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Hypertension, a prevalent cardiovascular condition, has been recognized as a significant risk factor for various adverse health outcomes, including stroke, myocardial infarction, and renal failure. Over the decades, a plethora of antihypertensive drugs have been developed and introduced into clinical practice. This review synthesizes the current state of research and evaluation of these drugs, providing an overview of their mechanisms of action, efficacy profiles, safety considerations, and comparative effectiveness. The paper commences with a discussion on the pathophysiology of hypertension, laying the foundation for understanding the targets and mechanisms of action of antihypertensive medications. Subsequent sections delve into the classes of antihypertensive drugs, including diuretics, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, ARBs, and newer agents like mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists. For each class, the review presents pivotal clinical trials, highlighting key findings related to blood pressure reduction, cardiovascular outcomes, and adverse effects. Safety profiles, drug interactions, and considerations for monitoring are critically evaluated to provide clinicians with evidence-based guidance for optimizing therapeutic outcomes while minimizing potential harms. The review also underscores the evolving landscape of antihypertensive drug development, with a focus on emerging therapies and research directions.


Hypertension, Clinical Evaluation Method, Clinical Practice Guidelines, Clinical Study


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Vishavjeet Pisal
Corresponding author

Department Of Pharmacology, Ashokrao Mane Institute Of Pharmacy, Ambap-416112, India

Tejaswini Kamble

Department Of Pharmacology, Ashokrao Mane Institute Of Pharmacy, Ambap-416112, India

Pritam Salokhe

Department Of Pharmacology, Ashokrao Mane Institute Of Pharmacy, Ambap-416112, India

Sachin Navale

Department Of Pharmacology, Ashokrao Mane Institute Of Pharmacy, Ambap-416112, India

Nilesh Chougule

Department Of Pharmacology, Ashokrao Mane Institute Of Pharmacy, Ambap-416112, India

Vishavjeet Pisal*,Tejaswini Kamble,Pritam Salokhe,Sachin Navale,Nilesh Chougule, Research advance in clinical evaluation of antihypertensive Drug , Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 1, 526-540.

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