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  • Formulation And Evaluation Of Nutraceutical Tablet

  • 1Rashtrasant Janardhan Swami College Of Pharmacy, kokamthan, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra- 414001
    2Assistant professor: Rashtrasant Janardhan Swami College Of Pharmacy, kokamthan, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra- 414001
    3S.N.D college of pharmacy Babhulgaon kh. Maharashtra 423401
    4Rashtrasant Janardhan Swami College Of Pharmacy, kokamthan, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra- 414001
    5Vidya Niketan institute of pharmacy and research centre Maharashtra 422602


This study uses the wet granulation process to formulate and assess a Nutraceutical tablet by Herbs containing Orange peel, Tulsi, Cinnamon, Liquorice, Mint, and Ginger. The goal of the Study is to evaluate the quality and qualities of the tablet using a variety of factors, such as Thickness, hardness, weight variation, and friability. These strong herbs are used in the tablet’s Formulation because of their nutritional and therapeutic qualities. The contents are efficiently Processed into a tablet form that may be consumed using wet granulation. Analysing the Tablet’s properties offers valuable information about its physical characteristics, which are Essential for guaranteeing both its efficacy and user acceptability. The research findings offer Potential benefits for dietary supplementing and health by advancing our understanding of the Formulation process and quality assessment of Nutraceutical tablet by herbs.


Nutraceutical Tablet, Orange Peel, Tulsi, Cinnamon, Mint, Liquorice, Ginger, Thickness, Hardness, Weight variation, Friability, Wet granulation.


Nutrition, or the science of food and its effects on health, is critical to human health and  Illness prevention. The importance of healthy diet in preserving good health and vigour has Been recognised since antiquity. In modern culture, with the rise of chronic diseases and Lifestyle-related health concerns, the importance of a balanced diet rich in key nutrients is More obvious than ever.

The use of herbal supplements for health promotion and dietary supplementation has gained Popularity in recent years due to its purported therapeutic benefits and low negative effects.Orange Peel, Tulsi (Holy Basil), Cinnamon, Liquorice, Mint, and Ginger are among the many Herbal treatments that are highly valued for their nutritional value and therapeutic qualities. Numerous civilizations have historically held these plants in high regard due to their wide Range of health-promoting qualities, which include immune-stimulating, digestive, and Antioxidant capabilities. Research on the formulation and assessment of herbal products, especially those in tablet Form for easy consumption, has increased dramatically in response to the growing demand for Natural health remedies. Combining several herbal constituents into a single multi nutritionTablet offers a promising opportunity to improve general health and wellbeing. The goal of This study is to investigate the preparation and assessment of a Nutraceutical tablet that Contains ginger, mint, Orange Peel, tulsi, cinnamon, and liquorice. These botanicals have Been turned into a cohesive tablet form using the reliable wet granulation procedure, which Guarantees the end product’s potency and homogeneity.The thorough evaluation of numerous factors that are essential to the effectiveness and Quality of the herbal tablet is at the heart of this inquiry. The physical characteristics of a Tablet, such as its weight variation, hardness, thickness, and friability, are crucial indications That impact its effectiveness, stability, and consumer acceptance. This study intends to  Contribute to the developing field of herbal medicine and nutraceuticals by delving into the Formulation process and evaluating the tablet’s quality standards. The findings of this study Hold promise for developing the development of Nutraceuticals supplements that provide a Natural and holistic approach to health maintenance and illness prevention. The idea of using Food for health benefits beyond its nutritional value is gaining popularity in both the public And scientific communities. Nutraceuticals are natural compounds that provide health benefits To the body.


Herbs used :

  • Orange Peel.                                                                                            
  • Tulsi leaves
  • Mint leaves
  • Liquorice roots
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger

Chemicals used:

  • Starch soluble
  • Lactose
  • Magnesium sterate


  • Weighing scale
  • Blender
  • Standard sieve
  • Petri dish             


  1. Take 185mg Orange Peel Powder                 


    Fig 1 : orange peel powder

      2. Cinnamon powder 30mg     


    Fig 2 : Cinnamon powder

3. Ginger powder 25mg


    Fig 3 : Ginger powder

4. Liquorice powder 30mg


    Fig 4: Liquorice powder

5. Tulsi powder 90mg


    Fig 5 : Tulsi powder

6. Mint powder 5mg


Fig 6: Mint powder 5mg.

  • Mix these all powder in given quantity.
  • Add 100mg Lactose.
  • Add 40 mg Starch.
  • Add 5mg magnesium stearate.
  • This mixture powder was blended and mixed well.
  • The mixture was converted into granules by wet granulation method.


    Fig 7 : granules

The granules were evaluated for pre evaluation parameters like tapped density, bulk Density, Hausner’s ratio, angle of repose and compressibility index (Carr’s index).

  • Nutraceutical tablet by herbss were prepared by compression method using single Punch tablet press machine.
  • Faint/light brown tablets were obtained and the post evaluation parameters were
  • Performed for the formulation that i.e. Weight variation test, hardness test, friability Testing.

 Evaluation of pre-compressional blend:

Angle of repose:

The angle of repose was measured using the fixed funnel method. The fixed Funnel method involves securing a funnel with its tip at a specific height (h) above graph Paper set on a level horizontal platform. Granules were gently transferred through the funnel Until the apex of the conical pile touched the funnel tip.                                                                      

Tan ? = h/r.                                                                                                               In this equation, r represents the radius of the conical pile’s base, while ? represents the angle Of repose.

Bulk density:

The bulk density is defined as the granule’s bulk mass divided by its bulk Volume. And it is denoted by ?b. The bulk density is used to determine the homogeneity of the sample to be found.  Bulk density (?b) equals M/Vb. Where M is the sample’s mass, and Vb is the bulk volume.

Tapped density:

The tapped density is the weight of the granules divided by the minimum Volume of the measurement cylinder.To determine the volume of a powder bed, a graduated Cylinder containing a known mass of medicine or formulation is placed on a mechanical Tapper equipment and operated at a given number of taps (100) until the minimum volume is Reached. Tapped density (?t) is the weight of the powder blend divided by the minimum volume of the Cylinder.

 Carr’s index:

The powder mixture’s % compressibility was calculated using a formula based On its apparent bulk density and tapped density.             

Carr’s index = Tapped density – Bulk density × 100/Tapped Density.

Hausner’s ratio:

Lower Hausner’s ratio (<1>1.25). 10 It is determined by the formula. (Aulton ME 2002; Lachman L, 2009).                                       Hausner’s ratio = tap density/bulk density.25

Evaluation parameters of tablets:

Weight variation:

Twenty tablets were selected at random from the formulation. Tablets  were weighed individually, and the average weight was computed. The variation of each tablet from the average weight was calculated, followed by the percentage deviation.

Hardness tester:

The hardness was being evaluated by using hardness tester.

Friability test:

Friability tests are performed using a Friability apparatus. Weighted tablets are placed in an instrument and rotated at 25 rpm for 5 minutes. After an interval, tablets are removed from the equipment and weighed again. The friability is calculated using the provided formula.


This study investigated the formulation and evaluation of a multi nutrition herbal tablet Containing Amla, Tulsi, Cinnamon, Licorice, Mint, and Ginger utilising the wet granulation Process. To assess the tablet’s quality and appropriateness, critical factors such as weight Variation, hardness, thickness, and friability were carefully measured and analysed. Furthermore, the wet granulation method has proven to be effective in manufacturing Homogeneous and stable herbal tablets, ensuring the end product’s uniformity and potency. This robust formulation approach has implications for the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical Industries, allowing for the generation of high-quality herbal formulations with improved Bioavailability and efficacy

Examining the pharmacological properties of the tablets, including their anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory actions, may offer further therapeutic Advantages and aid in the creation of nutraceuticals or functional foods.


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  2. Sen P. Therapeutic potential of Tulsi: From experience to facts, Drug news and views. 1993; 1(2):15-21.
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  4. Shah VP. In vitro dissolution profile comparison statistics and analysis of the Similarity factor. Pharm Res 1998;15:889-896.
  5. Gupta SK, Prakash J and Srivastava S. Validation of traditional claim of Tulsi, Ocimum sanctum Linn. As a medicinal plant. Indian J Exp Biol. 2002; 40(7):765-773.
  6. Tamilvanan S and Biswanath SA. In Vitro and In Vivo evaluation of single-unit Commercial conventional tablet and sustained-release capsules compared with Multiple-unit polystyrene microparticles dosage forms of ibuprofen. AAPS Pharm Sci Tech 2006; 7(3):1-9.
  7. United States Pharmacopoeia. The US Pharmacopoeial Convention. 35th edn. Inc.12601 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville MD20852; 2007.
  8. Lachman L, Lieberman HA and Kanig JL.The theory and practice of industrial Pharmacy.3rdedition Varghese publishing house.2009; 182-184,296-303.
  9. Hussain AI, Anwar F, Nigam PS, Ashraf M, Gilani AH. Seasonal variation in content, Chemical composition and antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of essential oils from Four Mentha species. J Sci. Food. Agric. 2010; 90(11):1827-1836.
  10. Indian Pharmacopoeia: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. Published by the Indian Pharmacopoeial commission: Ghaziabad; 2010; 2:751-753.
  11. Cencic A and Chingwaru W. The role of functional food nutraceutical and food Supplements in intestinal health.Nutrients. 2010; 2(6): 611–625.
  12. Srinath KR, Chowdary P, Palanisamy P, Vamsy K et al, “Formulation and Evaluation Of Effervescent tablets of Paracetamol”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development, 2011; 3(3): 12, 76- 104.
  13. Gaurav KR. To develop a simple (UV-Vis spectrometric) method for the estimation Of water soluble vitamins. Int J Drug Formulation Res 2011; 2:232-239.
  14. Athawale RB, Regee SS and Tawade V. Formulation and evaluation of herbal Neutraceutical tablet for malnutrition. Int J Ayurvedic Herbal 2011; 1:6-1.
  15. Patel HK, “Formulation and Evaluation of Effervescent Tablet of Paracetamol and Ibuprofen”, International Journal for Pharmaceutical Research Scholars, 2012; 1: I-2, 509-520.
  16. Deng R. A review of the hypoglycaemic effects of five commonly used herbal food Supplements. Recent Pat Food Nutr Agric. 2012; 4(1): 50–60.
  17. Chauhan B, Kumar G, Kalam N and Ansari SH. Current concepts and prospects of  Herbal nutraceutical: A review.J Adv Pharm Technol Res. 2013; 4(1): 4–8.


  1. Senanayake UM, Lee TH and Wills RBH. Volatile constituents of cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) oils. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 1978;  26(4):822-824.
  2. Sen P. Therapeutic potential of Tulsi: From experience to facts, Drug news and views. 1993; 1(2):15-21.
  3. Ramirez S, Bosca A, Soler A, Gutierrez MA. Antioxidant curcuma extracts decrease The blood lipid peroxide levels of human subjects: Age. 1995; 18:167-169.
  4. Shah VP. In vitro dissolution profile comparison statistics and analysis of the Similarity factor. Pharm Res 1998;15:889-896.
  5. Gupta SK, Prakash J and Srivastava S. Validation of traditional claim of Tulsi, Ocimum sanctum Linn. As a medicinal plant. Indian J Exp Biol. 2002; 40(7):765-773.
  6. Tamilvanan S and Biswanath SA. In Vitro and In Vivo evaluation of single-unit Commercial conventional tablet and sustained-release capsules compared with Multiple-unit polystyrene microparticles dosage forms of ibuprofen. AAPS Pharm Sci Tech 2006; 7(3):1-9.
  7. United States Pharmacopoeia. The US Pharmacopoeial Convention. 35th edn. Inc.12601 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville MD20852; 2007.
  8. Lachman L, Lieberman HA and Kanig JL.The theory and practice of industrial Pharmacy.3rdedition Varghese publishing house.2009; 182-184,296-303.
  9. Hussain AI, Anwar F, Nigam PS, Ashraf M, Gilani AH. Seasonal variation in content, Chemical composition and antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of essential oils from Four Mentha species. J Sci. Food. Agric. 2010; 90(11):1827-1836.
  10. Indian Pharmacopoeia: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. Published by the Indian Pharmacopoeial commission: Ghaziabad; 2010; 2:751-753.
  11. Cencic A and Chingwaru W. The role of functional food nutraceutical and food Supplements in intestinal health.Nutrients. 2010; 2(6): 611–625.
  12. Srinath KR, Chowdary P, Palanisamy P, Vamsy K et al, “Formulation and Evaluation Of Effervescent tablets of Paracetamol”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development, 2011; 3(3): 12, 76- 104.
  13. Gaurav KR. To develop a simple (UV-Vis spectrometric) method for the estimation Of water soluble vitamins. Int J Drug Formulation Res 2011; 2:232-239.
  14. Athawale RB, Regee SS and Tawade V. Formulation and evaluation of herbal Neutraceutical tablet for malnutrition. Int J Ayurvedic Herbal 2011; 1:6-1.
  15. Patel HK, “Formulation and Evaluation of Effervescent Tablet of Paracetamol and Ibuprofen”, International Journal for Pharmaceutical Research Scholars, 2012; 1: I-2, 509-520.
  16. Deng R. A review of the hypoglycaemic effects of five commonly used herbal food Supplements. Recent Pat Food Nutr Agric. 2012; 4(1): 50–60.
  17. Chauhan B, Kumar G, Kalam N and Ansari SH. Current concepts and prospects of  Herbal nutraceutical: A review.J Adv Pharm Technol Res. 2013; 4(1): 4–8.

Vaibhav Rajendra dhage
Corresponding author

Department of pharmacognacy rashtrasant janardhan swami collage of pharmacy kopargaon

Amrita M.Singh

Department of pharmacognacy rashtrasant janardhan swami collage of pharmacy kopargaon

Shraddha Pokale

Department of pharmacognacy rashtrasant janardhan swami collage of pharmacy kopargaon

Shraddha dhage

Department of pharmacognacy rashtrasant janardhan swami collage of pharmacy kopargaon

Varsha Kurhe

Department of pharmacognacy rashtrasant janardhan swami collage of pharmacy kopargaon

Vaibhav Rajendra Dhage, Amrita .M .Singh, Varsha Eshvar Kurhe, Shraddha Suresh Dhage, Shraddha Sajan Pokale , Formulation And Evaluation Of Nutraceutical Tablet, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 9, 217-222.

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