S, Dhanaraj S.A. Polyherbal detailing: Idea of Ayurveda. Phcog. Fire up. 2014; 8: 73-80.
  2. Srivastava S, Lal V.K, Gasp K.K. Polyherbal details in light of Indian therapeutic plants as antidiabetic phytotherapeutics. Phytopharmacology. 2013; 2: 1-15.
  3. Ruchi S. Job of nutraceuticals in medical services: A survey. Int J Green Pharm. 2017;11(3)
  4. Nothing H, Heba E, Ahmed A, Mohamed E, Ivan E, and Mohamed N. Nutraceuticals' Book Details: The Upside, the Terrible, the Obscure and Licenses Included. Late Licenses on Drug Conveyance and Detailing. 2019; 13(2): 105-156.
  5. CarrA,Vissers M. Manufactured or Food-Inferred L-ascorbic acid — Would they say they are Similarly Bioavailable?. Supplements, 2013; 5(11): 4284-4304.
  6. Mohammed M, Fisher B, Kraskauskas D, Ward S, Wayne J, Brophy D et al. L-ascorbic acid advances twisted recuperating through novel pleiotropic components. Worldwide Injury Diary, 2016; 13(4): 572-584.
  7. K. Akhilender Naidu.Vitamin C in human wellbeing and sickness is as yet a secret? An outline. Sustenance Diary, 2003; 2: 7. 3060 Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 8),3030-3062 Definition Improvement, Assessment AND MTT Measure OF Home grown L-ascorbic acid POWDER.
  8. Chow O, Barbul A. Immunonutrition: Job in Injury Mending and Tissue Recovery. Progresses in Injury Care. 2014; 3(1): 46-53.
  9. Lynch S, Cook J. Association of L-ascorbic acid and iron. Records of the New York Institute of Sciences. 1980; 32-44.
  10. Ganot N, MekerS,Reytman L, Tzubery A, Tshuva E. Anticancer Metal Buildings: Union and Cytotoxicity Assessment by the MTT Measure. Diary Of Envisioned Tests. 2013; (81): 1-6.
  11. Unknown, Indian Pharmacopeia. Govt. of India Service of Wellbeing and Family Government assistance, Distributed by Indian Pharmacopeia Commission, I, II, &III (2010) 153,187-202,300, 576, 1130, 2479-2481, 2544-2546.
  12. Lavekar GS, Padhi E, Gasp P. Lab guide for the examination of Ayurveda and Siddha details. New Delhi: Focal Gathering for Exploration in Ayurveda and Siddha; 2010, p. 88.
  13. Meghwal M, Goswami T. Stream portrayal of ambiently and cryogenically ground dark pepper (flautist nigrum) powder as a component of fluctuating dampness content. Diary of food process designing, 40(1); e12304.
  14. Beakawi H, H. M., Baghabra A., Omar S. A survey on the point of rest of granular materials. Powder Innovation. 2018; 397-417.
  15. Lachman L, Lieberman HA, Kanig JL; The theoryand practice of modern drug store, third edition.Varghese Distributing House, New Delhi, 1987:293-639.
  16. Overall rules for drug improvement of Ayurvedic details. Vol. 1. New Delhi: Focal Board for Exploration in Ayurvedic sciences, Service of AYUSH; 2018; 23-26.
  17. Lavekar GS, Padhi E, Gasp P. Lab guide for the examination of Ayurveda and Siddha details. New Delhi: Focal Gathering for Exploration in Ayurveda and Siddha; 2010,27. 3061 Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 8),3030-3062 Detailing Improvement, Assessment AND MTT Test OF Natural L-ascorbic acid POWDER.
  18. Basic principles for drug advancement of Ayurvedic details. Vol. 1. New Delhi: Focal Gathering for Exploration in Ayurvedic sciences, Service of AYUSH; 2018; 23-26.
  19. Patra Karthik, Pareta Surendra Kumar, Singh Brijesh and Jayaram Kumar, Near Normalization of a polyherbal Ayurvedic detailing Talishadi churna, Indian Diary of Customary Information. (2011); 10(4): 608-611.
  20. Kokate CK, Purohit AP, Gokhale SB, Reading material of pharmacognosy, profession distribution. (2009);43(3): 1.107-1.110, 3.64 3.67, 3.80-3.82.
  21. Atanassova M, Christova-bagadassarian V. Assurance of tannins content by titrimetric strategy for correlation of various plant species. Diary of the College Compound Innovation and metallurgy. 2009; 44, 4: 413-415.


  1. Parasuraman S, Thing G.S, Dhanaraj S.A. Polyherbal detailing: Idea of Ayurveda. Phcog. Fire up. 2014; 8: 73-80.
  2. Srivastava S, Lal V.K, Gasp K.K. Polyherbal details in light of Indian therapeutic plants as antidiabetic phytotherapeutics. Phytopharmacology. 2013; 2: 1-15.
  3. Ruchi S. Job of nutraceuticals in medical services: A survey. Int J Green Pharm. 2017;11(3)
  4. Nothing H, Heba E, Ahmed A, Mohamed E, Ivan E, and Mohamed N. Nutraceuticals' Book Details: The Upside, the Terrible, the Obscure and Licenses Included. Late Licenses on Drug Conveyance and Detailing. 2019; 13(2): 105-156.
  5. CarrA,Vissers M. Manufactured or Food-Inferred L-ascorbic acid — Would they say they are Similarly Bioavailable?. Supplements, 2013; 5(11): 4284-4304.
  6. Mohammed M, Fisher B, Kraskauskas D, Ward S, Wayne J, Brophy D et al. L-ascorbic acid advances twisted recuperating through novel pleiotropic components. Worldwide Injury Diary, 2016; 13(4): 572-584.
  7. K. Akhilender Naidu.Vitamin C in human wellbeing and sickness is as yet a secret? An outline. Sustenance Diary, 2003; 2: 7. 3060 Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 8),3030-3062 Definition Improvement, Assessment AND MTT Measure OF Home grown L-ascorbic acid POWDER.
  8. Chow O, Barbul A. Immunonutrition: Job in Injury Mending and Tissue Recovery. Progresses in Injury Care. 2014; 3(1): 46-53.
  9. Lynch S, Cook J. Association of L-ascorbic acid and iron. Records of the New York Institute of Sciences. 1980; 32-44.
  10. Ganot N, MekerS,Reytman L, Tzubery A, Tshuva E. Anticancer Metal Buildings: Union and Cytotoxicity Assessment by the MTT Measure. Diary Of Envisioned Tests. 2013; (81): 1-6.
  11. Unknown, Indian Pharmacopeia. Govt. of India Service of Wellbeing and Family Government assistance, Distributed by Indian Pharmacopeia Commission, I, II, &III (2010) 153,187-202,300, 576, 1130, 2479-2481, 2544-2546.
  12. Lavekar GS, Padhi E, Gasp P. Lab guide for the examination of Ayurveda and Siddha details. New Delhi: Focal Gathering for Exploration in Ayurveda and Siddha; 2010, p. 88.
  13. Meghwal M, Goswami T. Stream portrayal of ambiently and cryogenically ground dark pepper (flautist nigrum) powder as a component of fluctuating dampness content. Diary of food process designing, 40(1); e12304.
  14. Beakawi H, H. M., Baghabra A., Omar S. A survey on the point of rest of granular materials. Powder Innovation. 2018; 397-417.
  15. Lachman L, Lieberman HA, Kanig JL; The theoryand practice of modern drug store, third edition.Varghese Distributing House, New Delhi, 1987:293-639.
  16. Overall rules for drug improvement of Ayurvedic details. Vol. 1. New Delhi: Focal Board for Exploration in Ayurvedic sciences, Service of AYUSH; 2018; 23-26.
  17. Lavekar GS, Padhi E, Gasp P. Lab guide for the examination of Ayurveda and Siddha details. New Delhi: Focal Gathering for Exploration in Ayurveda and Siddha; 2010,27. 3061 Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12(Special Issue 8),3030-3062 Detailing Improvement, Assessment AND MTT Test OF Natural L-ascorbic acid POWDER.
  18. Basic principles for drug advancement of Ayurvedic details. Vol. 1. New Delhi: Focal Gathering for Exploration in Ayurvedic sciences, Service of AYUSH; 2018; 23-26.
  19. Patra Karthik, Pareta Surendra Kumar, Singh Brijesh and Jayaram Kumar, Near Normalization of a polyherbal Ayurvedic detailing Talishadi churna, Indian Diary of Customary Information. (2011); 10(4): 608-611.
  20. Kokate CK, Purohit AP, Gokhale SB, Reading material of pharmacognosy, profession distribution. (2009);43(3): 1.107-1.110, 3.64 3.67, 3.80-3.82.
  21. Atanassova M, Christova-bagadassarian V. Assurance of tannins content by titrimetric strategy for correlation of various plant species. Diary of the College Compound Innovation and metallurgy. 2009; 44, 4: 413-415.

Vaibhav Rajendra dhage
Corresponding author

Rashtrasant Janardhan Swami College Of Pharmacy, kokamthan, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra- 414001

Shraddha Suresh Dhage

Rashtrasant Janardhan Swami College Of Pharmacy, kokamthan, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra- 414001

Shraddha Sajan Pokale

Vidya Niketan institute of pharmacy and research centre Maharashtra 422602

Varsha Eshwar Kurhe

S.N.D college of pharmacy Babhulgaon kh. Maharashtra 423401

Vaibhav Dhage*, Shraddha Dhage, Shraddha pokale, varsha kurhe, Assessment And MTT Examine OF Home-grown L-ascorbic acid Powder, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 8, 3181-3189.

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