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  • Review On Phytochemical and Pharmacological Investigation of Lantana Camara Extract
  • 1Student Saraswati Institute of Pharmacy, Kurtadi Dist. Hingoli, Maharashtra , India   
    2Assistant Professor Saraswati Institute of Pharmacy , Kurtadi Dist. Hingoli, Maharashtra , India  
    (Pharmacognosy  Department)


Lantana camara is a member of the Verbenaceae family and can be found in various regions across India, including Jammu-Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, South India, Uttar Pradesh, as well as several parts of Maharashtra. The plant thrives primarily in disturbed areas such as roadside locations, railway tracks and canals. Although Lantana camara is an ornamental plant today; it was used traditionally for medicinal purposes in ancient times[1]. This plant has numerous traditional uses and its extracts have been utilized to heal wounds, cuts, skin irritations and eczema. Additionally, it contains various phytoconstituents including alkaloids, glycosides, saponins steroids terpenoids carbohydrates flavonoids, and coumarins. It boasts multiple pharmacological activities such as antioxidant properties antimicrobial activity antibacterial effects antifungal characteristics antiulcerogenic traits anthelmintic qualities anti-hyperglycaemic features anti-inflammatory benefits analgesic effects anticancer properties antitubercular functions etc., while also demonstrating mosquito larvicidal activity. Lantana camara is widely known for its effectiveness in treating many diseases and forms an essential ingredient within folk medicinal preparations globally. Over recent decades scientists from around the world have extensively studied both the chemical composition of whole plants along with their biological pharmacological activities. Different parts of the plant are employed to treat colds headaches chicken pox eye injuries whooping cough asthma bronchitis arterial hypertension among other ailments.


Phytochemical, Pharmacological, Extract


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Khandare Sakshi
Corresponding author

Student Saraswati Institute of Pharmacy, Kurtadi Dist. Hingoli, Maharashtra , India

Khandale Priti

Student Saraswati Institute of Pharmacy, Kurtadi Dist. Hingoli, Maharashtra , India

Khadare Shivraj

Student Saraswati Institute of Pharmacy, Kurtadi Dist. Hingoli, Maharashtra , India

Sumit S. Bodhke

Assistant Professor Saraswati Institute of Pharmacy , Kurtadi Dist. Hingoli, Maharashtra , India (Pharmacognosy Department)

Khandare Sakshi*, Khandale Priti, Khandare Shivraj, Sumit S. Bodkhe, Review On Phtytochemical And Pharmacological Investigation of Lantana Camara Extract, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 1, 42-48.

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