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Diuretics are at the centre of the ongoing debate about which medications should be used to start a hypertension treatment programme. One of the biggest issues is sorting out actual class specific effects, such as differentiating true class-specific effects of diuretics from those of beta blockers, because the majority of important studies contain sophisticated treatment algorithms and allow various background treatments. In placebo-controlled clinical investigations, thiazide diuretics were the first effective antihypertensive medications that were well tolerated and considerably decreased cardiovascular morbidity and death. Even yet, these medications are still regarded as essential therapeutic tools for the management of hypertension patients. A brief discussion of the treatment of resistant edoema and the use of diuretics in non-edematous states, such as essential hypertension and other conditions, is followed by a description of the successful use of diuretics in specific edematous states, such as congestive heart failure, chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, and liver disease. Analysed are the components necessary to successfully induce enough natriuresis in such circumstances. The prevention and management of these side effects of diuretic medication are also discussed since attaining diuresis may induce substantial hypokalemia, hyponatremia, metabolic alkalosis, and worsening prerenal azotemia. Congestive heart failure, edoema, cirrhosis, bodybuilding, autism, toxaemia, and poisoning (forced diuresis) are some of the words that are important to know.


Diuretics, Hypertension, edema, sulfonamide, furosemide


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Jaya Mehetre
Corresponding author

Department of Quality Assurance, PRES College of Pharmacy (Women’s), Chincholi, Nashik-422102.

Kiran Dhamak

Department of Quality Assurance, PRES College of Pharmacy (Women’s), Chincholi, Nashik-422102.

Kalpana Sable

Department of Quality Assurance, PRES College of Pharmacy (Women’s), Chincholi, Nashik-422102.

Trupti Bhalekar

Department of Quality Assurance, PRES College of Pharmacy (Women’s), Chincholi, Nashik-422102.

Jaya Mehetre*, Kiran Dhamak, Kalpana Sable, Trupti Bhalekar, Innovations In Diuretic Treatment: A Promising Solution For Chronic Diseases, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 8, 129-139.

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