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  • A Systematic Review On Production Of Bio Ethanol From Waste Fruits And Peels
  • *Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, Saraswati Institute of Pharmacy, Kurtadi, Hingoli, Maharashtra, India-431701
    1,2,3,B. Pharm Final Year, Saraswati Institute of Pharmacy,Kurtadi,Hingoli,Maharashtra,India-431701


Renewable energy is now capturing a headline because of concerns about supplies of fossil fuels, escalating population and industrialization triggering ever-increasing demand of fuels. All over the world, governments have encouraged the use of alternative sources of energy for overcome energy crisis. The high price of crude oil (Fuel) has attracted the greater attention to bio-fuels, especially ethanol. Fruits wastes from food processing plants (such as natural juices, jams, jellies, etc.) are generated in large amounts, these wastes present a tremendous pollution especially in Egypt and developing countries. Worldwide, these wastes are often simply dumped into landfills and ocean or used as animal feed. The recovery of food processing wastes as renewable energy sources represents a sustainable option for the substitution of fossil energy in order to decrease expected environmental damages like global warming and acid rain. Fruits wastes have high levels of sugars, including sucrose, glucose, and fructose, that can be transformed to bio-ethanol through four processes of pre-treatment, enzymatic hydrolysis, fermentation and distillation.


Renewable energy, Bio-Ethanol, bio-fuels, sugars.


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Ankita Marotrao Deshmukh
Corresponding author

Assistant Professor,Department of Pharmaceutics,Saraswati Institute of Pharmacy, Kurtadi, Hingoli, Maharashtra, India-431701.

Shivani Tawade

B.Pharm Final Year,Saraswati Institute of Pharmacy, Kurtadi, Hingoli, Maharashtra, India-431701.

Deepika Viswas

B.Pharm Final Year,Saraswati Institute of Pharmacy, Kurtadi, Hingoli, Maharashtra, India-431701.

Siddhi Vyas

B.Pharm Final Year,Saraswati Institute of Pharmacy, Kurtadi, Hingoli, Maharashtra, India-431701.

Ankita Deshmukh*, Shivani Tawde, Deepika Vishwas, Siddhi Vyas A Systematic Review On Production Of Bio-Ethanol From Waste Fruits And Peels, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 1, 37-41.

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