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The woody, succulent, glabrous climbing shrub Tinospora cordifolia, sometimes referred to as Guduchi, is mostly found in tropical regions of the world, including China, India, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka. All conventional medical systems, including Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Folk, and others, have detailed the plant's curative qualities. Guduchi or Giloe are popular names for Tinospora cordifolia, a member of the Tinospora genus. The Menispermaceae family plant Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi) has plant components that may be used to investigate nutraceuticals using a range of bioactive principles. The most crucial portions for medical use are the leaves, stem, and roots, even if practically every other part is utilized in traditional medicine. A variety of phytochemical components are involved, including phenolics, diterpenoids, lactones, glycosides (syringin, cordiol), steroids, sesquiterpenoids, aliphatic chemicals, and polysaccharides (?-D glucan). Alkaloids include palmetin, berberine, and its derivatives. The anti-inflammatory properties of berberine, palmetin, G1-4A, and ?-D glucan are particularly effective against malignant cell lines. Tinospora cordifolia extracts from the bark, stem, and root have the potential to be chemopreventive and anti-tumor agents against various malignant cells. To investigate and determine T. cordifolia's phytochemistry and pharmacological activities, the present study is being conducted. This study centers on a methodical examination of the body of research about T.cordifolia's anti-cancer capabilities.


Menispermaceae, Guduchi, Tinospora cordifolia, polysaccharides (?-D glucan),Palmetin


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Arpita R. Pawar
Corresponding author

Student Ashokrao Mane Institue of Pharmacy, Ambap-416112.

Ashwini T. Chougule

Student Ashokrao Mane Institue of Pharmacy, Ambap-416112.

Jaya R. Kamble

Assistant Professor Ashokrao Mane Institute of Pharmacy, Ambap.

Pritam Salokhe

Assistant Professor Ashokrao Mane Institute of Pharmacy, Ambap.

Nilesh B. Chougule

Principal Ashokrao Mane Institute of Pharmacy, Ambap

Arpita R. Pawar, Ashwini T. Chougule, Jaya R. Kamble, Pritam Salokhe, Nilesh B. Chougule, Tinospora Cordifolia – As An Anticancer Agent: Recent And Advance Study, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 1, 707-716.

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