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  • Pioglitazone Matrix Patches: In Vitro Methodologies And Efficacy Assessment - A Review
  • 1Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, BLDEA’s SSM College of Pharmacy and research Centre, Vijayapura-586103, Karnataka, India
    2Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, BLDEA’s SSM College of Pharmacy and research Centre, Vijayapura-586103, Karnataka, India
    3Department of Pharmaceutics, BLDEA’s SSM College of Pharmacy and research Centre, Vijayapura-586103, Karnataka, India
    4Department of Pharmacology, BLDEA’s SSM College of Pharmacy and research Centre, Vijayapura-586103, Karnataka, India


Pioglitazone, an oral antidiabetic drug, has limited bioavailability due to extensive first-pass metabolism. Matrix-type transdermal patches offer a promising alternative for drug delivery. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of in-vitro studies, methodologies, and assessments of matrix-type transdermal patches containing pioglitazone. We discuss the formulation development, characterization, and evaluation of these patches, including in-vitro release, permeation, and skin irritation studies. The review also highlights the advantages and challenges of using pioglitazone in transdermal patches and identifies areas for future research. Our comprehensive analysis provides valuable insights for researchers and formulation scientists working on transdermal drug delivery systems, particularly for pioglitazone.


Pioglitazone HCl, Assessment, Matrix type Transdermal Delivery, In-vitro study


Transdermal therapy therapy methods have "self-contained" separate dose types that, while put onto undamaged flesh, let substances for entry the blood stream at a controlled rate under the flesh [1].          The topical method is easier to use than the injectable or gastric methods because it avoids the initial metabolism and increases patient adherence (pain free). A transdermal patc is a sticky substance being treated and applied atop of skin to penetrate skin and enter the blood stream throughout the body, delivering a specified dosage of medication at a predetermined rate of delivery [2]. The stratum corneum (SC), the outermost layer of the skin and the primary physical wall that must be crossed for the majority of arriving chemicals, presents a problem for transdermal medication administration. (Kenneth & Michael, 2002). Due to its ability to circumvent early body metabolism degradation it presents an appealing substitute for oral medication delivery. (Prausnitz & Langer, 2008) [3]. The optimal design of transdermal medication delivery methods involves considering the reactions that occur across the contents of the drug product and the molecules that make up the dermis barriers. (Barry, 2001) [4]. Medicines with shorter biologically a half-life can be continuously injected via transdermal route, which also reduces adverse reactions, enhances physiological and pharmacological response, prevents drug concentration fluctuations, and accounts for person variances both within and between patients [5] Transdermal patches have several benefits including raised its bioavailability stable drug-plasma stages, decreased dose the rate due to prolonged duration of action by constantly the distribution of drugs via quicker life span, less toxicities, avoidance of digestive security, enhanced efficacy of treatment, self-regulation feasible, medication termination/stoppage at any time, increased patient compliance due to not painful, easy handling, capacity to treat subconscious patients, and lower expenses effectiveness.[6-9]


Pioglitazone belongs to thiazolidinedione family and is administered to treat type two diabetes. Pioglitazone is classified as a medication in BCS class II. Its subtherapeutic plasma drug levels produce an extended beginning of effect caused by its lack of water solubility that can result in unsuccessful treatment [10]. In diabetes of type 2, it purposes as an agonist of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor subtype gamma [11,12]. Studies on pharmacology indicates pioglitazone lowers the amount of insulin levels thus enhancing glycemic management. [13]. Pioglitazone was a medication that is non-soluble in water a quick biological half-life of 3-5 hours. It is also quickly removed [14]. It is an excellent choice for transdermal delivery since maintaining the therapeutic plasma concentration requires regular drug administration—more than once per day—which may have an impact upon the adherence of patients. Apart from the aforementioned attributes, Q6 exhibits a log P of 3.17, a MW of 356.439 Da, and an 83% bioavailability with a low hepatic first-pass impact. Prasad et al. currently established transdermal proniosomes for the transfer of Pz condensed in a carbopol-based transgel system. The developed formulations were statistically optimized and evaluated for particle size, percentage enticement along with transdermal flux. These studies noticed how its established proniosomes transdermal growth was 3.16 times greater compared to pioglitazone formulation used for a regulation. The above established proniosomes formulation's utilization examination investigate showed a 2.26-times growth in pioglitazone bioavailability across tablet preparation. Additionally, improved antidiabetic action seemed noticed compared to the promoted tablets. The researchers discovered how invented cabapol based transgel had been noticed towards have a successful vehicle method to pioglitazone fulfillment through skin [15]. During a different work, homogenization under high pressure was used to create pioglitazone loaded nanotechnology lipid vehicles. Across comparison to the standard preparation, the generated nanostructured lipid carriers of pioglitazone according to the researchers, decreased the blood sugar level in an prolonged pattern over a longer period of duration. These transdermal flow ratio for the suggested lipids bearers was 47.36 mg/cm2 /h, with a mean particle size of 166.05 nm. The developed composition, according to the publishers, demonstrated a 2.17-fold increase in pioglitazone solubility when compared to the standard preparation. Pioglitazone had a 1.83-year shelf lifespan in established lipids carrying systems [16]. Researchers already established monolithic matrix transdermal systems of Pz (hydrochloric salt) by varying the proportions of PVP K-30 and Eudragit1 NE 30D polymer mixtures containing dimethyl sulfoxide. The researchers found that increasing the volume of dimethyl sulfoxide in the formulation raised the quantity of pioglitazone discharge, and this may be due to an improved removal of the stratum corneum lipids as well as proteins. Conversely, raising the quantity of Eudragit1 NE 30D in a formulation reduced the proportion of pioglitazone release, that's may be due to the hydrophobic property of the polymer [17].


Preparation of HPMC-PVP based TDS patch and drug loading:

PVA samples that had been measured (80 milligrams for PH and 100 milligrams for GZ) were then transferred inside a container, filled with refined water (8 ml for PH and 10 ml for GZ), and warmed using a hot surface. Using a glass rod, HPM (250 mg for PH, 300 mg for GZ) was added in the melted PVA and thoroughly mixed. Following that, medications (50 mg of PH and 80 mg of GZ) were added and arranged in individual films cabinets that served as a supporting layer. The patches that formed in this manner were allowed to cool and added one at a time to the appropriate film cabinets. Subsequently, the film containers containing TDS patches using HPMC-PVA were frozen three times at 20 0C for 16 hours each, and then thawed over eight hours at ambient temperature. To obtain the ideal bonded hydrogel patches that is clear, white and has favorable mechanical resistance, three consecutive rounds have been carried out, demonstrating heterogeneity structure [18].

Fabrication of the Pioglitazone hydrochloride loaded polymeric films

The glass petri dish was filled using a predetermined volume of polymer solution and plasticizer. This polymer mixture was evenly disseminated by setting the petri dishes on an even, smooth surface. The mixture was then put inside the oven for the purpose of facilitating the solvents regulated evaporate throughout the course of the 12-hour drier time at 40°C, an reversed funnel was placed overhead the petri dish. Using a razor blade sharp enough to cut across the borders, the film that had developed was extracted [19]. The process for making the drug-loaded polymeric films was same as described previously, with the exception that the polymer solution containing the plasticizer was supplemented with a weighted amount of 200 milligrams of pioglitazone hydrochloride this mixture was transferred to petri dish made of glass. To regulate the rate of drying, an inverted funnel was placed on top of it. The entire set was kept in ho air oven at 400C use a sharp razor blade to trim the ends, the films was removed from the petri dish after 12 hours. After that, the film was dry and neutralized with 2% NaOH [20].

Design of CMC based TDS patch and drug loading:

Different polymers (Na-CMC and PVA) and a permeation enhancer (Na-LS) were used to develop a TDS patch. First, 100 milligrams of pioglitazone, sodium lauryl sulfate, and various percentages of polymers were precisely weighted. Next, PVA underwent heating at 1000 degrees Celsius using the oven afterwards being stored inside a beaker with 8 milliliters of purified water. Using a glass rods, the medicament is appropriately mixed into the melting PVA. Additionally, distinct amounts of carboxy methyl cellulose were added to its corresponding topical medication distribution patch compositions and packaged in individual film packaging [21].

Preparation of   trans dermal patch using mucilage

The primary market in sangamaner town provided the fresh fruits of Ficus carica. After giving the fruits an intense water rinse to get rid of any filth or junk, they were split equal two parts. The seeds that were contained within a fruit e extracted. The fruit pupls were broken apart. Ground fruit was cooked over 30 minutes after being steeped in water for 5–6 hours. To ensure the full release of the mucilage into the water, let it remain for an hour. To separate the pulp and eliminate the marc from the mixture, a strip of mus pouch was used. Acetone was added to the extract. (in the amounts of three times the volume of filtrate). The mucus that formed was divided, heated at 40°C in a furnace, gathered, crushed, and then run over sieve number 80. Until it is needed, dry mucilage is kept in a desiccator at 30 0C and 45% moisture content [22]. fiber carica pulp mucilage in a variety of proportions was placed in a vessel, and then a constant stir took place over 30 minutes about 500 revolutions per minute while propylene glycol (plasticizer), Span-8 (permeation enhancer), propyl paraben, and methyl paraben (preservatives) were added. The combination mentioned above was filled into 6.1-cm-diameter glass rings, which were then set on the Petri dish's mercury layer. The petri dish was protected with a funnel that was inverted to regulate the degree of evaporation. The patches are dried and kept in a desiccator after a 24-hour period [23].


Physical Appearance

Every transdermal film was examined physically to ensure it was smooth, flexible, stickier, and transparent [24].



A digital micrometer screw gauge was used to determine the patch thickness three times, and a median value was computed [25].

Weighted homogeneity

By weighing each of the ten randomly picked patches independently and calculating the median weight, weight homogeneity is examined. A person's weight cannot be significantly different from the average weight [26,27].

Folding endurance

The capacity to continuously fold a strip of specific region at a particular location till it breaks is known as folding endurance. The number of concurrent folds a film could withstand before breaking was used to rate its folding endurance [28].

Drug Content

One specific patchwork region must be dissolved into an established amount using the right liquid. The amount of medicament needs to be determined once the solution has been filtered through a filter material adopting suitable equipment (UV or HPLC). Every number signifies a mean from three experiments [29–31]

Tensile Strength

The tensiometer (Erection and instrumentation, Ahmedabad) served in order to gauge the patch's tensile weakness. There are two load cell grips in its. The top side were adjustable while the lower one was fixed Two-to two-centimeter films were positioned in between these cell grips, and force was utilized incrementally until they snapped. The dial reading in kg served to arrive at the elasticity of the material accurately [32].

Percentage Moisture Absorption

At a humidity level of eighty-four percent RH, the balance films should be placed in dryers filled with saturated potassium chloride solution and incubated during the ambient temperature over a whole day. The films must be reweighed over twenty-four hours to enable to calculate the absorption of humidity % using the procedures listed under [33-34]

[Final Weight-Initial weight/Initial weight] / 100

is the formula for percentage moisture absorption.

Moisture Loss

Weighing per made sheet is required while storing material in a calcium chloride dehydrator at forty degrees Celsius. The calculation that follows requires being utilized to reconsideration the films within twenty-four hours for the reason to determine the percentage of moisture reduction[35]

% Moisture loss is calculated as [Initial wt. - Final wt./ Final wt.] x 100.

Drug content uniformity

Thematic integrity of the patches was checked. Utilizing an electromagnetic stirrer, the 2 cm2 patch had been cut afterwards soaked in 100 ml of phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) over the course of 24 hours. Phosphate buffer stayed used to create additional solutions. Next, the absorbance at 223 nm was determined. The drug content in the film was computed using a watering down rate and intensity. To confirm the outcome, an investigation happened over three occasions [36].


  1. The release of PZ from optimized PNLG formulation and control gel was evaluated using a USP dissolution tester. The formulations were placed in a dialysis membrane and submerged in 500ml of pH 5.6 release medium, mimicking skin pH, at 32°C ± 0.5°C. The stirring speed was set at 100 rpm, following FIP/AAPS guidelines. Samples were withdrawn at regular intervals over 24 hours, replaced with fresh medium to maintain sink conditions, and subjected to kinetic analysis using zero, first, and Higuchi diffusion models [39].
  2. In-vitro skin permeation experiments were conducted using a modified Keshary-Chein cell. A transdermal film (0.5024 cm?2;) was sealed to a test tube, overlaid with rat skin, and affixed with adhesive. The assembly was placed in a beaker with 100ml of buffer solution, stirred at 75 rpm, and maintained at 32°C ± 0.5°C. Samples were periodically withdrawn, filtered (0.45µ nylon), and analyzed spectrophotometrically at 269 nm. Fresh buffer solution was simultaneously added to replace each withdrawn sample [40].
  3. Preformulating studies were conducted, which included observing the color and odor of the drug. The solubility of the drug was tested in methanol, pH 7.4 phosphate buffer, acetone, and water. The melting point was determined using the capillary method. The ?max was observed spectrophotometrically in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4), and a calibration curve was prepared using aliquots of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 µg/ml concentrations. The absorbance of each concentration was recorded at 270 nm [41].
  4. The in-vitro skin permeation of pioglitazone from transdermal patches was studied using a Franz-type diffusion cell. Goat dorsal skin was prepared by removing epidermal hairs, cleaning, and removing hypodermic skin and vessels. The skin mounted on the receptor phase for 12 hours to remove water soluble UV absorbing materials. The diffusion cell consisted of a donor compartment (containing the patch) and a receptor compartment (containing 15ml of pH 7.4 PBS, stirred and maintained at 37±2°C). Permeability studies were conducted across goat skin for 48 hours, with 1ml samples withdrawn and replaced with fresh receptor solution at predetermined intervals. Absorbance was measured at 225nm. Experiments were performed in triplicate, with simultaneous blank runs, and average values reported [42,43]
  5. Dissolution studies of Pioglitazone HCL (PH) and Gliclazide (GZ) in transdermal patches (TDS-patch) containing HPMC and PVA were conducted using an Electrolab table dissolution tester (USP XXI TDT-06) and USP XXI dissolution apparatus type II. The patches were suspended in 900ml of pH 5.4 phosphate buffer, stirred at 50rpm, and maintained at 32±2°C. At regular intermissions, 5ml samples were withdrawn, substituted with fresh pre-warmed medium, and analyzed at 269nm (PH ?max) and 274nm (GZ ?max) using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer, with phosphate buffer pH 5.4 as the blank. The concentration of PH and GZ released at different time intermissions was determined [44].


This comprehensive review offers a thorough examination of matrix-type transdermal patches containing Pioglitazone, providing a nuanced understanding of their characteristics, performance, and potential applications. The findings underscore the crucial role of in-vitro methods in elucidating patch behavior and efficacy, emphasizing the need for refined assessment techniques to ensure optimal Pioglitazone delivery via the skin. By distilling key insights from this review, researchers can develop enhanced transdermal drug delivery systems, amplifying Pioglitazone's therapeutic potential for type 2 diabetes management. Moreover, this review serves as a definitive resource for both researchers and practitioners, laying a comprehensive groundwork for future explorations into transdermal drug delivery systems featuring Pioglitazone.


I extend my deepest gratitude to the principal and professors of BLDEA's SSM College of Pharmacy and Research Center, Vijayapura-586103, for their unwavering encouragement and moral support throughout my review work.


The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this article.


  1. Satturwar PM, Fulzele SV, Dorle AK. Evaluation of polymerized rosin for the formulation and development of transdermal drug delivery system: A Technical Note. AAPS Pharm Sci Tech 2005; 6(4): E649-54.
  2. Arora P, Mukherjee B. Design, development, physicochemical, and in vitro evaluation of transdermal patches containing diclofenac diethyl ammonium salt. J Pharm Sci 2002; 91(9), 80-84.
  3. Prausnitz MR, Langer R. (2008) Transdermal drug delivery. Nat Biotech 26:1261–8.
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  5. Siewert M, Dressman J, Brown CK, Shah VP. FIP/AAPS guidelines to dissolution/in vitro release testing of novel / special dosage forms, AAPS Pharm Sci Tech 2003; 4, 7.
  6. Dhawan S, Aggarwal G. Development, fabrication and evaluation of transdermal drug delivery system- a review. Pharm 2009: 1-25.
  7. Patel D, Chaudhary SA, Parmar B, Bhura N. Transdermal drug delivery system: a review. The Pharm Innovation, 2012; 1(4): 66-75.
  8. Dhiman S, Thakur GS, Rehni AK. Transdermal patches: a recent approach to new drug delivery system. Int. J Pharmacy Pharm Sci., 2011; 3(5): 26-34.
  9. Sandhu P, Bilandi A, Kataria S, Middha A. Transdermal drug delivery system (patches), applications in present scenario. Int. J Res. Pharm Chem., 2011; 1(4): 1139-1151.
  10. Elbary, A.A. et al. (2008) Formulation and hypoglycemic activity of pioglitazone cyclodextrin inclusion complexes. Drug Discov. Ther. 2, 94–107
  11. Waugh, J. et al. (2006) Pioglitazone: a review of its use in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Drugs 66, 85–109
  12. Reginato, M.J. and Lazar, M.A. (1999) Mechanisms by which thiazolidinediones enhance insulin action. Trends Endocrinol. Metab. 10, 9–13
  13. Aronoff, S. et al. (2000) Pioglitazone hydrochloride monotherapy improves glycemic control in the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes: a 6-month randomized placebo-controlled dose-response study. The Pioglitazone 001 Study Group. Diabetes Care 23, 1605–1611
  14. Pokharkar, V. et al. (2013) Pioglitazone solid dispersion system prepared by spray drying method: in vitro and in vivo evaluation. PDA J. Pharm. Sci. Technol. 67, 23–34
  15. Prasad, P.S. et al. (2014) QbD-based carbopol transgel formulation: characterization, pharmacokinetic assessment and therapeutic efficacy in diabetes. Drug Deliv. 17, 1–10
  16. Alam, S. et al. (2014) Nanostructured lipid carriers of pioglitazone for transdermal application: from experimental design to bioactivity detail. Drug Deliv. 17, 1–9
  17. Patel, M.P. and Gupta, M.M. (2013) Formulation development and evaluation of transdermal patch of anti-diabetic drug pioglitazone. Pharma Innov. 2, 80–88.
  18. Szilagyi A and Zrinyi M: Temperature induced phase transition of interpenetrating polymer networks composed of poly-(vinyl alcohol) and copolymers of Nisopropylacrylamide with acrylamide or 2-acrylamido-2- methylpropyl-sulfonic acid. Polymer 2005; 46:10011- 10016.
  19. Rao YM, Gannu R, Vishnu YV and Kishan V. Development of nitrendipine transdermal patches for in vitro and ex vitro characterization. Curr Drug Deliv 2007; 4: 69-76.
  20. Devi KV, Saisivam S, Maria GR, Deepti PU. Design and evaluation of matrix diffusion controlled transdermal patches of verapamil hydrochloride. Drug Dev Ind Pharm 2003; 29(5): 495-503.
  21. Shaheen SM. Non-Fickian Transport of Pioglitazone from a CMC/PVA/SDS Blend Patch Gel. Int J Pharm Sci & Scient Res.;1(1):1-08.
  22. Gupta R, Mukherjee B: Development and in vitro evaluation of Glipizide transdermal Patches based on povidone-ethyl cellulose matrices. Drug Dev Ind Pharm 2003; 29:1-7.
  23. Ubaidulla U, Reddy V, Ruckmani S: Transdermal therapeutic system of carvedilol: effect of hydrophilic and hydrophobic matrix on in vitro and in vivo characteristics. AAPS Pharm Sci Tech 2007; 8: E1-E8.
  24. Chhoda KR, Jadkar SS. formulation and evaluation of transdermal patches of buclizine dihydrochloride.
  25. Tortara GS, Grabowski SK. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, nineth edition, 2000; 140-194.
  26. Gupta IK, Chokshi MM. Transdermal drug delivery system: an overview. Asian J Pharm Sci. Clinical Res., 2011; 1(1): 25-43.
  27. Bathe R, Kapoor R. Transdermal drug delivery system: formulation, development and evaluation-An overview. Int. J Biomedical and Advance Res., 2015; 6(01): 1-10.
  28. Yuveraj Singh Tanwar, Chetan Singh Chauhan, Anshu Sharma, Development and Evaluation of Carvidilol Transdermal Patches, Acta Pharm, 2007; 57: 151–159.
  29. Prabhu Prabhakara, Marina Koland, Preparation and Evaluation of Transdermal Patches of Papaverine Hydrochloride, International Journal of Research Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2010; 1(3): 259-266.
  30. Kulkarni V.H, Keshavayya J, Transdermal Delivery of Terbutaline sulphate through modified Chitosan membrane, Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2004; 38(4): 189-190.
  31. Mutalik, N, Udupa, Glibenclamide Transdermal Patches, Physicochemical, Pharmacodynamic and Pharmacokinetic Evaluations, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2004; 93(6): 1557-1594.
  32. Shivaraj, R. Panner Selvam, T. Tamiz Mani, and T. Sivakumar, “Design and evaluation of transdermal drug delivery of ketotifen fumarate,” International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 42–47, 2010.
  33. Koteshwar K.B, Udupa N and Vasantha Kumar, Design and Evaluation of Captopril Transdermal Preparations, Indian Drugs, 15(29): 680-685.
  34. Priyanka Arora, Biswajit Mukherjee, Design Development Physicochemical and in-vitro Evaluation of Transdermal Patches Containing Diclofenac Diethylammonium Salt, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2002; 91(9): 2076-2089.
  35. Sankar V, Velrajan G, Palaniappan R and Rajasekar S, Design and Evaluation of Nifedipine Transdermal Patches, Indian journal of Pharmaceutical, Sciences, 2003; 65(5): 510-515.
  36. Kehar S, Satbir S, Arpana R. Formulation and evaluation of matrix type transdermal patch of bisoprolol fumarate by mercury substrate method. European Journal of Biomedical. 2018;5(1):346-50.
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  1. Satturwar PM, Fulzele SV, Dorle AK. Evaluation of polymerized rosin for the formulation and development of transdermal drug delivery system: A Technical Note. AAPS Pharm Sci Tech 2005; 6(4): E649-54.
  2. Arora P, Mukherjee B. Design, development, physicochemical, and in vitro evaluation of transdermal patches containing diclofenac diethyl ammonium salt. J Pharm Sci 2002; 91(9), 80-84.
  3. Prausnitz MR, Langer R. (2008) Transdermal drug delivery. Nat Biotech 26:1261–8.
  4. Barry BW. (2001). Novel mechanisms and devices to enable successful transdermal drug delivery. Eur J Pharm Sci 14:101–14.
  5. Siewert M, Dressman J, Brown CK, Shah VP. FIP/AAPS guidelines to dissolution/in vitro release testing of novel / special dosage forms, AAPS Pharm Sci Tech 2003; 4, 7.
  6. Dhawan S, Aggarwal G. Development, fabrication and evaluation of transdermal drug delivery system- a review. Pharm 2009: 1-25.
  7. Patel D, Chaudhary SA, Parmar B, Bhura N. Transdermal drug delivery system: a review. The Pharm Innovation, 2012; 1(4): 66-75.
  8. Dhiman S, Thakur GS, Rehni AK. Transdermal patches: a recent approach to new drug delivery system. Int. J Pharmacy Pharm Sci., 2011; 3(5): 26-34.
  9. Sandhu P, Bilandi A, Kataria S, Middha A. Transdermal drug delivery system (patches), applications in present scenario. Int. J Res. Pharm Chem., 2011; 1(4): 1139-1151.
  10. Elbary, A.A. et al. (2008) Formulation and hypoglycemic activity of pioglitazone cyclodextrin inclusion complexes. Drug Discov. Ther. 2, 94–107
  11. Waugh, J. et al. (2006) Pioglitazone: a review of its use in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Drugs 66, 85–109
  12. Reginato, M.J. and Lazar, M.A. (1999) Mechanisms by which thiazolidinediones enhance insulin action. Trends Endocrinol. Metab. 10, 9–13
  13. Aronoff, S. et al. (2000) Pioglitazone hydrochloride monotherapy improves glycemic control in the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes: a 6-month randomized placebo-controlled dose-response study. The Pioglitazone 001 Study Group. Diabetes Care 23, 1605–1611
  14. Pokharkar, V. et al. (2013) Pioglitazone solid dispersion system prepared by spray drying method: in vitro and in vivo evaluation. PDA J. Pharm. Sci. Technol. 67, 23–34
  15. Prasad, P.S. et al. (2014) QbD-based carbopol transgel formulation: characterization, pharmacokinetic assessment and therapeutic efficacy in diabetes. Drug Deliv. 17, 1–10
  16. Alam, S. et al. (2014) Nanostructured lipid carriers of pioglitazone for transdermal application: from experimental design to bioactivity detail. Drug Deliv. 17, 1–9
  17. Patel, M.P. and Gupta, M.M. (2013) Formulation development and evaluation of transdermal patch of anti-diabetic drug pioglitazone. Pharma Innov. 2, 80–88.
  18. Szilagyi A and Zrinyi M: Temperature induced phase transition of interpenetrating polymer networks composed of poly-(vinyl alcohol) and copolymers of Nisopropylacrylamide with acrylamide or 2-acrylamido-2- methylpropyl-sulfonic acid. Polymer 2005; 46:10011- 10016.
  19. Rao YM, Gannu R, Vishnu YV and Kishan V. Development of nitrendipine transdermal patches for in vitro and ex vitro characterization. Curr Drug Deliv 2007; 4: 69-76.
  20. Devi KV, Saisivam S, Maria GR, Deepti PU. Design and evaluation of matrix diffusion controlled transdermal patches of verapamil hydrochloride. Drug Dev Ind Pharm 2003; 29(5): 495-503.
  21. Shaheen SM. Non-Fickian Transport of Pioglitazone from a CMC/PVA/SDS Blend Patch Gel. Int J Pharm Sci & Scient Res.;1(1):1-08.
  22. Gupta R, Mukherjee B: Development and in vitro evaluation of Glipizide transdermal Patches based on povidone-ethyl cellulose matrices. Drug Dev Ind Pharm 2003; 29:1-7.
  23. Ubaidulla U, Reddy V, Ruckmani S: Transdermal therapeutic system of carvedilol: effect of hydrophilic and hydrophobic matrix on in vitro and in vivo characteristics. AAPS Pharm Sci Tech 2007; 8: E1-E8.
  24. Chhoda KR, Jadkar SS. formulation and evaluation of transdermal patches of buclizine dihydrochloride.
  25. Tortara GS, Grabowski SK. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, nineth edition, 2000; 140-194.
  26. Gupta IK, Chokshi MM. Transdermal drug delivery system: an overview. Asian J Pharm Sci. Clinical Res., 2011; 1(1): 25-43.
  27. Bathe R, Kapoor R. Transdermal drug delivery system: formulation, development and evaluation-An overview. Int. J Biomedical and Advance Res., 2015; 6(01): 1-10.
  28. Yuveraj Singh Tanwar, Chetan Singh Chauhan, Anshu Sharma, Development and Evaluation of Carvidilol Transdermal Patches, Acta Pharm, 2007; 57: 151–159.
  29. Prabhu Prabhakara, Marina Koland, Preparation and Evaluation of Transdermal Patches of Papaverine Hydrochloride, International Journal of Research Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2010; 1(3): 259-266.
  30. Kulkarni V.H, Keshavayya J, Transdermal Delivery of Terbutaline sulphate through modified Chitosan membrane, Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2004; 38(4): 189-190.
  31. Mutalik, N, Udupa, Glibenclamide Transdermal Patches, Physicochemical, Pharmacodynamic and Pharmacokinetic Evaluations, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2004; 93(6): 1557-1594.
  32. Shivaraj, R. Panner Selvam, T. Tamiz Mani, and T. Sivakumar, “Design and evaluation of transdermal drug delivery of ketotifen fumarate,” International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 42–47, 2010.
  33. Koteshwar K.B, Udupa N and Vasantha Kumar, Design and Evaluation of Captopril Transdermal Preparations, Indian Drugs, 15(29): 680-685.
  34. Priyanka Arora, Biswajit Mukherjee, Design Development Physicochemical and in-vitro Evaluation of Transdermal Patches Containing Diclofenac Diethylammonium Salt, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2002; 91(9): 2076-2089.
  35. Sankar V, Velrajan G, Palaniappan R and Rajasekar S, Design and Evaluation of Nifedipine Transdermal Patches, Indian journal of Pharmaceutical, Sciences, 2003; 65(5): 510-515.
  36. Kehar S, Satbir S, Arpana R. Formulation and evaluation of matrix type transdermal patch of bisoprolol fumarate by mercury substrate method. European Journal of Biomedical. 2018;5(1):346-50.
  37. Higuchi T. (1963). Mechanism of sustained-action medication. Theoretical analysis of rate of release of solid drugs dispersed in solid matrices. J Pharm Sci 52:1145–9.
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Ningaraj Arer
Corresponding author

Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, BLDEA’s SSM College of Pharmacy and research Centre, Vijayapura-586103, Karnataka, India

Hanamant B Sannakki

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, BLDEA’s SSM College of Pharmacy and research Centre, Vijayapura-586103, Karnataka, India

Vishwanath Halappanavar

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, BLDEA’s SSM College of Pharmacy and research Centre, Vijayapura-586103, Karnataka, India

Shridhar Gaikwad

Department of Pharmaceutics, BLDEA’s SSM College of Pharmacy and research Centre, Vijayapura-586103, Karnataka, India

Adarsh Utale

Department of Pharmacology, BLDEA’s SSM College of Pharmacy and research Centre, Vijayapura-586103, Karnataka, India

Ningaraj Arer , Hanamant B Sannakki , Vishwanath Halappanavar , Shridhar Gaikwad , Adarsh Utale , Pioglitazone Matrix Patches: In Vitro Methodologies And Efficacy Assessment - A Review, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 10, 1067-1074.

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