Rajiv Gandhi institute of pharmaceutical science and research, Trikaripur, kasaragod, Kerala
The herbal moisturising cream with natural ingredients is more acceptable in public opinion than other chemical based formulation due to their safety and efficacy in maintaining protecting moisturising and lubricating the skin and also helps to smooth the skin. Aim and Objective:The aim of this investigation is to formulate and evaluate the moisturising cream containing coriander leave extract.The objective of the present work is to formulate herbal moisturising cream containing natural ingredients like coriander leaves, aloe vera and cucumber. Methods:The drug is extracted by the process of maceration.The in vitro antimicrobial activity is determined by agar well diffusion method by using Ampicillin as standard. The formulated moisturising cream is tested against lactobacillus for its activity. Result:The formulated herbal moisturising cream were evaluated to determine important physical characteristics such as homogeneity, ph,viscosity and spreadability. All in vitro evaluation of prepared moisturising cream showed better results.The developed formulation showed anti microbial activity against bacterial culture and produced a better zone of inhibition. Conclusion:The research proves that our herbal based moisturising cream formulation with natural ingredients is excellent as it gets in terms of performance.
Herbal medicines are also known as herbal remedies, phytotherapeutic agents, Phytopharmaceuticals etc. are the oldest and still the most widely used system of medicine. Since ancient time it was used by man as the first line treatment for a majority of diseases. Due to its natural origin and less side effects, herbal medicines still flourish and are finding remarkable acceptance in both developed and developing countries. Phytochemicals were used by the man for the treatment of various disease like microbial infections, cardiovascular disorders, carcinogenic complications, metabolic disorders etc. According to World Health Organization, it is determined that 80% of the world population only depends upon the herbal medicine for the treatment of various disease. Plant based medicine have become an important component of traditional system for healing in developing countries, which have also been an integral part of their history and culture. According to the current research, the use of herbal medicines is increasing throughout the world than that of conventional drugs by two to three times. Today the n ovel formulations are reported to have more significant advantages over conventional formulations which include enhancement of bioavailability, solubility, pharmacological activity, stability, Improved tissue macrophages distributions, sustained delivery, and protection from toxicity, physical and chemical degradation.
Herbal cosmetics are also referred to as natural cosmetics. Herbal cosmetics are the product, which are formulated by using various ingredients to form the base in which one or more herbal ingredients are used to provide defined cosmeticsbenefits. Herbal cosmetics are formulated by using various herbal extracts containing a wide range active principle such as alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, vitamins, amino acids, sugars, essential oil, enzymes etc. Herbal extracts are added to the formulation due to its several properties like anti-oxidant properties. The topical application of herbal extracts are also produces anti-inflammatory properties, hence herbal cosmetics are found to be better formulation than synthetic formulation.
Skin cosmetics contain substances which enable the skin to function properly. Skin care is a routine daily procedure in many settings, such as skin that is either too dry or too moist, and prevention of dermatitis and prevention of skin injuries. The basic functions include cleansing, anti-drying, ultraviolet damage prevention, anti-oxidation but they can also clear up skin problems, have a whitening effect to combat skin ageing associated problems and prevents wrinkles, acne, etc.
List of materials
Table no.1 plant material used for the development of formulation
Leaves of Coriandrum sativum ,Cucumis sativus,aloe barbadensis was collected
from Kasargod district, Kerala in the month of march 2024.
Authentication of plant material
The plant material was identified and authenticated by Dr. Subramanya prasad K M.SC,phd Assistant professor (Department Of Botany) Nehru Arts & Science college kanhangad
• Coriander leaves extraction is conducted by maceration
• Maceration is a simple extraction technique, used to extract active
ingredients from a plant material using a solvent at room temperature.
Materials Required
1. Fresh coriander leaves
2. solvent (hydroethanolic)
3. mortar and pestle or a blender
4.glass jar or container with lid
5. filter paper or fine mesh strainer
6. collection vessel (beaker or flask)
Preparation of coriander leaves
Coriander leaves is thoroughly washed with tap water and then allowed to dry at
room temperature. The dried plant material was ground into powder and safely
stored under later usage.
Maceration process
Adding the solvent
Maceration time:
Coriander powder is placed in hydroethanolic for one week and occasionally agitated
Collection and storage
Preliminary Phytochemical Screening
The extracts were subjected to preliminary phytochemical screening to detect the various phytoconstituents such as carbohydrates flavonoids alkaloids saponins sterols and terpenoids
Initially the oil phase-liquid paraffin, beeswax and stearic acid were weighed accurately melted in a china dish at 70 degree Celsius. Cetyl alcohol was
melted in another china dish at same temperature and to that propylene glycol, glycerine, triethanolamine, tween 80, aloe vera gel and cucumber juice was added. Methyl paraben and coriander extract of suitable concentration was added in the aqueous phase with continuous stirring to dissolve the ingredients. The melted oil phase was added into the aqueous phase with constant stirring maintain the temperature at 35-40 degree Celsius resulting in a semisolid consistency. lemon grass oil was added to the formulation and evaluation parameters of the moisturising cream was carried out.
Physical evaluation
Physical parameters such as colour,odour and appearance was evaluated
The developed cream was tested for homogeneity by visual inspection after the
cream have been set in the container for their appearance and presence of any
Determination of pH
Ph calibrated using std buffer solution. About 0.5g of the cream was weighed and dissolved in 50ml of distilled water in a beaker, and its pH was measured.
The measurement of viscosity of prepared cream from coriander extract was done with brook field viscometer. The reading was taken at 100 rpm using spindle no 6
Emolliency, slipperiness and amount of residue left after the application of cream was checked
Phytochemical analysis
Evaluation Of Moisturizing Cream
Physical Evaluation
Physical evaluation such as colour, odour, appearance were evaluated.
Determination Of Spreadability
The present work is to develop topical formulation containing phytopharmaceuticals to be applied for the moisturizing effect. The main aim of study is to make topical preparation cream containing extract of coriander leaves of Coriandrum sativum for moisturizing activity.
Although there are many moisturising creams on the market, there is still a role for herbal creams as they are natural, safe to use, and either have no or very few side effects. The herb Coriandrum sativum is used to cure a variety of illnesses,
and it can serve as a significant platform for the development of reasonable, efficient, and safe medicines. Moreover, it is capable of acting as an antibacterial agent against P. acne. In this study, four formulations were prepared with different ingredient ratios, and their physicochemical properties were assessed. The UV light that is thought to cause skin conditions can be absorbed by coriander extract. The coriander extract's proven anti-solar activity demonstrates its significance in anti-solar formulations. The results of the tests for stability, pH, viscosity, spreadability, and skin irritation indicated that F3 is the optimum formulation and would serve as an excellent moisturising cream.
It is a delightful moment for us to express our heartfelt gratitude and sincere thanks to our esteemed guide Ashwathi V.V Assistant Professor, Department of pharmaceutics, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of pharmaceutical science and research for her constant guidance, valuable suggestions and encouragement. We are deeply indebted to prof. Dr. M. Paridhavi, MPharm, PhD, FABAP, Principal, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of pharmaceutical science and research, for his valuable advice and support to make the study successful. We also extend our sincere thanks to all teachers, who helped us for the completion of this dissertation.
Ashwathi V. V., Ismail M., Mariyambi K. V., Nafeesath K. P., Shahala, Shamna K., Formulation And Evaluation of Moisturising Cream Containing Coriander Leaves Extract, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 10, 1586-1592. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13998810