Department of Panchakarma, PGIA Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India, Pin-code 342037
Hypertension is one of the most common lifestyle disease today. Hypertension or high blood pressure is an asymptomatic medical condition in which systemic arterial blood pressure elevates beyond the normal value (more than 140/90mm of hg). It is also called a silent killer disease because most sufferers (85%) are asymptomatic and as per available reports, in more than 95% of cases of hypertension, underlying cause is not found.A 60year old female patient presented with symptoms of Headache, Insomnia, Palpitation and Irregular bowel habit associated with 142/90mmhg Blood pressure. In fact, the incidence of hypertension is still rising alarmingly; there is a dire need to search for an effective and safe treatment because of the lack of current therapies to either provide a complete cure. Here Panchakarma procedures like Shirodhara is mentioned in the treatment of Eseential Hypertension. An attempt has been made to assess the role of Takra dhara (Shirodhara) followed by Shiroabhyanga in managing Essential Hypertension in this case study.The total duration of the treatment was done for 14 days and follow-up was done on 7th day after completion of treatment. Improvement was assessed based on relief in the symptoms, subjective and objective parameters. Complete relief in all symptoms was noted after completion of the treatment. Any complications or adverse events due to treatment were not observed during the treatment period. This case report demonstrates the effectiveness of Takra Shirodhara in managing Essential Hypertension.
Pooja K. Dhakar, Gyan Prakash Sharma, Panchkarma Therapy In The Management Of “Raktagata Vata” (Essential Hypertension) – A Case Study, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 2, 597-601.