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  • The Haemostatic Effect of Jati Patra Swaras In Sravi Arsha
  • 1Associate Professor, Rognidan Dept., Bhimashankar Ayurved College,hospital and Research centre, wadgaon  Kashibeg, Pune( MS), (Affiliated to MUHS,Nashik), and (Phd Scholar) Rognidan Dept.,Dr.d.y.patil veedyapeeth (Deemed to be University),Dr D.Y. Patil  Ayurved  College & Hosp. Pune ( MS)
    2(Phd Guide) Professor, Rognidan Dept., Dr D.Y. Patil Ayurved College & Hosp. Pune (MS)., Dr D.Y. Patil Ayu. College & Hosp. Pune (MS)       
    3Professor Rognidan Dept., Dr D.Y. Patil Ayu. College & Hosp. Pune (MS)  
    4Professor & HOD, Shalytantra Dept., Dr D.Y. Patil Ayu. College & Hosp. Pune (MS)
    5Associate Professor Rognidan Dept., Dr D.Y. Patil Ayu. College & Hosp. Pune (MS)
    6Professor Rognidan Dept., Dr D.Y. Patil Ayu. College & Hosp. Pune (MS)      


Raktarsha, is a vital disease and at rest a challenge to the medical field.. In Ayurveda, lots of provision and drugs are described as a Rakta stambhak in the management of Raktarsha, Raktapitta, Raktatisar etc. but there are hardly any researches on assessment of haemostatic properties of drugs. So there is an imperative need to have gaze on the subject and innovate medicine which will provide comparatively victorious and suitable for the management of Raktarsha. In the present study, the efforts are made to assess the haemostatic effect of Jati patra Swaras in Raktarsha,. As being a pilot study, results are not assessed on the standard parameters. RCT (Randomized Control Trial ) can be conducted to compare effectiveness of Jati patra Swaras with many other haemostatic drugs.


Raktarsha, Jati patra Swaras


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  2. Ayurved Prakash, Commentory by Shri Gulraj Sharma Mishra,Chaukhambha Bharti   Acadamy, Varanasi
  3. Bhartiya Rasashastra –Dr. V. g. Desai
  4. Rasaratna Samuchchay –Dr. D. A.Kulkarni
  5. Rasatarangini –Vd. Sadananda Sharma
  6. Rasashastra – Vd. S. S. Vaidya, Vd.V. A. Dole 5th edition
  7. Ayurved Rasashastra –Prof. Badrinarayan Pande,Luknow
  8. Sushurut sahmita first part by Kaviraj Dr.Ambikadattshastri &dr.Pranjivan M.Mehta seventh edition 1989  chikitsa sthan adhyaya no. 06/13 page no.38. 
  9. Astang sagraha by-Lalchandshastri& Vd.Ranjitroy Desai edition-1986 
  10. 10. Charak samhita of Agnivesh by-Shri.Satya Narayan Shastri edition-2004 chikista sthan adhaya 14 page no. 416, page no.15/455 
  11. Dr.Subhash Rande-edition-Jan-2002 page-532, 611, 676 
  12. Principal and Practice of Biostatitics By.-Dr,J,V.Dixit edition-fifth (Nov2011) Page no.51,53,107
  13. Under Graduate Surgery -A.K.Nan

Mangesh Udmale
Corresponding author

Associate Professor, Rognidan Dept., Bhimashankar Ayurved College,hospital and Research centre, wadgaon Kashibeg, Pune( MS), (Affiliated to MUHS,Nashik), and (Phd Scholar) Rognidan Dept.,Dr.d.y.patil veedyapeeth (Deemed to be University),Dr D.Y. Patil Ayurved College & Hosp. Pune ( MS)

Shirke J.M

(Phd Guide) Professor, Rognidan Dept., Dr D.Y. Patil Ayurved College & Hosp. Pune (MS)., Dr D.Y. Patil Ayu. College & Hosp. Pune (MS)

Prakash Mane

Professor Rognidan Dept., Dr D.Y. Patil Ayu. College & Hosp. Pune (MS)

Sanjay Babar

Professor & HOD, Shalytantra Dept., Dr D.Y. Patil Ayu. College & Hosp. Pune (MS)

Sachin Rohani

Associate Professor, Rognidan Dept., Dr D.Y. Patil Ayu. College & Hosp. Pune (MS)

Vinayak Joshi

Professor, Rognidan Dept., Dr D.Y. Patil Ayu. College & Hosp. Pune (MS)

Mangesh Udmale*, Shirke J.M, Prakash Mane, Sanjay Babar, Sachin Rohani, Vinayak Joshi, The Haemostatic Effect of Jati Patra Swaras In Sravi Arsha, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 7, 246-249.

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