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Cosmetics are incredibly in demand since historical time. These days focus shifted more towards naturally derived cosmetic products. Among all cosmetic products, lip balm formulations are most widely used to enhance the beauty of lips and add glamour touch to the makeup. Lip balms offer a natural way to maintain and promote healthy lips. However, the synthetic ingredient in commercial lip balm can have side effects on the body in the long term. Pomegranate fruit is one of the natural ingredients containing anthocyanin which can be used as a natural dye, The natural lip balm can made using naturally occurring base, oils, extract, color and flavoring agents which can be evaluated for their resistance to temperature variations, pleasant flavor, and smoothness during application, adherence and easy intentional removal.The whole pomengranate fruit is useful as formulation purpose ,then mainly in that formulation of lip balm using peels of pomengranate ethanolic extract of peels.


Pomegranate peels, Lip balm, Herbal, Ethanolic.


The plant

The pomegranate tree or anar is a fruitbearing deciduous shrub or small tree growing between 5 to 8 meters (16–26 ft) in height.Owing to its medicinal and culinary utility, it has been mentioned in many ancient scriptures notably in Babylonian texts, the Book of Exodus, the Homeric Hymns and the Quran. The name pomegranate derives from Medieval Latin p?mum (i.e., apple) and gr?n?tum (i.e., seeded). This has influ-enced the common name for pomegranate in many languages (e.g. granada in Spanish, Granatapfel or Grenadine in German, grenade in French, granatäpple in Swedish, pomogranà in Venetian)[1] . The genus name Punica refers to the Phoenicians, who were active in broadening its cultivation, partly

 Botanical Source

The pomegranate belongs to the family Lythraceae (previously Punicae) with only two different species namely Punica grana-tum and Punica protopunica. These are planted either for its edible fruit or as an ornamen-tal tree. Punica granatum var. nana is a dwarf variety of P. granatum popularly planted as an ornamental plant in gardens. Additionally, it differs in having pink (not red) flowers and smaller, less sweet fruit[2] .

The habitat[3]

The Fruit of Punica granatum split open to reveal clusters of seeds with sarcotesta on the inside, and a glass of juice

Scientific classification



Order :          


 Family :


Subfamily :


Genus :


Species :

P granatum

Synonyms and biological name :

  • Punica granatum L vana
  • Granatum punica st. lag
  • Punica florida salisb
  • Punica garndiflora hort. Ex steud.
  • Punica nana.L
  • Punica spinosa Lam.
  • Rhoea punica st. lag

Benefits Of Pomegranate

Lip balm



Characteristic of lip balm

  • Resistance To Temperature Variation
  • Pleasant Flavour
  • Smoothness During Application
  • Innocuousness
  • Addherance And Easy Intentional Removal

Application of lipbalm

  • Lip balms are formulations applied onto the lips to prevent drying and protect against adverse environmental factors.
  • Natural lip balm being a product intended for uses by both men and women
  • The lip balm it is necessary to balance the concentration of the main ingredient including oils and wax and other excipients
  • Lip balm are often eaten away by the use and hence regulators have a microscopic lookate the ingredients that go in to the lip balm

The table of Ingredient

            Screenshot 2024-07-09 213559.png


Formulation and preparation

The color pigment of pomengranate peels extracted by soxhlet apparatus with ethanolic extract.Preservatives are used to prevent irritation and prevent bacterial growth, while the dye in lip balm is added only to make the product (lip balm) look attractive this research, researchers would make a lip balm made from natural ingredients. One of the natural ingredients used in this research is pomegranate. The use of natural ingredients aims to reduce and replace synthetic ingredients that exist in lip balm preparations. The compounds in the pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) to be tested are anthocyanins, saponins, tannins, and flavonoids, each of which has a role to replace or reduce synthetic ingredients commonly used in the manufacture of lip balms, so that in the manufacture of lip balms from natural ingredients is expected to bring out the natural color of the pomegranate.

 Drug and excipient profile


Scientific classification



Order :


Family :


Subfamily :


Genus :


Species :

P granatum

Pomegranate peels extract

The pomegranate peels extract using ethanol and methanol for phytoconstituents extraction by using soxhlet apparatus




Table of phytoconstituents

            Screenshot 2024-07-09 213625.png


Equipment used for study :

            Screenshot 2024-07-09 213645.png




Extraction Procedure

Extraction of ethanolic pomegranate peels



Formulation of lip balm

Lip balm was prepared either by incorporating the active ingredient into the selected base or by melting the base and active ingredient together.

Formulation table

All the following ingredients are in gm quantity for 10 g .

            Screenshot 2024-07-09 213716.png


Method of preparation




The conclusion on herbal pomegranate peel extract lip balm could highlight its potential benefits such as its antioxidant properties, moisturizing effects, and potential protection against UV damage due to its high polyphenol content. Additionally, it may have anti- inflammatory properties and could potentially aid in healing and soothing dry or chapped lips. However, further research and testing may be needed to fully understand its efficacy and potential side effects. Using Punica granatum (pomegranate) peels extract for lip balm preparation can offer numerous benefits. Pomegranate peel extract is rich in antioxidants, such as polyphenols, which can help protect the lips from oxidative damage caused by environmental factors like UV radiation and pollution. Additionally, it has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe and heal dry or chapped lips, making it an excellent natural ingredient for lip care products. In conclusion, utilizing Punica granatum (pomegranate) peels extract in lip balm formulation offers a promising natural solution for lip care. Its antioxidant- rich composition provides protection against oxidative stress, while its anti-inflammatory properties aid in soothing and healing dry or chapped lips. Furthermore, its potential to enhance moisture retention and promote overall lip health makes it a valuable ingredient in lip balm preparations. Further research and development could uncover additional benefits and optimize its effectiveness in lip care products.


  1. Jurenka JS. Therapeutic applications of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.): A review. Altern Med Rev. 2008; 13(2):128–44.
  2. Adhami VM, Khan N, Mukhtar H. Cancer chemoprevention by pomegranate: Laboratory and clinical evidence. Nutr Cancer. 2009; 61(6):811–5.
  3. Stover E. The pomegranate: A new look at the fruit of paradise. Hort Science. 2007; 42(5):1088–92.
  4. Afaq F, Zaid MA, Khan N, Dreher M, Mukhtar H. Protective effect of pomegranate- derived products on UVB-mediated damage in human reconstituted skin. Exp Dermatol. 2009; 18(6):553–61.
  5. Mena P, Galindo A, Collado-Gonzalez J, Ondono S, Garcia-Viguera C, Ferreres F, et al. Sustained deficit irrigation affects the colour and phytochemical characteristics of pomegranate juice. J Sci Food Agric. 2013; 93(8):1922–7.
  6. Landbo AK, Meyer AS. Enzyme-assisted extraction of antioxida-tive phenols from black currant juice press residues (Ribes nigrum). J Agric Food Chem 2001; 49(7): 3169-77.
  7. Spigno G, De Faveri DM. Antioxidants from grape stalks and marc: Influence of extraction procedure on yield, purity and anti-oxidant power of the extracts. J Food Eng 2007; 3(78): 793-801.
  8. Singh RP, Chidambara-Murthy KN, Jayaprakasha GK. Studies on the antioxidant activity of pomegranate (Punica granatum) peel and seed extract using in vitro models. J Agric Food Chem 2002; 50(1): 81-6.
  9. Negi PS, Jayaprakasha GK, Jena BS. Antioxidant and an-timutagenic activities of pomegranate peel extracts. Food Chem 2003; 3(80): 393-7.
  10. Mena P, Galindo A, Collado-Gonzalez J, Ondono S, Garcia-Viguera C, Ferreres F, et al. Sustained deficit irrigation affects the colour and phytochemical characteristics of pomegranate juice. J Sci Food Agric. 2013; 93(8):1922–7.
  11. Al-Muammar MN, Khan F. Obesity: The preventive role of the pomegranate (Punica granatum). Nutrition. 2012; 28(6):595–604.
  12. Agustiana, D. Yayang & Herliningsih. (2019) Formulasi Sediaan Lip Balm dari Minyak Zaitun (Olive oil) Sebagai Emolien dan Penambahan Buah Ceri (Prunus avium) Sebagai Pewarna Alami. Journal of Herbs and Farmacological, 24-32.
  13. Anjarsari, L. D. (2019). Pengaruh Penambahan Ekstrak Daging Buah Naga Super Merah ( Hylocereus costaricencis ) Sebagai Pewarna , Antioksidan dan Antibakteri pada Sediaan Lipstik Alami, Skripsi.Arifin, B., & Ibrahim, S. (2018).
  14. Struktur, Bioaktivitas Dan Antioksidan Flavonoid. Jurnal Zarah, 6(1), 21–29.
  15. R.G. Harry, J.B. Wilkinson, Harry’s Cosmeticology, six ed. Leonard Hill books and Intertext publisher, London, 1973.
  16. S.A. Sahar, M. Soltan, M.E.M. Shehata,The effects of using color foods of children on immunity properties and liver, kidney on rats, Food and Nutrition Sciences. 3 (2012) 897- 904.10.
  17. Fadavi, M. Barzegar, M. H. Azizi, and M. Bayat, “Physic-ochemical composition of ten pomegranate cultivars (Punicagranatum L.) grown in Iran,” Food Science and TechnologyInternational, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 113–119, 2005.
  18. M. Viuda-Martos, J. Fernandez-L ´ oaez, and J. A. P ´ erez- ´ alvarez, ´“Pomegranate and its many functional components as related tohuman health: a review,” Comprehensive Reviews in Food Scienceand Food Safety, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 635–654, 2010.
  19. W. Elfalleh, H. Hannachi, N. Tlili, Y. Yahia, N. Nasri, and A.Ferchichi, “Total phenolic contents and antioxidant activities ofpomegranate peel, seed, leaf and flower,” Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, vol. 6, no. 32, pp. 4724–4730, 2012
  20. 14. Raymond C. Rowe,Marian E Quinn "Handbook of pharmaceutical Excipients" sixth edition no 199-530
  21. M. Padiyar1, *S. D Jain1, D. Birla1, J. Mukherjee1 and V. Sharma2, “Formulation and Characterization of Herbal Lip lipstick Using Colored Pigment of Punica Granatum, June 2018
  22. P. Mishra1* and S. Dwivedi2, “Formulation and Evaluation of Lip balm Containing Herbal Ingredients”, Asian J. Med. Pharm. Res., 2(3): 58-60, 2012.
  23. N. Himanja, “Formulation and Evaluation of Herbal Cream from Azadirachta indica Ethanolic Extract”, I Journals: International Journal of Research in Drug & Pharmaceutical Science (IJRDPS), Volume 1, Issue 1, June 2017.
  24. 19 A. Garg, D. Aggarwal, S. Garg, and A. K. Singla*, “Spreading of Semisolid Formulations,” Pharmaceutical Technology, 84-105, September 2002.
  25. J. Tarun, J. Susan, J. Suria, V. J. Susan and S. Criton. “Evaluation of pH of bathing soaps and shampoos for skin and hair care”, Indian JDermatol; 59:442-444, 2014.
  26. S Karastogianni, S Girousi, and S Sotiropoulos, “pH: Principles and Measurement”.The Encyclopedia of Food and Health, vol. 4, pp. 333-338, 2018.
  27. S. Panda*, N. Dalapati and P. K. Kar, “Preparation and evaluation of Herbal Lip balm”, J Pharm Adv Res; 1(2): 117-119, 2018
  28. S.V. Magee, et al Botnical butter stick lip balm. US patent US20080089916 A1, 2008. Mahony, Effect of color on odour, flavorand acceptance properties of food and beverages, M.Tech Thesis, B.S., Chapman University, 2001.


  1. Jurenka JS. Therapeutic applications of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.): A review. Altern Med Rev. 2008; 13(2):128–44.
  2. Adhami VM, Khan N, Mukhtar H. Cancer chemoprevention by pomegranate: Laboratory and clinical evidence. Nutr Cancer. 2009; 61(6):811–5.
  3. Stover E. The pomegranate: A new look at the fruit of paradise. Hort Science. 2007; 42(5):1088–92.
  4. Afaq F, Zaid MA, Khan N, Dreher M, Mukhtar H. Protective effect of pomegranate- derived products on UVB-mediated damage in human reconstituted skin. Exp Dermatol. 2009; 18(6):553–61.
  5. Mena P, Galindo A, Collado-Gonzalez J, Ondono S, Garcia-Viguera C, Ferreres F, et al. Sustained deficit irrigation affects the colour and phytochemical characteristics of pomegranate juice. J Sci Food Agric. 2013; 93(8):1922–7.
  6. Landbo AK, Meyer AS. Enzyme-assisted extraction of antioxida-tive phenols from black currant juice press residues (Ribes nigrum). J Agric Food Chem 2001; 49(7): 3169-77.
  7. Spigno G, De Faveri DM. Antioxidants from grape stalks and marc: Influence of extraction procedure on yield, purity and anti-oxidant power of the extracts. J Food Eng 2007; 3(78): 793-801.
  8. Singh RP, Chidambara-Murthy KN, Jayaprakasha GK. Studies on the antioxidant activity of pomegranate (Punica granatum) peel and seed extract using in vitro models. J Agric Food Chem 2002; 50(1): 81-6.
  9. Negi PS, Jayaprakasha GK, Jena BS. Antioxidant and an-timutagenic activities of pomegranate peel extracts. Food Chem 2003; 3(80): 393-7.
  10. Mena P, Galindo A, Collado-Gonzalez J, Ondono S, Garcia-Viguera C, Ferreres F, et al. Sustained deficit irrigation affects the colour and phytochemical characteristics of pomegranate juice. J Sci Food Agric. 2013; 93(8):1922–7.
  11. Al-Muammar MN, Khan F. Obesity: The preventive role of the pomegranate (Punica granatum). Nutrition. 2012; 28(6):595–604.
  12. Agustiana, D. Yayang & Herliningsih. (2019) Formulasi Sediaan Lip Balm dari Minyak Zaitun (Olive oil) Sebagai Emolien dan Penambahan Buah Ceri (Prunus avium) Sebagai Pewarna Alami. Journal of Herbs and Farmacological, 24-32.
  13. Anjarsari, L. D. (2019). Pengaruh Penambahan Ekstrak Daging Buah Naga Super Merah ( Hylocereus costaricencis ) Sebagai Pewarna , Antioksidan dan Antibakteri pada Sediaan Lipstik Alami, Skripsi.Arifin, B., & Ibrahim, S. (2018).
  14. Struktur, Bioaktivitas Dan Antioksidan Flavonoid. Jurnal Zarah, 6(1), 21–29.
  15. R.G. Harry, J.B. Wilkinson, Harry’s Cosmeticology, six ed. Leonard Hill books and Intertext publisher, London, 1973.
  16. S.A. Sahar, M. Soltan, M.E.M. Shehata,The effects of using color foods of children on immunity properties and liver, kidney on rats, Food and Nutrition Sciences. 3 (2012) 897- 904.10.
  17. Fadavi, M. Barzegar, M. H. Azizi, and M. Bayat, “Physic-ochemical composition of ten pomegranate cultivars (Punicagranatum L.) grown in Iran,” Food Science and TechnologyInternational, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 113–119, 2005.
  18. M. Viuda-Martos, J. Fernandez-L ´ oaez, and J. A. P ´ erez- ´ alvarez, ´“Pomegranate and its many functional components as related tohuman health: a review,” Comprehensive Reviews in Food Scienceand Food Safety, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 635–654, 2010.
  19. W. Elfalleh, H. Hannachi, N. Tlili, Y. Yahia, N. Nasri, and A.Ferchichi, “Total phenolic contents and antioxidant activities ofpomegranate peel, seed, leaf and flower,” Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, vol. 6, no. 32, pp. 4724–4730, 2012
  20. 14. Raymond C. Rowe,Marian E Quinn "Handbook of pharmaceutical Excipients" sixth edition no 199-530
  21. M. Padiyar1, *S. D Jain1, D. Birla1, J. Mukherjee1 and V. Sharma2, “Formulation and Characterization of Herbal Lip lipstick Using Colored Pigment of Punica Granatum, June 2018
  22. P. Mishra1* and S. Dwivedi2, “Formulation and Evaluation of Lip balm Containing Herbal Ingredients”, Asian J. Med. Pharm. Res., 2(3): 58-60, 2012.
  23. N. Himanja, “Formulation and Evaluation of Herbal Cream from Azadirachta indica Ethanolic Extract”, I Journals: International Journal of Research in Drug & Pharmaceutical Science (IJRDPS), Volume 1, Issue 1, June 2017.
  24. 19 A. Garg, D. Aggarwal, S. Garg, and A. K. Singla*, “Spreading of Semisolid Formulations,” Pharmaceutical Technology, 84-105, September 2002.
  25. J. Tarun, J. Susan, J. Suria, V. J. Susan and S. Criton. “Evaluation of pH of bathing soaps and shampoos for skin and hair care”, Indian JDermatol; 59:442-444, 2014.
  26. S Karastogianni, S Girousi, and S Sotiropoulos, “pH: Principles and Measurement”.The Encyclopedia of Food and Health, vol. 4, pp. 333-338, 2018.
  27. S. Panda*, N. Dalapati and P. K. Kar, “Preparation and evaluation of Herbal Lip balm”, J Pharm Adv Res; 1(2): 117-119, 2018
  28. S.V. Magee, et al Botnical butter stick lip balm. US patent US20080089916 A1, 2008. Mahony, Effect of color on odour, flavorand acceptance properties of food and beverages, M.Tech Thesis, B.S., Chapman University, 2001.

Corresponding author

Swami Vivekanand Sanstha’s Instutute Of Pharmacy (B.Pharm), Mungase, Tal.Malegaon, Dist.Nashik-423201

Nilesh Ashok Lade

Swami Vivekanand Sanstha’s Instutute Of Pharmacy (B.Pharm), Mungase, Tal.Malegaon, Dist.Nashik-423201

Pushpak Bhagchand Liddad

Swami Vivekanand Sanstha’s Instutute Of Pharmacy (B.Pharm), Mungase, Tal.Malegaon, Dist.Nashik-423201

Yashoda R. Suryawanshi

Swami Vivekanand Sanstha’s Instutute Of Pharmacy (B.Pharm), Mungase, Tal.Malegaon, Dist.Nashik-423201

Yashoda R Suryawanshi, Pawar Abhishek Vijay, Lade Nilesh Ashok , Liddad Pushpak, Formulation And Evaluation Of Herbal Lip Balm From Pomegranate Peel Extract, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 7, 624-633.

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