1Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Saraswati Institute of Pharmacy Kurtadi, Hingoli 431701.
2Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, S. R. Institute of Diploma in Pharmacy Pharmacy, Udgir, Latur.
3,4,5Final year B. Pharm, Saraswati Institute of Pharmacy Kurtadi, Hingoli.
Traditional values of Cissus quadrangularis have its own importance in medicinal field. Which have been used from ancient times and still its effective in many cases such as maintain broken bone health and healing of tissues, anti-ulcer properties, as analgesic and promote diet through weight loss property. This review highlights the effective dosage form which maintains the stability and effectiveness. Cissus quadrangularis plant extract identified the various chemical constituents those are steroids, flavonoids, stilbenes, triterpenes derivatives whether these are being suitable with the excipients are discussed by this study. There are various dosage forms already been produced and evaluated by this extract but the biggest challenge to see the effectiveness, stability and patient convivence towards these dosage forms are been discussed by this study. It is important to choose of dosage form according to the pharmacological effect and their therapeutic dose to maintain the safety standards. There are different types of techniques are used to produce the effective dosage form such types are also mentioned in this study. Stability study by the various evaluation parameter which being discussed such stability studies are mentioned according to dosage forms.
Rohit R. Eklare*, Mahesh M. Biradar, Anita S. Chavhan, Vaishnavi K. Chavhan, Anjali G. Chopade, A Review on Application and Scopes for Dosage Forms of Cissus Quadrangularis Extracts, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 1, 56-63. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10462742