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The aim of this work is to formulate and evaluate an herbal face Pack for glowing skin by using natural herbal ingredients. The natural Herbal ingredients such as Gram Flour, Rice flour, charcoal powder, Arjuna Powder, Lemon peel Powder, Nutmeg, Turmeric, Aloe Vera were purchased from local market in the form of dried powder. All Powdered natural ingredients were sieved using #120 mesh, weighed Accurately and mixed geometrically for uniform formulation and then Evaluated for parameters including Organoleptic, physicochemical, Physical, phytochemical, irritancy along with stability examination. The Dried powder of combined form had passable flow property which is Suitable for a face pack. Herbal face packs or masks are used to stimulate Blood circulation, rejuvenates the muscles and help to maintain the Elasticity of the skin and remove dirt from skin pores. In this study it is Concluded that all the formulations of face packs found to be good in Physical parameters, free from skin irritations so we found good properties For the face packs and further optimization studies are required on this Study to find the useful benefits of face packs on human use as cosmetic Product.


Herbal Face Pack Powder, Skin, Natural Formulation, Herbal Remedies.


Face pack is the smooth powder which is used for facial application. These preparations are Applied on the face in the form of liquid or pastes and allowed to dry and set to form film ancient time had the magic tip towards impressing others with their looks ; at the time there were no fairness creams or any cosmetics surgeries to modify the appearance. The skin and hair beauty of individuals depends on the health, habits, routine job, climatic conditions and maintenance. The skin due to excessive exposure to heat will dehydrate during summer and causes wrinkle, freckles, blemishes, pigmentation and sunburns. The extreme winter cause damages to the skin in the form of cracks, cuts, maceration and infections. The skin diseases are common among all age groups and can be due to exposure towards microbes, chemical agents, biological toxin present in the environment, aalso to some extend due to malnutrition. The knowledge finally dissociated from medicine and finally to pharmacy. The man from ancient time had the magic tip towards impressing others with their looks ; at the time there were no fairness creams or any cosmetics surgeries to modify the appearance. The skin and hair beauty of individuals depends on the health, habits, routine job, climatic conditions and maintenance. The skin due to excessive exposure to heat will dehydrate during summer and causes wrinkle, freckles, blemishes, pigmentation and sunburns. The extreme winter cause damages to the skin in the form of cracks, cuts, maceration and infections. The skin diseases are common among all age groups and can be due to exposure towards microbes, chemical agents, biological toxin present in the environment, also to some extend due to malnutrition. The only factor they had to rely on was the knowledge of nature compiled in the ayurveda. The science of ayurveda had utilized many herbs and floras to make cosmetics for beautification and protection from external affects. The natural content in the botanicals does not cause any side effects on the human body; instead enrich the body with nutrients and other useful minerals. The cosmetics, according to the Drugs and Cosmetics Act is defined as articles intended to be rubbed, poured, sprinkled or sprayed on, introduced into or otherwise applied to the human body or any part there of for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness or altering the appearance. The cosmetic does not come under the preview of drug license.[2] The herbal ingredients used as perfumes are cassia and nutmeg. The saffron, alkanet, agar, chlorophyll green from nettle plants and indigo were used in body decorations. The use of betel leaves for darkening the lips, vermilion and other colours with waxes for their facial designation of caste, almond paste for the entire body instead of soap and use of perfume sand aromatics in all religious and social occasions are very common from ancient times. Most of the traditional systems of medicine in the world have made significant contributions for the development of herbal cosmetics. The cracked lips which spoil the beauty of the face can be healed by applying paste made from the rind of Aegle Marmelos in breast milk. Pongamia Pinnata, Berberis Aristata, Saussura Lappa.


  • Brazier y. Wrinkles: Causes, treatment, and prevention [Internet] 2021 Wrinkles are creases, folds, or ridges in the skin. They naturally appear as people get older and their skin becomes less elastic. Creams, laser therapy, Botox, and other treatments may help reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Avoiding sun exposure can help prevent them.
  • Rajeswari R, Umadevi M, Rahale CS, Pushpa R, Selvavenkadesh S, Sampath Kumar KP, Bhowmik D. Aloe vera: Aloe vera is the oldest medicinal plant ever known and the most applied medicinal plant worldwide. Extracts of Aloe Vera is a proven skin healer. Aloe Vera help to soothe skin injuries affected by burning, skin irritations, cuts and insect bites, and its bactericidal properties relieve itching and skin swellings. It is known to help slow down the appearance of wrinkles and actively repair the damaged skin cells that cause the visible signs of aging.

Need of the Face Packs

The outermost one which is exposed to atmosphere is a horny layer i.e. stratum corneum &is made up of keratinized dead cell.These cells are responsible for maintaining the suppleness of the skin i.e. maintaining the moisture balance and over all appearance. The cells that have been too long on the surface of the skin are greyish & dull in tone. They may flake & can clog the sebaceous pores. It may also help to prevent the youthful bloom of the skin.

  • Exfoliation

This is deep cleansing process helps to unclog the pores, removes blackheads, whiteheads or dead cells.

  • Nutrition

For healthy development & regeneration of new cells & improvement of skin texture. This can be achieved by a using suitable face This rejuvenates to give a smooth blemish free complexion.

  • It is used to draw out the hidden impurities, blackheads and unclog the pores.
  • Gives immediate toning & revitalization property.
  • Used to induce perspiration.
  • Minimize fine lines & retexturing the skin.
  • Used to skin fresh & make it soft & smooth.
  • It has cleansing effect.
  • Gives youthful glow to skin.

Benefit of applying face pack

  • By supplying essential and remarkable nutrients helps in nourishing the skin.
  • Helps in the possible reduction of acne, pimples, scars, and pigmentation.
  • Removal of dead cells of the skin can be possible by using face packs.
  • Also soothes and relaxed the facial skin to maintain its natural glow.
  • Rejuvenation of skin can be achieved in a short period.
  • The harmful effects of pollution and harsh climates can be effectively combated with the judicial use of face packs.
  • Helps in the prevention of premature aging of the skin.
  • Helps in controlling wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging of skin by regular use of face packs.
  • Herbal face packs maintain the skin to look young and healthy.
  • Responsible for maintaining the elasticity and improving the blood circulation of facial skin.



  • Herbal face packs are safe and can give you a smooth and glowing skin.
  • Promote even skin tone and can relieve skin conditions naturally
  • The benefits of herbal-based cosmetics are their nontoxic nature.
  • Face powders are essential for the various skin problems like acne, pimples, Blemish etc.


  • Herbal cosmetic has slower effects as compare to Allopathic formulation
  • Most of the herbal drugs are not easily available. Manufacturing process are time consuming and complicated.
  • No pharmacopoeia defines any specific procedure or ingredients to be used in any of herbal face pack.


  1. Particle size of powders
  2. Density of powders
  3. Flow of powders
  4. Hygroscopicity of powders
  5. Solubility of powders

Particle size of powders

The particle size of a powder includes both its shape and its particle size distribution. This is a major characteristic because it has consequences on the other functional properties of the powder (density, ease of flow, solubility, etc.).

Density of powders

The density of a powder, also known as "bulk density," is the density of particles, including the spaces between the solids (particle bed). It is expressed in kilogram per cubic meter (kgm?3;) or pounds per cubic foot (lbs. /ft?3;).

Flow of powders [4]

The ability of a powder to flow well is an important parameter to take into account before Any conditioning, unloading, transfer,and storage, dosing or even mixing operations. If the Powder had poor flow properties, it may form lumps which could damage certain Equipment.

Hygroscopicity of powders

A hygroscopic powder tends to retain moisture in the air, either by adsorption. A powder is not considered to be hygroscopic if its percentage of Hygroscopicity is less than 10%.

Wettability of powders

The wettability of a powder is the time required for all of the powder to pass through the air water interface without agitation. In other words, the wettabilityof a powder illustrates its ability to absorb water on its surface.


  • Water

If your product comes in a bottle, chances are the first ingredient on the list is going to be water. That’s right, good old H2O. Water forms the basis of almost every type of cosmetic product, including creams,lotions, makeup, deodorants, shampoos and conditioners. Water plays an important part in the process, often acting as a solvent to dissolve other ingredients and forming emulsions for consistency

  • Emulsifiers

The term emulsifiers refer to any ingredient that helps to keep unlike substances (such as oil and water) from separating. Many cosmetic products are based on emulsions—small droplets of oil dispersed in water or small droplets of water dispersed in oil. Since oil and water don't mix no matter how much you shake, blend or stir, emulsifiers are added to change the surface tension between the water and the oil, producing a homogeneous and well-mixed product with an even texture. Examples of emulsifiers used in cosmetics include polysorbates, laureth-4, and p tassium ethyl sulfate.

  • Preservatives

Preservatives are important ingredients. They are added to cosmetics to extend their shelf life and prevent the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi, which can spoil the product and possibly harm the user. Since most microbes live in water, the preservatives used need to be water-soluble, and this helps to determine which ones are used. Preservatives used in cosmetics can be natural or synthetic (man-made), and perform differently depending on the formulation of the product. Some will require low levels of around 0.01%, while other will require levels as high as 5%.

  • Thickeners[7]

Thickening agents work to give products an appealing consistency. They can come from four different chemical families. Lipid thickeners are usually solid at room temperature but can be liquefied and added to cosmetic emulsions. They work by imparting their natural thickness to the formula. Examples include acetyl alcohol, stearic acid and Carnauba wax

  • Emollient

Emollients soften the skin by preventing water loss. They are used in a wide range of lipsticks, lotions and cosmetics. A number of different natural and synthetic chemicals work as emollients, including beeswax, olive oil, coconut oil and lanolin, as well as petrolatum (petroleum jelly), mineral oil, glycerin, zinc oxide, butyl stearate and glycol laureate.

  • Colouring agents/pigments

Ruby lips, smoky eyes and rosy cheeks; it is the purpose of many cosmetics to accentuate or alter a person’s natural coloring. A huge range of substances are used to provide therainbow of appealing colures you find in the makeup stand

  • Glimmer and shine

Shimmering effects can be created via a range of materials. Some of the most common Ones are mica and bismuth ox chloride.

  • Fragrances

No matter how effective a cosmetic may be, no one will want to use it if it smells Unpleasant. Consumer research indicates that smell is one of the key factors in a Consumer’s decision to purchase and/or use a product.





Figure No :01:The Skin

The skin is the soft outer covering of vertebrates that guards the underlying muscles, bonesligaments, and internal organs

  • Cutaneous Membrane

The cutaneous membrane is the technical term for our skin. The skin’s primary role is to help protect the rest of the body’s tissues and organs from physical damage such as abrasions, chemical damage such as detergents, and biological damage from microorganisms. Our skin is made of three general layers. In order from most superficial to deepest they are the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue.

  • Epidermis

The epidermis is a thin layer of skin. It is the most superficial layer of skin, the layer you see with your eyes when you look at the skin anywhere on your body. Functions of the epidermis include touch sensation and protection against microorganisms.

This skin is further divided into five, separate layers. In order from most superficial to deepest, they are the:

  1. Stratum Cornea
  2. Stratum Lucida
  3. Stratum Granulose
  4. Stratum Spinout
  5. Stratum Basal
  6. Stratum Cornea

This layer is composed of the many dead skin cells that you shed into the environment—as a result, these cells are found in dust throughout your home. This layer helps to repel water.

  • Stratum Spinout

This layer gives the skin strength as well as flexibility.

  • Stratum Lucida

This layer is found only on the palms of the hands, fingertips, and the soles of the feet.

  • Stratum Granulose

This is the layer where part of keratin production occurs. Keratin is a protein that is the main component of skin.

  • Stratum Basal

This is where the skin’s most important cells, called keratinocytes, are formed before moving up to the surface of the epidermis and being shed into the environment as dead skin cells. This layer also contains melanocytes, the cells that are largely responsible for determining the color of our skin and protecting our skin from the harmful effects of UV radiation.

  • Dermis

Underneath the epidermis lies the dermis. The dermis contains: Blood vessels that nourish the skin with oxygen and nutrients. The blood vessels also allow immune system cells to come to the skin to fight an infection. These vessels also help carryaway waste products. Nerves that help us relay signals coming from the skin. Thesesignals include touch, temperature, pressure, pain, and itching. Various glands, Hair follicles, Collagen, a protein that is responsible for giving skin strength and a bit of elasticity.

  • Subcutaneous Tissue

The deepest layer of the skin is called the subcutaneous layer, the Subcutaneous, or the hypodermis. Like the dermis, the layer contains blood vessels and nerves for much the same reasons. The subcutaneous contains a layer of fat. This layer of fat works alongside the blood vessels to maintain an appropriate body temperature. The layer of fat here acts as a cushion against physical trauma to internal organs, muscles, and bones.[8]



Fig no 2 Subcutaneous Tissue



  • Common name- Multani Mitti
  • Scientific name- Calcium bentonite.
  • Chemical Composition- Hydrated Aluminum Silicate, Magnesium Chloride &calcium bentonite.
  • Gentle Cleansing. Multani mitti can help remove all dirt, grime, and other impurities that could be present on your face.



Fig no 3 Multani Mitti

Arjuna [11]

  • Common name- Arjuna
  • Scientific name- treminalia arjuna
  • Family– Combretaceae
  • Catogary- Anti acne
  • Genus- terminalia
  • Species- t.Arjuna
  • The Arjuna bark is also a powerful antioxidant, it Hstrengthens the skin barrier, and encourages sebum production so as to reduce the signs of dry skin and protect the skin from other external challenges



Fig no 4 Arjuna


  • Common name– Nutmeg
  • Scientific name- myristica fragrance
  • Family– Myristieacea
  • Catogary- Anti acne
  • Genus- Myristica
  • Species- m.malabarica
  • Nutmeg is widely used for its analgesic, anti- Binflammatory, antiseptic and anti-bacterial property.
  • It helps in reducing wrinkles, fine lines and other signs of aging.
  • It also helps in reducing acne scars and to make them less noticeable



Fig no 5 Nutmeg


  • Common name- Neem
  • Scientific name- Azardirachta indica
  • Family- Meliacea
  • Catogary- Anti acne
  • Genus- Azadirachta
  • Species- azadirachta indica
  • Neem is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and highly beneficial for oily and acne prone skin.
  • An anti-acne effect is due to antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activities of different chemical constituents



Fig no 6 Neem

Orange Peel Powder

  • Common name- Orange Peel Powder
  • Scientific name- cirtous sinesis
  • Family– Rutaceae
  • Categary- Anti acne
  • Orange is a citrus fruit which contains different nutritional source such as vitamin C, calcium, potassium and magnesium. It prevents the skin from free radical damage, skin hydration and oxidative stress. Also it has instant glow property, prevent acne, blemishes, wrinkles and aging



Fig no 7 Orange Peel Powder


  • Common name- Turmeric
  • Scientific name- curuma longa
  • Family –Zingiberaceae
  • Category-Anti acne ,Anti bacterial
  • Genus- Curcuma
  • Species- c.longa
  • Turmeric is mainly used to rejuvenate the skin.
  • It delays the signs of aging like wrinkles and also possesses other properties like antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.
  • It is best source of blood purifier.

Fig no 8 Turmeric



Sandal wood

  • Common name- Sandal wood
  • Scientific name- santalum album
  • Family-Santalum
  • Catogary- Anti acne
  • Genus- Santalum
  • Sandalwood has an anti-tanning and anti-aging property. It also helps skin in many ways like toning effect, emollient, antibacterial properties, cooling astringent property, soothing and healing property



Fig no 9 Sandal wood

Aloevera powder

  • Common name- Aloevera powder
  • Scientific name- loe barbadensis
  • Family- Liliaceae
  • Catogary- Moisturising agent
  • Genus- Aloe
  • Species- a.vera
  • Aloe vera is a great moisturizer intended for a skin. Aloe vera rejuvenates skin, hydrates this and keeps skin layer looking fresh all the time. Aloe vera has anti- microbial property rendering it ideal to deal with acne and pimples. Aloe vera powder contains several nutrients



Fig no 10 Alovera Powder

Rose powder

  • Common name -Rose powder
  • scientic name- rosa centifolia
  • Family-Rosaceae
  • Catogary -Anti oxidanat
  • Genus- Rosa
  • Species- alchemilla
  • Sourced from organic farms, rose petal powder is a natural skin toner, helps in skin inflammation and prickly heat. It makes the skin soft, smooth and glowing



Fig no 11 Rose Powder


  • It is used to draw out the hidden impurities, blackheads and unclog the pores.
  • Gives immediate toning & revitalization property.
  • Used to induce perspiration.
  • Minimize fine lines & retexturing the skin.
  • Used to skin fresh & make it soft & smooth
  • It has cleansing effect.
  • Gives youthful glow to skin.


  • To formulate the Face Pack Powder.
  • To Evaluate Herbal Face Pack Powder.
  • To Skin lightning.
  • To Reduce oiliness
  • To improve instant fairness.
  • To Remove dead cell of the skin.
  • To reduce acne, scars, marks, wrinkle and improve glowing skin


List of materials:

Table 1: List Of Materials

            Screenshot 2024-05-07 191537.png



Glassware’s and instruments:

Sieve Shaker, Hot Air Oven, Bulk Density apparatus,

Weighing balance etc….

Drugs & Chemical :-

Multani mitti, Aloevera, Turmeric, Arjuna, Neem, etc.


  • Milling
  • Mixing
  • Grinding



  1. Mortar And Pestle, Ancient Device For Milling By Pounding. The Mortar Is A Durable Bowl Commonly Made Of Stone, Ceramic, Or Wood. The Pestle Is A Rounded Grinding Club Often Made Of The Same Material As The Mortar
  2. The Invention Of Mortars And Pestles Seems Related To That Of Quern-Stones, Which Use A Similar Principle Of Naturally Indented, Durable, Hard Stone Bases And Mallets Of Stone Or Wood To Process Food And Plant Materials, Clay, Or Minerals By Stamping, Crushing, Pulverizing And Grinding.
  3. A Key Advantage Of The Mortar Is That It Presents A Deeper Bowl For Confining The Material To Be Ground Without The Waste And Spillage That Occurs With Flat Grinding Stones
  4. The Use Of Mortar And Pestle, Pestling, Offers The Advantage That The Substance Is Crushed With Low Energy So That The Substance Will Not Warm Up

Method of preparation:-

  • Step 1:

 All the required herbal powders for the face pack preparation were accurately Weighed individually by using digital balance.

  • Step 2:

The herbal drugs such as Aleovera powder, Rose powder ,Orange peel , Neem , were transferred to mortar And pestle and triturated.

  • Step 3:

Herbal drugs such asMultani Mitti, Sandal Wood,Turmeric ,  & Nutmeg were triturated in a separate mortar and Pestle to form a uniform fine mixture..

  • Step 4:

Previously prepared mixture of herbal powders was transferred to the mixture of fine Powders and triturated to obtain uniform drug powder of face pack.

  • Step 5:

The powders were passed through sieve no #44

  • Step 6:

The prepared face pack powder was packed into a self-sealable polyethylene bag, Labelled and used for further studies.

Identification test of drug Organoleptic properties:

Organoleptic Evaluation :

The organoleptic parameters include its Appearance, color, odor, Texture,& Nature of face pack after wash whichwere evaluated manually for its

Physicochemical Evaluation:

Total Ash content & acid insoluble ash was performed using Muffle furnance, pH was found by using pH meter and loss on drying & Flavonoid test (Shinoda test, alkaline reagent test, Lead acetate test, Ferric chloride test) was also performed.

Irritancy test

Mark an area on hands. Definite quantities of prepared face packs were applied to the specified area and time was noted. Irritancy, Redness, Swelling was checked for regular intervals up to 24 hrs and reported. The Photo-irritation (Presence of sun) was checked regular interval of 15 min. Irritancy test performed by pH metre. The pH of formulation match with skin pH so, there will be no irritation caused

Stability studies:

The prepared formulation is required testing of stability by storing at different temperature conditions for the period of one month, temperature conditions like, room temperature and 40?C and were evaluated for physical parameters like odour, pH, consistency

Wash ability

Wash ability this is the common method for checking the wash ability of the formulation.The formulation were applied on the skin and then ease and extent of washing with water were checked manually by using 1 liter of water is used to remove all content of the formulation were applied on the surface.


Physical parameters The different formulation of face pack was prepared and evaluated for physicalparameters showed in the Table 4. The flow property parameter showed free flowing properties. The colors of formulations were different due to variation in composition of contents. Formulation HF1,and HF2 brown in color and formulation HF3 showed as lightorange , HF4 show orange color, HF5 and HF6 shoe light green and yellow orange color respectively. The odor of prepared formulations was good acceptable which is desirable as cosmetic formulations. The pH of all formulations lied near to neutral range i.e. in the range of 6 to 7 pH.

Table 2: Observation Table

            Screenshot 2024-05-07 191607.png



Preliminary study:

            Screenshot 2024-05-07 191631.png


Identification Test

Table 3: Identification test for Herbal drug Face Pack powder

            Screenshot 2024-05-07 191655.png



In the present scenario, people need cure for various skin problems without side effects. Herbal ingredient so pened the way to formulate cosmetics without any harmful effect. Herbal face packs are considered assustaining and productive way to advance the appearance of skin. Thus, in the present work, it is a very good attempt to formulate the herbal face pack containing naturally available ingredients like multanimitti, turmeric, aloe vera, sandalwood, Rose petal powder, manjistha, Arjuna, Nutmeg, Neem, Orange peel Powder, Shweth Chandan. For removing wrinkles there are many herbal ingredients which can be used in powderedform for e.g. vitamin C powder, Aloe Vera powder, Orange peel Powder


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  2. Brind'Amour K. Skin Disorders: Pictures, Causes, Symptoms, Treatments,           and Prevention [Internet].Healthline2021.
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  7. J.Rani formulation and evaluation of herbal anti acne face wash 2017 Sachin B. Somwonshi all int Res.
  8. Ayurveda Pharm. 8 (Suppl 3), 2017 formulation and Evaluation of cosmetic, Herbal FACE PACK for Glowing skin
  9. Okereke JN, Udebuani AC, Ezeji EU, Obasi KO, Nnoli MC. Possible Health Implications Associated with Cosmetics: A Review, Sci J Public Health 2015; 3(5-1): 58-63.
  10. Sowmya KV, Darsika CX, Grace F, Shanmuganathan S. Formulation & Evaluation of Poly-herbal Face wash gel. World J Pharm Pharm Sci 2015; 4(6): 585-588.
  11. Nemade CT, Baste N. Formulation and evaluation of a herbal facial scrub. World J Pharm Res 2014; 3(3): 4367-4371
  12. Rajeswari R, Umadevi M, Rahale CS, Pushpa R, Selvavenkadesh S, Sampath Kumar KP, Bhowmik D. Aloe vera: The Miracle Plant Its Medicinal and Traditional Uses in India. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2012; 1(4): 118-124.
  13. M.Ashawat herbal cosmetics :trend in skin care formulation 2009 Mandeep singh preparation and evaluation of herbal cosmetics cream 2011
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  15. Mary P. Lupo. Antioxidants and Vitamins in Cosmetics. Clin Dermatol 2001; 19: 467–473.
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  1. Brazier y. Wrinkles: Causes, treatment, and prevention [Internet] 2021.
  2. Brind'Amour K. Skin Disorders: Pictures, Causes, Symptoms, Treatments,           and Prevention [Internet].Healthline2021.
  3. Amirlak B. Skin Anatomy: Overview, Epidermis, Dermis [Internet]. 2021.
  4. V.anil kumar journal of drug delivery and therapeutics 2020 in house preparation ,development and evaluation of herbal cosmetics face pack using various natural powder.
  5. Mr. K.G Mhutka and Mrs. M. Shan formulation of Herbal Antibacterial face Pack 2019 J GTIR May 2019 Volume 6, Issues 5
  6. Iissue, Sachin b.somwanshi ,medicine 2017 formulation and evaluation of cosmetic herbal face pack for glowing skin
  7. J.Rani formulation and evaluation of herbal anti acne face wash 2017 Sachin B. Somwonshi all int Res.
  8. Ayurveda Pharm. 8 (Suppl 3), 2017 formulation and Evaluation of cosmetic, Herbal FACE PACK for Glowing skin
  9. Okereke JN, Udebuani AC, Ezeji EU, Obasi KO, Nnoli MC. Possible Health Implications Associated with Cosmetics: A Review, Sci J Public Health 2015; 3(5-1): 58-63.
  10. Sowmya KV, Darsika CX, Grace F, Shanmuganathan S. Formulation & Evaluation of Poly-herbal Face wash gel. World J Pharm Pharm Sci 2015; 4(6): 585-588.
  11. Nemade CT, Baste N. Formulation and evaluation of a herbal facial scrub. World J Pharm Res 2014; 3(3): 4367-4371
  12. Rajeswari R, Umadevi M, Rahale CS, Pushpa R, Selvavenkadesh S, Sampath Kumar KP, Bhowmik D. Aloe vera: The Miracle Plant Its Medicinal and Traditional Uses in India. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2012; 1(4): 118-124.
  13. M.Ashawat herbal cosmetics :trend in skin care formulation 2009 Mandeep singh preparation and evaluation of herbal cosmetics cream 2011
  14. Rani, S. R. and Hiremanth, Text book of Industrial pharmacy, Drug delivery systems & Cosmetics & Herbaldru technology: Universities press (India) Ltd; 2nd Edition, (2002).
  15. Mary P. Lupo. Antioxidants and Vitamins in Cosmetics. Clin Dermatol 2001; 19: 467–473.
  16. Millikan,LarryE. Cosmetology, Cosmetics, Cosmaceuticals: Definitions and Regulations. Clin Dermatol 2001; 19 (4); 371-3

Ravindra Kalyan Narwade
Corresponding author

Rajesh Bhaiyya Tope College of B. Pharmacy, Chh. Sambhajinagar - Maharashtra, India.

Deepak Sudhakar Surase

Rajesh Bhaiyya Tope College of B. Pharmacy, Chh. Sambhajinagar - Maharashtra, India.

Prachi Murkute

Rajesh Bhaiyya Tope College of B. Pharmacy, Chh. Sambhajinagar - Maharashtra, India.

Ravindra Kalyan Narwade, Prachi Murkute, Deepak Sudhakar Surase, Formulation and Evaluation Herbal Face Pack Powder For Glowing Skin, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 5, 235-246.

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The Science and Tradition of Calendula: A Review of Phytochemistry and Ethnophar...
Lalit Ambhore, Kaveri Bharat Jagtap , Leena Umesh Parkhi , Mahendra Siddheshwar Shendkar, Lahoo Balu...
The Method Development And Validation Of A High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph...
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A Review On The Analytical Method Development And Validation Of Sertralinetablet...
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