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The main aim of review is to study telemedicine regarding to its necessity guidelines and the method of implementation .during pre and post pandemic time. Review also aims to study the digitalisation in health care system with its limitations and barriers for implementation , and the future development in the health care sector


Telemedicine, health care , digital doctor , Mobile Health.


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Shubham B. Tarle
Corresponding author

Student, Mahatma Gandhi Vidya Mandir College of pharmacy, Panchavati,Nashik-3

Akash A. pawar

Student, Mahatma Gandhi Vidya Mandir College of pharmacy, Panchavati,Nashik-3

Sapana K. Sonavane

Student, Mahatma Gandhi Vidya Mandir College of pharmacy, Panchavati,Nashik-3

Manisha P. Padme

Student, Mahatma Gandhi Vidya Mandir College of pharmacy, Panchavati,Nashik-3

Ashwini Dokhale

Assistant professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, Mahatma Gandhi Vidya Mandir College of pharmacy, Panchavati,Nashik-3

Ashwini Dokhale, Shubham Tarle, Sapana Sonavane, Aakash Pawar,Manisha Padme, Telemedicine System In Health Care: A Review, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 2, 496-508.

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