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Pain can last a short time and go away when you heal (acute pain). Or it can also last for months or years (chronic pain). The elderly population comprises the fastest growing segment of the world’s population. As patients age, the incidence and prevalence of certain pain syndromes increase. Pain may be underreported as some elderly patients incorrectly believe that pain is a normal process of aging. A comprehensive pain assessment includes a thorough medical history and physical examination, review of systems and pertinent laboratory results, imaging studies, and diagnostic tests. The result includes good physicochemical properties such as thickness, weight uniformity, folding endurance and mixture content. These were found to be stable and hence there is scope for further pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluation. Thus, it can be concluded that the pain can be treated by Aceclofenac topically in the form of transdermal patch.


Transdermal patches, acelophenac, osteoarthritis


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  65. Sharma H, Kumar Sahu G, Kaur CD. Development of ionic liquid microemulsion for transdermal delivery of a chemotherapeutic agent. SN Applied Sciences. 2021 Feb;3(2):215 

Gyanesh Kumar Sahu
Corresponding author

Rungta Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (C G)

Muskan Das

Rungta Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (C G)

Harish Sharma

Rungta Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (C G)

Muskan Das, Harish Sharma, Gyanesh Kumar Sahu, Preparation and Characterization of Transdermal Patches for Osteoarthritis, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 5, 274-283.

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