1Assistant professor, Department of pharmaceutics, Mahatma Gandhi College of Pharmacy, Panchavati, Nashik-3
2-8Student, Department of pharmaceutics, Mahatma Gandhi College of Pharmacy, Panchavati, Nashik-3
These research aims to study the usage , formulation and preparation of transdermal patch. Research also includes the study regarding UV spectroscopy, extraction methods , concepts of thin layer chromatography & Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy which is helpful in evaluation of transdermal patch. Research contains the monograph study of Liquorice , focus ,Thuja , Aloevera ,pipeline and Piper mint .
Topically administered medicaments in the form of patches or semisolids (gels) that deliver drugs for systemic effects at a predetermined and controlled rate are known as Transdermal Drug Delivery System (TDDS). In comparison to other routes of drug delivery, the transdermal route has attracted greater attention because of its flexibility and convenience, and it is one of the most acceptable, practical, safe, and cost-effective ways to administer drugs. [1] The advantages of a transdermal drug delivery system over traditional means of drug administration include a controlled rate of drug release, avoidance of hepatic metabolism, ease of termination, and a long duration of effect. A drug is applied to the inside of a patch that is worn on the skin for an extended period of time in reasonably high dosage. The drug enters the bloodstream immediately through the skin through a diffusion process. Because the patch has a high concentration and the blood has a low concentration, the drug will continue to diffuse into the blood for a long time, keeping a consistent drug concentration in the blood flow. [1] Wound healing is the process of repairing the skin and other soft tissues after an injury. An inflammatory reaction happens after an injury, and cells below the dermis (deepest skin layer) begin to produce more collagen (connective tissue). The epithelial tissue (outer skin) regenerates later. Wound healing is divided into three stages: inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling. Angiogenesis, collagen deposition, granulation tissue development, epithelialization, and wound contraction characterize the proliferative phase. Angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels by endothelial cells. Fibroblasts expel collagen and fibronectin to generate a new, provisional extracellular matrix during fibroplasia and granulation tissue development. Following that, epithelial cells crawl across the wound bed to cover it, and myofibroblasts contract the wound. [2] As herbal products are much more cost-efficient with fewer side effects, three of the herbals- Glycyyrhetinic acid, Thuja, and Ficus are used in this current research work which are known to have significant wound-healing action.
Table 1 : Pharmacogenetic Scheme of Plants:
But most of the drugs suffer from poor bioavailability and thus remain subtherapeutic because a considerable portion of a dose never enters the plasma or exerts its pharmacological action unless and until very large doses are delivered. Increasing drug bioavailability is therapeutically significant since it exerts a direct impact on plasma concentrations and therapeutic efficacy following the drug administration. Bioenhancers are one of the most used methods for improving drug bioavailability. Therefore, two bioenhancers – Piperine and Aloe vera gel are used in this present work for enhancing the bioavailability and wound-healing action of the polyherbal transdermal patch. [3]
Selection of Plant:
Liquorice stolons, Aloe vera gel, Menthol crystals will be procured from Dagdu Teli Chandwadkar, Raviwar Karanja, Panchavati, Nashik. Thuja and Ficus will be collected from the botanical Garden of Gokhale Education Society’s, Sir. Dr. M.S Gosavi College of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.
Authentication of Plants:
The authenticity of the plants used (Ficus and Thuja) will be certified by the Botanist of R.Y.K Science College, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.
Polymer part of the transdermal patch was synthesized using Carbopol and other excipients.
B. Polyherbal Transdermal Patch containing bioenhancers is to be formulated.
Extraction method:
Solvent Treatment Method: For 6 hours, a weighted amount of liquorice stolons were soaked in a 5 % H2SO4 solution in 500 mL distilled water. (Fraction A) The mixture was filtered. 500 mL alkali was added to the residual cake (Strong ammonia solution). The mixture was filtered after 2 hours (Fraction B). Alkali (Strong ammonia solution) was used to neutralize fractions 'A' and 'B.' By running the mixture through a charcoal column, it was decolourized. On a rotary evaporator, the mixture was concentrated and crystallized with ethanol. The component was then purified using column chromatography and tested to confirm its identity. [4]
Dried leaf powder of Ficus racemosa was soaked in 30 ml of alcohol for 24 hr and then subjected to hot extraction by using a Soxhlet extracting apparatus. The powder was then defatted with petroleum ether at least two to three times. Further, extraction was proceeded with methanol, and the resultant extract of methanol was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 15 min; after which the centrifugation supernatant of methanol extract was collected in a flask. The collected supernatant was dried and used for the identification of active phytoconstituents. [4]
The plant material was dried for about 10 days at room temperature. The dried leaves were powdered using a mechanical grinder and sieved to obtain a particle size of 50-150 mm and were stored in dry polythene bags. Accurately weighed 34gm of the powder was placed in the thimble and was extracted using solvents 70% methanol and ethyl acetate: chloroform: ethanol in the ratio 40:30:30 respectively in a Soxhlet extractor for 2 days. The extracts were concentrated using a hot plate. [5]
d. Piperine:
Powdered drug (20 g) with 250 ml of ethanol (95%) was extracted in a Soxhlet apparatus for 3 hours. The solution was filtered and concentrated under vacuum on a water-bath at 60°C. 20 ml of 10 per cent alcoholic potassium hydroxide was added with constant stirring to the concentrated extract and filter. The alcoholic solution was allowed to stand overnight where upon needles of piperine separate out. The yield of yellow needle shaped crystals of piperine is approximately 2.5 per cent w/w. [6]
3.3 Formulation: formula of patch [7]
Table 2 : Formulation of gel base
Table 3 : Formulation of Transdermal patch
*for 10 ml transdermal patch
Preliminary Screening:
Glycyrrhetinic acid: Sulphuric acid (80 % W/V) is added to a thick section of the drug or powder. [8]
2. Thuja:
3. Aloe vera:
A. Borax test. [10]
4. Piperine:
A. Mayer’s test. [11]
B. Wagner’s test [11]
4. Peppermint:
Glycyrrhetinic acid:
Of all salts was investigated, which included determining their physical state.[4]
All salts were studied for colour, odour, and taste. [4]
The melting point is an important factor in identifying a compound since it represents solubility properties, component purity, and crystalline habit (crystalline or amorphous). Capillary melting was used to estimate the melting point of glycyrrhetinic acid ammonium. To begin, L-ascorbic acid AR and sodium carbonate AR were used to calibrate the melting point apparatus. The average melting point was calculated after a little amount of glycyrrhetinic acid ammonium was placed in a capillary tube and placed in the digital melting apparatus. [4]
A precisely weighed 10 g of the compound was placed in a hot air oven that had been preheated to 105°C. Weigh the sample every 1 hour until you have two consistent weight readings. [4]
The pH of the 1 % aqueous chemical solution was evaluated using a standardized glass electrode pre-calibrated at pH 4, 7, and 9. [16]
A. Mobile phase: Chloroform –Toluene- Acetic acid (5:4:1)
B. Stationary phase: Silica gel
C. Visualizing agent: UV – lamp
D. Standard Rf value: 0.05 [5]
A. Mobile phase: Chloroform and methanol solvent system (8:2, 9:1, 7:3, 6:4)
B. Stationary phase: Silica gel
C. Visualizing agent: UV lamp
D. Standard Rf value: 0.5 [20]
A. Mobile phase: Ethanol and hexane (7:3)
B. Stationary phase: Silica gel
C. Visualizing agent: Dragendorff’s reagent
D. Standard Rf value: 0.25 [21]
4. UV-Visible Spectroscopy:
Glycyyrhetinic acid:
The 0.1N HCl was used to prepare the calibration curve by UV spectrophotometer.
In 0.1N HCl, a stock solution of 1 mg/ml was produced in a 100 ml volumetric flask. As a blank/reference, 0.1N HCl was employed. Using a UV spectrophotometer, the sample was scanned to find the ?max (Shimadzu 1700S). To measure absorbance, the dilutions (1-10 g/ml) were prepared and scanned at ?max. Finally, a calibration curve for glycyrrhetinic acid ammonium was created, as well as the equation of line was established. The ?max of glycyrrhetinic acid ammonium was found to be 251-252 nm in 0.1N HCl. [4]
UV–Visible spectra of Ficus racemosa in 0.5M H2SO4 were recorded. The spectra were taken out in two different situations i.e., the acidic solution of inhibitor in which the mild steel specimens were not immersed and the solution in which the steel specimens were immersed for 24 h at 298 K. [22]
Stock solution of piperine was prepared by dissolving 10 mg of piperine in 100 ml of methanol. Standard solutions of piperine were prepared from stock solution in the concentration range of 2- 20µg/ml in 100 ml volumetric flask using methanol as solvent. The absorbance of piperine standard solutions was measured at 342 nm against methanol as blank. [23
Glycyyrhetinic acid:
The FTIR spectra were recorded in the M.G.V College of Pharmacy, Nashik. The product was analyzed. In a mortar pestle, the thoroughly dried glycyrrhetinic acid ammonium (1 mg) was combined with potassium bromide KBr powder (10 mg). The prepared mixture was then compacted into a fine disc using a KBr press at 15,000 Psi pressure. To determine the various bonds and groups present in the chemical, the prepared disc was put on the window of an IR spectrometer. [24]
Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectra of active phytoconstituents isolated was recorded by using a spectrophotometer for studying the functional groups. The sample was loaded in potassium bromide (KBr) disc and then the spectrum was measured at wave numbers ranging from (600 – to 4000 cm-1). The various bands of wavelength were identified relating to their wave numbers. [5]
For determination of durability of the film, a specific area of the film was taken out and it was repeatedly folded till it breaks. The time required for the breaking of the film gave the durability of the film. [25]
From each film of extract three strips were taken from a specific area I. e. Left side, centre and right side respectively. Then length and breadth were measured and constriction was concluded. [25]
The pH of the polyherbal transdermal patch solution was determined by the Systronics- pH meter ? pH system.
The melting point of the polysaccharide based dermal patch was determined in open capillaries.
The tensile strength of the patch was determined by using the Tensiometer. It has two pullies upper one was movable and lower one was fixed load. Sample was placed in between these pullies and force was applied which gave the elongation capability of the patch. [25]
specified area of the patch was socked in 100 ml of methanol and shaken continuously for 24 hr on a magnetic stirrer. Then the solution was ultrasonicated for 15 min. The solution after that filtered using filter paper and then the filtrate was spectroscopically studied at 273 to 287 nm for the different drug extracts. [25]
the film of the patch was pre-weighed and then put in desiccator at room temperature containing potassium chloride maintaining the RH Value at 84%. After 24 hr the patch was re-weighed and moisture content was calculated. [26]
The thickness of the fil was measured by using a digital micrometre screw gauge from three places. [25]
From the formulated patch strip of (2x2) cm2 was placed on egg membrane which was previously treated with concentrated hydrochloric acid and it was soaked overnight in the phosphate buffer 7.4. Then the solution was put into the Franz diffusion cell such that the cell’s drug releasing surface remained towards the receptor compartment; which contained 50 ml of phosphate buffer pH 7.4 at room temperature the cell was placed on a magnetic stirrer, and the solution in the receptor compartment was continuously stirred using magnetic bead at 50 rpm at normal body temperature and then 5 ml solution was withdrawn at predefined time intervals and changed with the same amount of phosphate buffer pH 7.4. Then the solution was extracted with 5 ml chloroform. The chloroform layer was evaporated on a water bath and the residue was dissolved in 5 ml of methanol. Finally, the test solution was quantified for glycyrrhetinic acid, piperine, thuja, and ficus at a maximum wavelength of 250 nm and 343.17 nm using a simultaneous UV method against the standard solution containing a placebo patch. [27]
stability of the patch was performed as per International conference of harmonization Q1A(R2) guidelines by storing the prepared patch formulation at different atmospheric conditions of 25°C (60 ± 5 % RH), 30°C (65 ± 5 % RH) and 40°C (75 ± 5 % RH) in stability chamber for 15 days. Then the sample was taken out and examined for physical properties, drug quantity and drug release. [25]
Sensory analysis for the transdermal patch was performed. 20 individuals of various age groups were selected. They were told to observe the colour, appearance, clarity, and odour of the patch.
Preliminary Screening:
Glycyyrhetinic acid: Deep yellow colour is produced.
Within 5 minutes, liquid developed blue colour, which on further heating deepened and showed copper colours fluorescene and then eventually became golden yellow.
4.2Physical Characterization:
Glycyyrhetinic acid:
Table 4- The physicochemical parameters of thuja orientalis.. [18]
Thin Layer Chromatography:
Ficus: The Rf value was found to be 0.06
Fig 3: UV Spectra of Ficus racemose extract after and before immersion of mild
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy:
Glycyyrhetinic acid:
At a frequency of 400.1299 MHz, the product's Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed a significant variation in bands around 617, 837, 980, 1110, 1384, 1623, 2071, 2117, 2372, 3413 nm.
Fig 5: FTIR spectra of Glycyyrhetinic acid
Evaluation of the patch:
Evaluation parameters of transdermal patch:
Table 5-Evaluation of transdermal patch
Permeation of the drug:
Table 6: Cumulative amount of drug released
Drug release studies of formulation
Stability of the patch:
Table 7- stability studies of transdermal patch
Sensory analysis:
Table 8- Sensory analysis of transdermal patch
Fig 13- Sensory analysis of transdermal patch
Authors want to thank Mr. Karmarkar Ritesh , Department of pharmaceutics , Mahatma Gandhi Vidya Mandir college of pharmacy panchavati Nashik 3. For the guidance and support.
Ritesh R. Karmarkar, Manisha P. Padme, Shubham B.Tarle, Mangesh R. Bhadane4,Vaishnavi A. chavan, Akash A. Pawar, Rushikesh S. Sonawane, Siddhesh R. Gavali, A Research On Development And Evaluation Of Polyherbal Transdermal Patch With Natural Bioenhancers On Wound-Healing, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 4, 59-77. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10906881