1SRES’ Sanjivani Institute of Pharmacy and Research, Kopargaon, Ahmednagar-423601
2SRES’ Sanjivani college of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Kopargaon, Ahmednagar-423601
This review is all about Polyherbal Hand wash. In this article we have given more emphasis on why one should use herbal hand wash and their different methods to prepare polyherbal hand wash. Hands are responsible for transmission of microbes and infections. From the time of Pandemics people get to know the importance of hand hygiene and herbal preparations. We can reduce the risk of transmitting infection by proper hand hygiene. There are a good many synthetic hand wash formulations are available in the market with a few adverse effects like itching, dermatitis, irritation and with increased antibiotic resistance in microorganisms, etc. To overcome these adverse effects and herbs antibiotic activity various efforts has been made to prepare Polyherbal hand wash.
Pathan Shain Mahemood*, N. S. Pendbhaje, Sonali D. More, Smeeta L. Chandre, A Review on: Polyherbal Hand wash, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 7, 139-141. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8112933