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laxative, antipyretic expectorant and treatment for maleria infection and infantile diarrhoea. the plant is extensively found in tropical and subtropical regions globally with several phytochemical including terpenoids , flavonoids, sterols and cardenolides , extracted and identified from it’s different parts (leave, shoot, root, seeds and fruits) perguleria daemia is extensively utilised by the treatment of disease like cancer, ulcers, diabetes , tuberculosis, diuretics helmenthetic. the plant’s root have been primarily utilised to cure jaundice and liver illness. The current review article focuses on the chemical component ,therapeutic quality and other significant elements.


ethnobotanical use, pharmacological profile, medicinal plant, phytochemicals.


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Pratiksha Govind Pathade
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Nandkumar Shinde College Of Pharmacy Vaijapur


Nandkumar Shinde College Of Pharmacy Vaijapur


Nandkumar Shinde College Of Pharmacy Vaijapur

Salunke Chaitali.B

Nandkumar Shinde College Of Pharmacy Vaijapur

Pratiksha G. Pathade*, Afnanuddin K. Sayyed, Dr. Rajendra M. Kawade, Salunke Chaitali B., Active State of Perguleria Demia (Forsk)Trellis Vine Phytochemistry and Pharmacology, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 12, 966-978.

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