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Clinical trials test potential treatments in human volunteers (subjects) to see whether they should be approved for wider use in the general population. India stood as a global hub for clinical trials in past years due to various factors. In this paper we discuss about clinical trials and clinical trials in India. Clinical trials are classified into different types based on their objectives, such as treatment trials, prevention trials, diagnostic trials, and others. Each type aims to address specific research questions related to the intervention's effectiveness. Clinical trials typically progress through several phases (Phase I to Phase IV) to evaluate different aspects like safety, dosage, efficacy, and potential side effects of the intervention. Each phase serves a specific purpose in the research process. Efficiency in clinical trials refers to conducting trials in a cost-effective and timely manner. Effectiveness assesses how well an intervention works in real-world conditions compared to its efficacy in controlled settings. Blinding involves concealing certain information from participants, researchers, or both, to minimize bias. Randomization ensures that participants are allocated randomly to different treatment groups, enhancing the validity and reliability of trial results.


Types of clinical trial, Phases of clinical trial ,Clinical trail in India, Efficacy and effectiveness, Randomization, Blinding.


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Shreyash kirankumar koli
Corresponding author

Department of pharmacology, Ahokrao Mane institute of pharmacy Ambap 416112, India.

Sourabh Patil

Department of pharmacology, Ahokrao Mane institute of pharmacy Ambap 416112, India.

Sarthak kothali

Department of pharmacology, Ahokrao Mane institute of pharmacy Ambap 416112, India.

Suvarna Deshmukh

Department of pharmacology, Ahokrao Mane institute of pharmacy Ambap 416112, India.

Sachin Navale

Department of pharmacology, Ahokrao Mane institute of pharmacy Ambap 416112, India.

Nilesh Chougle

Department of pharmacology, Ahokrao Mane institute of pharmacy Ambap 416112, India.

Shreyash Koli, Sourabh Patil, Sarthak Kothali, Suvarna Deshmukh, Sachin Navale, Nilesh chougule, Effectiveness of clinical method evaluation, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 1, 264-273.

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