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  • Pharmacognostical, Phytochemical Characterisation and Formulative Study of Trichodesma indicum R. Br
  • 1B. Pharm student, Sree Krishna College of Pharmacy and Research Center, Parassala, Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala
    2B. Pharm student, Sree Krishna College of Pharmacy and Research Center, Parassala, Thiruvanathapuram, Parassala
    3B. Pharm student, Sree Krishna College of Pharmacy and Research Center, Parassala, Thiruvanathapuram, Parassala
    4B. Pharm student, Sree Krishna College of Pharmacy and Research Center, Parassala, Thiruvanathapuram, Parassala
    5Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy, Sree Krishna College of Pharmacy and Research Center, Parassala, Thiruvanathapuram, Parassala
    6Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy, Sree Krishna College of Pharmacy and Research Center, Parassala, Thiruvanathapuram, Parassala
    7Principal, Sree Krishna College of Pharmacy and Research Center, Parassala, Thiruvanathapuram, Parassala


The aim of the proposed study was to collect the useful information of the traditional medicinal plant Trichodesma indicum and upgrade the knowledge about the plant. It belongs to family Boraginaceae. Pharmacognostic studies of plant drug are carried out for the evaluation of drug and to detect the adulteration. It includes dermal characters like stomata, trichomes and anatomical features. Phytochemical studies of this plant shows presence of steroids, triterpenoids, tannins, flavonoids, saponins etc. In the formulative studies, cream has been prepared and shows with good washability, solubility and smooth greasy texture. Ethanobotanical studies shows various uses such as anti-inflammatory, antimitotic, antioxidant, anti-diabetic etc.


Trichodesma indicum, pharmacognostical studies, formulation


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S. Jasbin Nisha
Corresponding author

B. Pharm student, Sree Krishna College of Pharmacy and Research Center, Parassala, Thiruvanathapuram, Parassala

Abish Mobin M.

B. Pharm student, Sree Krishna College of Pharmacy and Research Center, Parassala, Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala

Deepthi Dileep

B. Pharm student, Sree Krishna College of Pharmacy and Research Center, Parassala, Thiruvanathapuram, Parassala

Thomas R.

B. Pharm student, Sree Krishna College of Pharmacy and Research Center, Parassala, Thiruvanathapuram, Parassala

Daniel Xavier Prasad

Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy, Sree Krishna College of Pharmacy and Research Center, Parassala, Thiruvanathapuram, Parassala

Surabhi G. S.

Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy, Sree Krishna College of Pharmacy and Research Center, Parassala, Thiruvanathapuram, Parassala

Prasobh G. R.

Principal, Sree Krishna College of Pharmacy and Research Center, Parassala, Thiruvanathapuram, Parassala.

Abish Mobin M., Deepthi Dileep, S. Jasbin Nisha*, Thomas R., Daniel Xavier Prasad, Surabhi G. S., Prasobh G. R., Pharmacognostical, Phytochemical Characterisation and Formulative Study of Trichodesma indicum R. Br, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 9, 241-256.

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